4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3297: Successful start?

"You can't start it... you can't...!"

In the Mayan dream, the invading brain has been trying to stop Lynn.

In fact, Lin and its communication are intermittent.

Because after each communication for a while, that cockroach will appear, if it catches Maya... then the dream is over.

Then Maya needs to re-dream and re-explore the invading brain.

So during this time, Lin made several tests again.

Each time the test, the invading brain in the domain of order adds some new structure.

After Maya dreamed of it, it became more tense and seemed to want to stop Lynn from starting the weapon.

But it still can't tell the reason.

It’s just that this mood is getting stronger and stronger.

Although Lin said that he saw its body in the domain of order, he did not find any special reaction.

In this dream, it has become more and more tense, but Lynn asked it carefully, and it has no reason.

So... Lin continues to test.

After Lin’s ninth test, Lin found that Maya was already in the dream...not seen.

To be exact, I can't find it.

Every time before Maya dreams, it will soon be found nearby, but this time it did not appear.

Lynn didn't know if it disappeared directly from this dream, or was hiding in the depths of dreams.

At the same time, this test, Lin also found that the internal structure of the invading brain of the domain of order has not changed.

It may be that it has changed to the end.

The same is true of the metal people in the domain of order.

They have been constantly updating their body structures since this time...now they seem to have been updated.

These metal people still look like the style of Ershi people, but they are a lot more burly.

It seems that all the changes are over.

Therefore, Lynn is also preparing for the tenth time.

This time is not a test.

According to what Lin knows... when all the changes are over, it is a weapon that is really done.

Then the tenth test should be the time to actually start the weapon.

Although the invasion of the brain is that kind of reaction, Lin still wants

Lin has already... is ready.

Each time Lin tested, the catalyst was 'activated' with a catalyst, and then the stabilizer was used to restore the star to normal.

After many tests, Lin found that the star has become more and more difficult to 'stable'.

This time it is indeed... the last time.

'boom! When the stellar bus launched the catalyst into the star, the space was once again filled with wonderful energy.

At the same time, Lin also sent a piece of stone hundreds of meters outside.

This time... the stone did not break.

Lin found that the stone disappeared into the void.

Because the stone that is transmitted is itself a branch of the army... so Lynn can see another place through it.

This place gives Lin a feeling of solidification.

But it is not as dark as the solidified void, in fact it is quite bright.

You can see the stars in the distance, and there are a lot of floating objects in the vicinity.

These floats look like things that are common in the void, such as pieces.


Can't move.

Lin's stone is completely inactive.

Although this is a bit like coagulation but it is not solidified at all, exactly the moment when the stone comes in here, it seems... it forms a transparent cage that is exactly the same shape as the stone.

This cage completely trapped the stone.

Of course, the stone body is movable, so Lin makes the interior of the stone begin to self-decompose and quickly transform the stone into a smaller body.

As she continued to shrink her body, Lin found that there was no change in the surrounding 'transparent cage'.

Its size and shape are maintained at the moment when Lynn's stone comes in.

Therefore, when Lin narrows the arms, it can also play freely in the cage.

But I can't go outside.

Because Lynn found that this cage gave Lin the feeling of being the 'wall' at the edge of the space, which was not ruined by conventional means.

Lynn thinks that other floating objects around it may be similar.

They are all in the void here... fixed.

This place... is ‘no’?

When Lin made such doubts, Lin suddenly discovered that there was a liquid under the starry sky in the distance.

This liquid quickly expands and moves toward Lin.

It seems that it is not trapped.

And as it approaches, Lynn discovers... this is a 'sea ocean'.

Its shape is not fixed, and the overall diameter is more than 30,000 kilometers.

It is quite a big sea... It can also be said to be a huge floating liquid block.

And Lynn found that this sea is not alone.

Many similar ‘sea’ can be seen in the surrounding stars.

They can be said everywhere, in the surrounding void, Lin saw a total of ten similar 'ocean'.

Are these... the sea of ​​creation?

Lynn’s question was quickly answered.

Because when the ocean approached, the location of Lynn's stone arms was swallowed up by it.

At the moment I entered the sea, Linden felt a lot of... data.

Accurately speaking, they are all data on biological nuclear information.

A variety of cellular biological information, they are constantly introduced into the minds of Lin's arms.

At the same time, Lin also found that the 'cage cage' that had been trapped in the stone arms had disappeared.

Lin is free to move in the ocean. In the test, Lin found that the ocean is... water.

Very ordinary water, but there is almost no impurity inside.

Even so, when I was swimming here, Lin could still feel a lot of data information. Every time I went forward, it seemed that there were countless cell biological information poured into Lin’s arms.

Because it felt very wonderful, Lin asked the stone directly to ask for it.

It responded to Lin.

But it is not directly communicating with Lin, but Lin found that the original large amount of cellular biological data was instantly converted into...a message.

In this message, Lynn can 'see' the ocean of the pompom world...

This is what the pompon world is still in the ocean of the 'old times' and even the information of many creatures inside.

However, these biological information disappeared after flashing. Finally, only one kind of biological information is repeatedly played back... It is an ancient microorganism whose nuclear information is almost the same as that of Lin.

Or... the same as the oldest nuclear information.

Lynn's nuclear information is generally 'not used', but they are not all the same, because when Lin splits the arms they are also likely to change.

Lin found that the one shown here is one of the oldest nuclear information in all the branches of Lin.

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