4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3296: New material

"Plus it...it's complete."

The last step seems to be here.

This Ershi weapon, although it is full of space, actually needs something else.

That is... the domain of order.

In fact, this is the 'invasion phenomenon' of the domain of order.

This includes invading the brain, most of the metal people in the domain of order, and the various devices that are 'infected' by them, all of which are part of the weapon.

Ersh does not remember it... and Lynn discovered this now.

But this is also because the weapons have had a high enough degree of completion, and Lin found this.

Now the ‘space part’ of the weapon can be counted as finished. After this part is completed... when Lin starts and tests it, it will ‘wake up’ the domain of the order.

That is what Lin sees now... The invading brain re-decomposes itself and synthesizes new structures.

And the metal people here, Lin also found that they all started the 'update procedure'.

This group of metal people, like the invading brain, has begun to change completely.

The parts of space and the domain of order do not need to be touched together, they can also work.

But what is strange is that Ersh thinks that when it used to design weapons, it certainly did not use the domain of order.

It thought it might be that it had taken into account the situation after the weapon was restarted and made some changes to the configuration of the weapon.

In short, these creatures that have to wait for the domain of order are now complete.

Because Lin started the weapon several times, he could use the nerves of the bus to directly feel that the domain of order is a final 'accessory'.

In general, Lin doesn't need to do anything, just look at the domain of order and all the changes here are complete.

The aborigines who were born from the 'correction fluid' have already reached the sixth floor of the domain of order, but Lynn also found that the metal people have become very powerful after the body structure has been updated.

Their combat ability is almost the same as that of the Ershi people, but now they have greatly improved their physical ability and weapons.

These strong metal people quickly returned to the previously occupied areas and re-infected the originally modified biological manufacturing devices.

They control these devices to produce a large number of metal people, and all the way back to the ... first floor.

Because, these updated metal people... they enter the correction fluid without any problems.

So even if you go back to the void area where the first layer is completely submerged, they can easily swim inside.

It seems that these metal people do not need Lin to give them any help.

Then... the next step is to wait.

In the process of waiting, Lin continued to do several weapons tests.

Because every time I test, Lin will find new changes in the invading brain... I thought it had changed, but under Lin's multiple launches, it will grow some new structures.

At the same time, Lin also found that this invading brain appeared in the Mayan dream... it would speak.

"Are you always doing this? Try to start it?"

Its first sentence is like this.

In this dream, Maya discovered the invading brain first.

And it appears not in the pile of dead bodies in the mud, but on a white ground.

"Why do you think you want to start it? What is your purpose? Where did you find it?"

This invading brain asked Lin's pompoms and Maya a lot of questions.

It seems to be noticeable.

Notice... Lin is here.

Before Lin’s pompoms and Maya entered this dream, they would not be noticed by the creatures here, but these invading brains can find the pompoms.

At the same time it is talking about... mainly about weapons.

It started mainly by asking Lin and Maya who started the weapon... and then asked why the weapon was started.

In the end, it said that Lynn should not start weapons.

"There are too many uncertain factors in that thing, and it doesn't make any sense!" The invading brain said: "You can't start this thing, you must turn it off immediately!"

It seems that it is very familiar with weapons, so Lin continues to ask more things.

And it also told Lin.

It said that it is very close to Lin’s guess.

It tells Lin that the weapons that the former Ersh made are somewhat different from the ones now.

The weapon that was originally made by Ershi was the one that Lin now combined in space.

Later, for some reason, Ershi added other materials to ‘enhance’ the weapon.

Of course these materials are actually added to the design data.

When Lin and Ershi mentioned this, Ershi also remembered some.

It did update the design of the weapon and added some new materials to make the weapon parts.

These newly added materials include two 'distorted species'.

In fact, invading the brain...or everything in the domain of these intrusion orders is a distorted species.

It remembered that Ershi found it and remodeled it... and then put it in the body of a huge sea cucumber.

Next, we started the series of plans.

The end of this plan is now, when the part of the space is completed, this side will also begin to enter the update state.

After the everything in the domain of the order is ready, the weapon is the real start.

The invading brain believes that starting a weapon can lead to very bad results.

It does not want Lin to start the weapon.

But it can't say why the weapon is not good, but it has this feeling.

Lynn also asked about the various details about the weapon, and it also said... unclear.

It only knows the general structure of the weapon, and it is not clear what the details of the material are.

But for some of its past things, it still remembers very clearly.

This creature itself is a...dream creature.

It claims to be an 'attached creature'.

It has been attached to something else or biological life, and Ershi has attached it to the huge sea cucumber.

Ershi mainly uses it to realize the plan of controlling the domain of order, and all the 'procedures' of the domain of intrusion order are on it.

Before that, it had attached a creature.

This creature is very special, it can go in and out of what is called ‘no’.

It also stated that all the twisted species actually touched ‘no’.

It doesn't have to be personally, but it must be something to know about it, or ‘watch’ there.

As long as there is such an experience, it may become a kind of distortion.

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