"So that is... find it."

"Found the legendary place."

In the void...Lin is looking for the entrance.

The sea of ​​creation must have been distorted by these places through some places.

No matter where the place is, whether it is a stripped unforeseen place, Lin feels that there should be an entrance.

Or you can detect it.

Therefore, Lynn came... It is more likely to detect the distortion point there.

This place is also... that thinking tells Lin, Lin feels that she can call it ‘the platform of 10,000.’

Because it is itself a collection of 'warm flows' generated by many twist points.

Lin is now paying attention to a certain twist point.

This twist point is told by the platform of Wanliu, which is said to be the most civilized civilization that it has observed before.

Because this civilization has explored the entire void warmly almost completely and found the end of these warm currents.

They call the end of the warm current, the ‘the platform of the flow,’ the waste terminal, and it took a long time to study.

This civilization is called ‘delay’ and is similar to the platform of Wanliu. It belongs to a thinking civilization.

This is also the name that Lynn has recently made.

This kind of civilization is similar to the non-brain-based division of labor of the Inca worm group. It can be said that the entire civilization belongs to a consciousness.

But the difference is that this civilization does not increase consciousness through the growth of the population.

It starts with wisdom and is a very large consciousness.

What it wants to do is to separate a small part of its 'ideas'.

For example, when it wants minerals, it injects the idea of ​​'continuously collecting minerals' into something suitable for mining.

What is suitable for mining is the ‘resident’ of this civilization.

Although I feel... I can't call it a resident.

They are generally unconscious in general, but when they are input into consciousness, they start doing something.

Its entire civilization is also a collection of such machines.

Residents who only mine will only build residents of the building, only the residents who transport the materials, and so on.

Because there is only one thing in their minds, they will repeat that thing... until the idea is replaced.

What is more interesting is that these residents are not mechanical or anything, but a group of normal 'biological'.

Or the original normal creature.

But they can only be used as a carrier for a small part of the idea of ​​great consciousness.

The great consciousness of this civilization is responsible for the control and development of the overall civilization.

This civilization is now dead, but what it might have discovered before.

Lin is now investigating the ruins where it is located... Now this civilization looks like a pile of gravel floating in the void.

These gravel are hundreds of meters in size, and you can see that there are many gravel surfaces that stand like tall towers.

These are the ruins left by their civilization, with only a few parts.

But there is one more important thing that remains.

That is the core consciousness of this civilization is still here.

It doesn't look like a stone, but like a piece of metal shining with silver.

It is about a kilometer in size and looks nothing special.

The pompoms that Lynn came here to investigate have already floated on this piece of metal and explored it with a large number of miniature arms.

It can be found that its interior... is hollow.

Although I can't see anything directly, Lin can detect some special 'energy' here.

This is a kind of dream energy, it seems to be trapped in it.

So Lynn asked the mini-arms to touch the energy of these dreams in large numbers, and then use ‘dreaming’ to detect the contents.

As long as Lin let these units enter the state of dreaming, Lin can observe...the past.

It seems to be the situation before this civilization.

In the dream, you can see that it is still in a normal state, and the surrounding floating material that was originally gravel has become a lot of different buildings.

They are full of this void area, and Lynn has seen several things like stars slowly spinning around these buildings.

But they are only tens of kilometers in size.

As the core of this 'extended' civilization, that is where Lin is now, this consciousness has been considering a lot of things.

For example, how to develop the entire civilization.

It puts every idea of ​​its own into the minds of the inhabitants of this civilization, and then these residents will do a lot of things as they want.

Since the inhabitants do not have their own ideas, this progress in civilization must depend on the main consciousness itself.

If you want to invent something new, you need to think about yourself.

But with the development of civilization, the main consciousness feels that it is more and more difficult to control the entire civilization.

Because this consciousness does not grow stronger as the population grows, it will not control it.

It’s already complicated to always assign ideas to all residents to get them to work.

So it has been looking for ways to enhance your awareness.

Later it did find some methods.

That is the use of dream energy.

At some point it finds that it can perceive this energy and use it to enhance its control.

It mainly guides this energy from a place and then spreads it to the surrounding void.

It feels that dream energy is part of one's own consciousness and is its own extension.

But it also felt another special feeling.

That is, these dream energy seems to come from another distant place.

It didn't care at first, but slowly it became more curious about that place and tried to investigate.

But it seems that there is no way to know where the place is.

Finally, after the demise of its civilization, some of the thinking remains of the main consciousness remain here.

Lin can find out from here how it is done.

It was originally trying to create something to expand its control, and it was also through this device to sense the energy of the dream.

Therefore, Lin also imitated the device according to what she thought in her memory.

This device was made from some special materials that can be found here, and Lynn noticed that there are many here.

These substances... are some very special substances that Linde has not seen.

Lin assembled the entire device very quickly, and it looked like a tens of meters... square object.

However, when Lin made the device to start testing, it found that it could not detect anything useful.

So, Lin took the device to another twist point nearby to detect it.

There are small cracks just created at this point of distortion.

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