It may have left some of the space.

This is a place in the void.

Here, you can see a huge platform.

Its surface is silver, the entire platform is more than 100 kilometers in diameter and only a few hundred meters thick.

The surface is covered with a lot of cracks, potholes, and traces of various damage.

At the same time, it has a lot of things like barnacles. They are more than ten meters high and are distributed throughout the platform.

These barnacles are the ‘thinking’ here, and they have tens of thousands.

But most of them are dead.

It is still alive now, only one on the edge of the platform, it does not look like a barnacle, but like a mushroom.

This is also the key to its survival.

While other thoughts are constantly trying to make weapons and kill another mind, this thinking is constantly trying to disguise itself as a variety of other things.

It just survived and witnessed the demise of the surrounding thoughts one by one.

In addition to it, the last dead thought originally defeated all other thoughts, but it was killed by its own creation.

Because it creates something that is

After the companions are dying, it is still in a state of no desire and no desire, looking at this void and understanding everything about the void.

It understands the path of the void or the 'empty warmth'.

This constant flow of material mass has given it a lot of interesting knowledge, and it also feels that its consciousness is constantly becoming stronger and can extend toward the void.

In fact, it is a situation where you can feel other twist points nearby.

It also found that this warm current seems to be made by themselves.

When it became powerful, it recalled that their thinking was born in the past, but did not gain any knowledge.

It found that when their bodies began to grow, they already had thoughts, not thoughts that were born later.

It has always been thought that they wouldn't think about anything at the time, and there is no difference between thinking and not thinking.

But in fact, when their thinking was born, they had some ideas, and even some...control.

They can control the changes in distortion.

Their thinking power at that time was very 'weak', there was no specific idea, but there was a kind of... eagerness.

What is the details of this craving, it is not clear.

But it is until this desire has led to the formation of the 'empty warm current'.

This kind of warm current is mainly caused by other distortion points, and those distortion points are usually somewhat civilized or something.

The debris and waste produced in their lives, gathered together under a wonderful force to form a 'river', and drifted away from where these thoughts are.

These thoughts also begin to grow rapidly by absorbing this debris.

These detritus rivers have also been noticed by some civilized creatures who have investigated the end of the river.

Although they felt that this was a wonderful thing, it did not affect it.

These thoughts seem to have been accumulated by the waste of various civilizations.

After discovering this, this last thought tried to extend its thinking to a broader place.

So it found a lot of twist points.

Also found a lot of ... different civilized things.

And found Lynn.

In fact, Lynn came here not to find it, but to contact Lin.

It occasionally finds something special when observing various twist points.

These special things are things that they feel close to themselves.

Some creatures that also have perception and control of distortion, such as the twisted creatures of Maya.

However, it also found that most of these creatures did not have an 'awakening'. From birth to death, they never knew they had this ability, let alone how to use it.

However, it noticed a very special place.

That is... the world of pompoms.

It was discovered by chance in the world of pompoms, and there is also a twist point next to the world of pompoms.

It also felt at the time... Lin.

In fact, it is not to see the environment there, but to use the environment to 'touch' the environment.

The general thing is usually ignored by it, but after discovering that Lin is there, it suddenly stunned.

It describes the situation at the time.

It has never felt like this... special things.

So it was very careful to understand Lin.

But when it feels carefully, it finds that Lin has a very 'fuzzy' feeling.

It can't carefully detect the details of Lin, it can only feel that Lin is similar to them, but there are many differences.

However, it has not been studied since then.

Because these twist points often have some conditions, their perception of these points has always been very unstable.

The main thing is that it has no special thoughts on its own.

It did not leave the place to go somewhere else, and left it in its original position and did nothing special.

Later, at some point, the void warming was broken, and the twisting points were like ‘quiet’, which was completely undetectable.

It also entered a long-term sleep, and only recently woke up.

Mainly it found that these distortion points were once again active.

It also found that many of the civilizations that were originally located around the twisted point disappeared... or were replaced by other civilizations.

It believes that it has been a long time, and no civilization can last for so long.

However, it foresees changes in these distortion points.

Just like Maya, you can see the twisted future in your dreams.

But it's not like Maya can't control where to look, it's good to see what happens to these twist points.

That is the phenomenon of a lot of cracks.

It feels that perhaps other twisted creatures can prevent this from happening.

And it thinks that Lynn is the most likely stop.

Other twisted species are killed

Although it has always been hopeless, it does not want to let the void fall into this anomaly.

Therefore, it communicated with Lin, to be precise, it was found through the Mayan dream.

Lynn found that it had no idea what the creator's population was.

But the creator knows it is not clear.

Lin also conducted more investigations into the cracks after communicating with it, and through the discussion with Ershi... Lin thought it might be like this.

... The sea of ​​creation leaves the unpredictable land of 'partial' in some way.

The overall unpredictable land is far from the normal void, but some should be left.

It also uses this part to influence the void.

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