It turned out to be the case.

These cracks are not destroying them, but restoring them.

Lynn ‘see’ to some things in the past.

It seems that it is an era that is a little older than the age of high temperature creatures.

At that time, the two voids were touching each other.

It is the unforeseen place... and the normal void.

The void at that time was the scene after the ‘twisting’.

Because the voids are mixed together, the void looks very strange now.

There are no various scenes and phenomena that are common nowadays... The common scenery at that time is a lot of cracks.

These cracks spread around the void, and a large number of odd-shaped objects stretched around the crack.

These objects are like crystals, stones, lots of soot, and so on.

There are also things like energy that rush out of the cracks.

The void at that time is basically like this... Of course it is the void of this range covered by the twist point.

As for what is farther away, it is not clear.

In this kind of emptiness, many special creatures adapted to the environment at the time were born. It seems that the sea of ​​creation was born at that time.

To be precise, its 'original' was at that time.

It is conscious that it is a long time later.

The state of the void has not continued, and after a period of time, the two voids are far away from each other.

The wonderful phenomena disappeared one after another, and a lot of ... dramatic changes occurred, and finally formed the common void scene.

Of course, the creatures in contact with the void are almost extinct.

It has been a long time since then, and it seems that some creature remembers this ancient era.

It tried to get the two voids back in contact, which led to the first... Void War.

Here, Lynn also knows that, in fact, the unpredictable land is only "naturally" exposed to normal voids only once.

Later, it seems that all the contacts are creatures that are bringing the parties closer together.

The same seems to be true of the sea of ​​creation.

It is going to change the void back to the state of contact with the unforeseen land.

By that time there will be no more energy to transmit... there are no more common things like the tumbling galaxy.

As for what to do after that, it is not clear.

Lin is now detecting some long time ago information.

These dream energies seem to have been left behind at that time.

That is, when the first contact was made... the unpredictable land was mixed with the normal void for a long time.

The dream energy left at that time recorded some of the things at the time, and also recorded some ideas about the sea of ​​creation.

It is also used by the main consciousness of ‘thinking civilization’.

The main thing is that Lynn detected these long-awaited dream energies in these small cracks, which recorded a fairly old past.

And also recorded some phenomena in the void incessantly, so Lynn can be sure that it is an era earlier than the high temperature creatures.

But how long it has been...not very clear.

Lynn also thinks that this kind of dream energy should be the main clue to find the sea of ​​creation, because it stores a lot of past... intelligence.

What is more amazing is that Lin has never found such a dream energy before, which was discovered only recently.

And the original cracks have no dream energy, and now you can find that there is dream energy around.

There may be some special reason.

Now, Lin let a pompom that absorbs the energy of dreams come to a crack.

This pom-pom has a diameter of more than one hundred meters, and it is slowly absorbing the dream energy around the crack.

As the energy is absorbed, Lynn also perceives a little more information.

It was like that a long time ago.

Directly 'dreaming' through these dream energies is to see the past environment.

This place used to be a place like a jungle... a crystal jungle.

These cracks are like trunks, they extend in the void...most of them have tens to hundreds of meters of thickness.

The cracks of the past are almost the same as they are now. From the outside, all the cracks are like a dark cylinder.

Around the crack there are many crystal structures of varying sizes growing.

Lynn pays more attention to the fact that many species resembling high temperature organisms live on these crystals.

It is impossible to know from this dream what the temperature was at the time, but Lin felt that it should be very high.

These creatures resemble glowing spheres, which are similar in appearance to some high temperature organisms.

However, since this is a 'dream', it is impossible to detect their details.

After absorbing a period of dream energy, the pompoms almost absorbed the dream energy here.

Most of the information in these energies is a reflection of the past, and a small amount of ... thinking.

These thinking should be the thinking of the sea of ​​creation.

Including some of its thoughts that have been intermittent since, it was initially unthinkable.

It is also the earliest era... it has no thinking.

Later, more and more, more and more ideas emerged.

However, only a small amount of information can be found at this point of distortion.

Lin feels that she should investigate other distortion points... I should get a lot of information.

Thus, Lynn sent a number of arms that absorbed dream energy at multiple twist points.

When these units quickly approached the twist point... No matter where there were cracks, Lynn began to try to find energy.

It is true that there are some places where this energy is available, but not all places.

But Lynn is very strange, even if the dream energy detection is far away, Lin found the same ... content.

No matter which twist point draws the dream energy, the perception is exactly the same.

Although they can be found different when they are detected, they are actually the same.

At the same time, Lynn noticed another thing.

The interior of the crack can be directly perceived by this dream energy.

The internal crack of the crack has been tested many times. Generally speaking, it can only be found that there is a dark space inside.

I can't feel anything else at all.

But there are some small cracks in the twisted point that can feel the dream energy extending into the interior. Through this kind of dream energy... you can find the content inside.

The inside of the crack is closer to what Lin wants, and it is another space.

It’s just that Lin didn’t think that the space inside the crack was very small, only a few hundred meters in size.

But it has stored a lot of subtle things, not just dream energy, there are many... nuclear information.

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

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