4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3295: Decomposition and combination

"What is this?"

"Get it fast! Kill it!"

"We need to know what this is!"

"Kill it... kill it!"

Here is the 99th floor of the ... order domain.

There were few metal people in this special layer before, and they are now mainly fighting at the lower level with the 'indigenous people' who invaded.

This was the case not long ago... and now, there are some special situations happening here.

The 99th floor is now home to a large group of metal people. The reason they are crowded here is mainly because of some changes in the 99th floor.

And this change seems to be related to Lin’s launch of ‘weapons’.

At the moment when Lynn conducted the second test of the weapon, the ‘shadows’ that were originally everywhere in the 99th floor disappeared.

And the ‘invasive brain’ commanded here is also in a state of madness.

After entering this state, it has been giving the metal people a lot of strange instructions, such as letting them dance, hitting the wall with their heads or something.

The metal people came to the 99th floor because they were very strange about the order.

Of course, Lynn saw it here at the beginning.

Lin found the invading brain responsible for the command, in fact it was... self-reorganizing.

This is similar to the process of worms, which slowly breaks down its internal structure, which begins after Lynn's second test.

In the process of decomposition, it also gives the metal people a variety of strange orders.

Now the command has stopped because it has almost broken down its internal structure... and combined the new structure.

These new structures slowly occupy the entire invading brain.

In fact, it is not an invasion of the brain, but another creature.

When these changes occurred, the entire 99-story had changed a lot... The previous ‘the gods’ images disappeared.

There are now many metal people who have come to the 'surface' of this completely invading brain.

They are discussing whether or not to destroy the invading brain because it is completely...not it.

The metal people have shown that they do not know how to invade the brain.

And the invading brain is thinking about something now, and Lin can't detect it... because it almost completely transforms the internal structure.

But Lynn found a very special place.

That is, it will react according to Lynn's ‘weapon test’.

Lynn conducted many tests during this period, each time testing... Lin found that this new invading brain reacted.

There are many large organs in the body, some of which are like 'reactors'.

When Lynn tested the weapons, these organs also began to heat up rapidly, but only for a short while.

Because Lynn tried many times, I can confirm that this is a synchronous reaction with the weapon.

But why is there a synchronous response?

The domain of order is quite far from the location of the weapon, and Lynn has not detected any association before.

And it has another connection.

That is... Maya.

Maya once again made a lot of dreams about distortion.

Every time I dream, it is a scene that dreams of almost the same... that is, the mud.

Then inside it was slain by the cockroach-like creature.

When the new invading brain was combined, Maya dreamed of different scenes.

It will dream of one of the piled brain worms becoming an invading brain.

The shape of the invading brain is similar to that of Ershi's land, but in the Mayan dream, the invading brain is the size of the brainworm.

So it looks like a very mini land model.

Of course, the shape is not the focus, the point is that this Mayan dream of invading the brain is alive.

Although it has not communicated with Maya, they often flee together.

So... this time, Lynn also tried to connect into the dream of Maya.


"This is another place that is suitable for rolling."

On a vast expanse of mud, Maya is kneeling on the ground to prepare for rolling.

And next to it, it is Lin's pompom.

Although Lin knew the content of the Mayan dream before, it was the first time that she entered the dream sea directly.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Lin moved forward with Maya.

Soon, Lin saw the bodies of those brain worms.

They are many in number, but they are not piled up but are everywhere in the mud.

In this large number of corpses, Lynn also saw the creature like a beggar.

"……the last one."

He rushed over at the moment he saw Maya.

Before Maya and Lin said that every time its dream time is related to this jealousy, that is, if it is slain, the dream is over.

Sometimes there will be a state in which you can't move and you will be killed.

Sometimes you can escape for a long time.

He completely ignored Lin, and it only chased the Maya who fled and fled.

And Lin let the pompom fly directly to the cockroach, and ... touched it.

At the moment Lin touched it, the whole cockroach began to flash like an image.

After a few seconds of flashing, Lin found that the shape of this cockroach turned into... a bunch of gleaming objects

It is mainly made up of a large amount of gold particles, plus some red or blue crystal-like substances.

Its size is still about the same size as 蜈蚣, and it continues to chase Maya.

At this time, Lin also found that more and more brain worms appeared on the road of Maya rolling, and in these corpses, a very special thing can be seen.

That is... invading the brain.

Invading the brain seems to have discovered Maya, and it quickly rolled over to Maya.

"do you know?"

At the same time, Lin also found out... Invading the brain ‘talking’, this is the first time it has communicated with Maya.

"You are not doing the right thing," Maya said to it.

"They haven't noticed where I am, they always thought I was dead." The invading brain said it here: "But I am still alive."

"You should roll like this." Maya said that it was rolling faster.

"You should also continue to live, yes, just support it and come back."

Lynn found that invading the brain and Maya seemed to be talking about themselves.

Because Maya entered this dream, its thinking is actually ‘incomplete' and there is no ordinary thinking logic.

So Lin directly let the pompom fly over and touched the invading brain... At the moment of touching it, Lin suddenly realized... understand.

Weapons always test the cause of failure, indeed because the weapons are not complete enough, but the last data is not obtained from the various creatures found in the void, but from the domain of order.

The domain of the whole order...is considered part of the 'data'.

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