4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3287: capture

"You can't do this, it's perfect, it teaches us the perfection of the spiral!"

"Yes, you have to put it, otherwise..."

"But it is not spiral."


This group of creatures... seems to be ‘spiral lovers’.

The ‘comment spiral’ that the defenders advertised here does not only affect the twisting creature.

It also affects some creatures in the nearby void, which are similar to twisted coils. After being affected, they transform the building into a spiral like a screw shell.

At the same time, they also try to twist their body into a spiral.

So when these spiral-like creatures learned that the defenders had been attacked, they all came from nearby.

But what's more interesting is that they don't plan to fight, but they plan to communicate with Lin.

They think that Lynn can certainly understand the greatness of the spiral...and join them.

However, they seem to find a problem.

That is, the defender of the propaganda spiral is not a spiral itself, but an egg shape.

When Lin told them about this 'truth', this group of creatures was very surprised.

Because they have never thought about it before.

This point is very interesting because they do know that the defender is egg-shaped... but never thought about what is wrong with this shape, and has never doubted it.

It feels like the mind is under control.

They didn't notice until Lynn mentioned it.

"Why... why is this?"

Now, the spiral aircraft around the pompon group are constantly sending out doubtful information.

Lynn’s statement made them deeply doubtful about the defenders... and Lin let a few pompoms leave with the defenders.

These creatures who like spirals have no longer tried to find defenders, but have left their original positions.

It seems that they intend to return the same way... In this case, Lin does not care about them, although she will continue to observe these very interesting creatures.

After transmitting to a farther distance from the original location, Lin thoroughly investigated the internal structure of the defender.

This defender's body... Jean Lin feels quite like a cell creature, with lots of soft structures and lots of liquid.

It's just that these structures are in a very hot state, and it can also create some high-temperature substances to attack.

This is what reminds Lin of those high temperature creatures.

Although it should have nothing to do with high temperature organisms.

At the same time, Lin also found that the inside of the defender seems to be the structure of the brain... This brain is still running.

Almost all of its structure has stopped moving at low temperatures, but such a part will move.

In fact, Lynn is not sure if it is a brain, but this part... will communicate with Lin.

When Lin's arms explored inside, it sent out some information to Lin.

What it said this time is not what praises.

It is to tell Lin that it is impossible to complete, and that Ershi’s weapon cannot be completed.

"When you find me, there are already many parts that are lost in the void forever."

"They can't be synthesized anymore, and they can't be discovered anymore, no matter how great the miracle can't get them back."

"Everything... will fail."

"Why? No reason..."

Lynn tested the structure of the words it said, which is the largest organ in it.

And its way of working mainly depends on the energy of dreams.

In essence, it is composed of a large number of small substances that can store the energy of dreams.

These tiny substances continue to 'stir' the dream energy quickly, and the dream energy is like a whirlpool in the brain of the defender.

Therefore, Lin feels that its thinking... should be in the energy of dreams.

After some research, Lin tried to extract the dream energy in the organ.

After the energy was extracted, the organ also stopped working.

But when Lin re-enters the energy, it will start to work again.

Lynn thinks this is like a lot of creatures that have been seen in the past with the dream creatures.

Perhaps the defenders are made according to those creatures.

Next, Lin discussed it with Maya... mainly by making a small part of the defender's dream energy to make it feel.

"Yes, this is it! It likes to roll!"

Maya also made it clear that this is the creature that she saw in her dreams that she saw ‘no’.

It seems that this is the defender.

But why did it let Maya dream about it? Is it intentional?

Lin can't "dream" about it.

Lin can learn about the situation in the dream energy by touching the energy of dreams with the neural structure.

But the energy of the defender is that he can't dream of using the neural structure to contact it.

So, Lin took the defender to somewhere... it was a safe place to keep it.

This place is a base for Lin.

At the same time, Lin also slowly found other materials.

Although most materials look cumbersome, it is not that difficult.

Like the body of a void bus... you can use transmission awareness to search for a wide range of searches.

As for the stars, it is more common, and Lynn decided to find a smaller star.

Whether it's ‘changing’ or not, because Lynn can make it change.

Then there is space and the like.

It was not very difficult to find these things, and there was no obstruction on the way.

Of course, not all materials are found by Lin, and some are found in the travel space during the travel process.

Generally, Lin looks for relatively large materials, such as stellar space or something.

The travel space collects a lot of small materials along the way.

The entire collection process used... almost half a year of pompoms, and Lin has already collected these materials.

The final question is... pile up these materials.

It is generally transported to the travel space, but the travel space is far from the location where Lynn collects these materials.

Although it is easy to say that something is sent to the past, it is very troublesome to send the space.

So I still sent the weapons and materials back from Ershi.

Ersh himself is not going to come back, but it will... guide Lin to make these.

Just do it, it is not sure if it will succeed.

Because there is one thing in making weapons, it is that you need to be nearby.

But it is also possible to replace other buses, such as Lynn's bus.

It’s just... it’s not sure if it can be done.

Since Ershi said that he could not go back, so... just try it, and Lynn decided to make it in a special position...to make it.

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