4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3288: Design method

The material... is almost complete.

Here is somewhere in the void.

This place looks very ‘clean’... there is only a boundless void around it.

But in fact all the materials are in a space located here.

This space is quite large and has a diameter of about 300,000 kilometers.

Lynn’s star bus... is located in this space.

There is a very small star in the space, with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

In addition to this star, there are many different kinds of materials, including the defenders that Lin had caught before.

Lin is currently testing... these materials.

Most materials float like debris around the stars.

They are substances from all over the void, mostly metal, and the structure of bus creatures.

In addition to these ‘entities' materials, some materials are data on various void phenomena.

The method of collecting these data is very simple, that is, using the bus neural structure to observe the void phenomenon, and then record the ‘feeling’ there.

There is... the complete void bus body.

This kind of thing is rare, because the virtual bus rarely dies, and death will not die completely.

But Lynn can find a body that is not very complete, and then... it can be done by doing it.

The materials of Ershi are also shipped back. Although the travel space has been flying for a long time, the return is much faster.

Because on the way to the travel space, Lin has placed some 'transfer points', and Lin also found out that there are ancient spaces... can be used to move.

With these things, Lin can quickly transport the materials back.

The last three materials are still missing.

It is the creator's body, another empty thing, and... weapon design.

This weapon of Ershi needs to have a design drawing after collecting the materials.

The data of the design map is to be input into the transport organ of a bus, and the bus is used for transmission synthesis.

The entire weapon needs to be assembled together by transfer.

Of course except for this star and space.

But space itself is the ‘container’ of weapons, and it can be said to be a shell.

At the moment, Ersh did not recall the manufacturing method of the entire weapon, so he did not know where the design was.

As for the creator's body... Lin actually has it, just on the way.

Lynn had thought about which creator had to be a corpse for a long time, because Lynn knew many creators.

And another thing in the void can be said to be something unforeseen.

Because the goal is to be pushed into the two vacant ‘no’, the material on both sides is needed.

Although it is okay to solidify the void, the solidified void is now considered to be close to the normal void, so there is no such thing as ‘no’.

Unforeseen distance is far enough, so you can use... But Lynn discovers that all kinds of dream creatures and dream energy are...useless, Ershi thinks it should be placed in the normal void for too long.

But creatures like the phoenix are ok, so Lynn decided to catch one.

The most important thing at the moment is the design.

Although Ersh has not remembered how to design, it thinks that there should be one place.

That is... a world covered by desert.

Now, some units have come to this position according to the instructions.

This location is also very close to some of Lin's bases. When Lin came here, I found this to be a world full of monsters.

This tumbling man has more than 6,000 kilometers of surface, the main rocky wasteland on the surface, while the whole world is constantly blowing a fierce storm.

On the surface, you can often see some creatures called ‘mountain monsters’.

They are typically hundreds of meters tall and look like a mountain, but the bottom of this 'mountain' has many small, cylindrical legs.

These legs are only a few meters in size, but through a large number of such legs... let the huge mountain-like creatures move slowly on the surface.

At the same time, it can also absorb the surrounding storm debris as a food for survival.

These ‘mountain monsters’ are so continually wandering in this world, they will not die, and they will not have any intersection with the same kind. Although they are quite numerous, they have lived alone for a long time.

The focus of Lin’s coming here is mainly these creatures.

Because Ershi told Lin, it remembered the methods of ‘information storage’ that had previously learned some of the sea of ​​creation.

That is to store the data in some bio-nuclear information, but the target of Ershi storage is not cell biology.

It is used in another group of creatures.

This is the ‘mountain monster’ of this group.

Mountain monsters are not cell organisms, but they can be regarded as 'quasi-cell creatures'. They have a set of structures similar to the nucleus designed by Ershi.

The maintenance of their lives is mainly maintained through this 'nucleus'.

This kind of biology is quite successful. Using the special environment here, Ershi has created many such mountain monsters.

Their life cycle is completely "fused" with the surrounding environment...that is, the storm here, which lasts for a long time... In fact, as long as the world is not unexpected, it may continue.

Ershi believes that it also stores the design data of the weapons in the body of these mountains.

Although it is not completely certain, it is unlikely to be stored in certain cellular organisms, and it does not remember to give this design data to other buses.

Instead, they are stored in the body of certain creatures.

The nuclear information of the cell organism itself is not stable, and it is easy to make various changes... Although the creators like to use this storage, Ershi will not do this.

Ersh remembered that some of these creatures that mimicked cell biology, but could exist for a long time.

If you store the design data, you should use these biological storage.

... This seems to be the 'nucleus' of the mountain monster.

Now there is a group of one-meter-sized pompoms that are flying in multiple mountain monsters.

Their internal structure is very fun, and there are many structures like gears that are constantly running.

There are many gaps between these 'gears', and Lin's pompoms fly between these gaps.

A group of pompons has reached the core of the mountain monster.

Unlike normal cell biology, a mountain monster has only one nucleus.

This nucleus itself looks like a rock, a sphere more than ten meters in diameter.

At the same time, there are many things like... Chains are wrapped around this sphere.

It seems that it is not very similar to the cell nucleus of the cell biology, but Lin does not care so much, Lin makes the pompom close to the core, and released a lot of micro-arms into the inside of this sphere.

After drilling into the interior of the sphere, Lynn begins... 'reading' the inside of the ball.

A large number of structures in the ball must be perceived by the bus nerves in order to obtain a 'design map'.

After passing all the structures seen inside to the bus nerve...

Lin found out that there is a ... design map.

Lin originally thought that it was not necessarily the creature of the mountain monster, because Ershi also said that it did not only manufacture this kind of creature.

But it seems that it has been found for the first time.

As Lin perceives the nuclear information of the mountain monster, Lin will also find that there is a lot of ... data in the thinking of the star bus.

This is the way to assemble.

It is very detailed how to assemble all the materials together, how to make them work, and so on.

Lin also found that the cores in each mountain monster only provide a part of the data. It can be said that they can only assemble one part each... but there are many mountain monsters on this tumbling.

Lynn has released a lot of arms and tested the body of each mountain monster.

Lin's weapon is really interesting... When Lin gets more and more data, she can find that the whole weapon is a structure that extends into the whole space.

This also reminds Lin of the ocean full of 'thin lines'.

The data provided to Lin provides a large number of linear structures in the entire space.

These lines extend from the position of the star to the edge of the void, radiating the entire interior of the space.

Each 'line' is only one meter thick, but it has a length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

In addition to these lines, there are some strange structures, they need to use things like the void bus body.

What these corpses are, is used to piece together some wonderful shapes, placed in different positions in the space, and connected with the surrounding lines.

As for the star, there is nothing connected to it, and the line does not touch it.

At the same time, it does not need to be in a 'changing' state at all times, but it must be changed when the weapon starts.

There are many ways to make it change, for example, if you blow it up.

After investigating most of the mountain monsters, Lin also learned about the entire weapon structure.

But... there are some mountain monsters with strange data.

Lin found ten mountain monsters, and the data in them was completely out of place.

Their data is mainly to use bus creatures as materials to create something. The problem is that these things are completely unconnected with the surroundings.

Other structures are all connected together, whether external or internal.

It can be said that this 'weapon' is a whole, at least in other data.

And these are completely unrelated to other structures, they are all separate structures, and there is also a set of ... self-operating 'visceral'.

There is no mention of the relationship between them in the data, just to say that it is to be constructed in this way.

In this case, Lin first made these few structures that were out of place to test it.

Because Lynn thinks... they may not be normal.

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