4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3310: internal

"... Should it be over?"

"It should be mixed together. Mobile phone side"

"There is unlimited possibilities to do this..."

It is a sea.

A sea in the void... surrounded by many buses.

It is telling these buses what it means to do so.

It will create a new virtual environment, a virtual environment with countless hopes.

That is, a mixture of three voids.

Solidification of the void, normal void, and unpredictable land, these three places.

If they collide, they will have completely unknown possibilities. It believes that this possibility is necessary to appear in this void.

In this way, this void has endless hope.

But its idea was rejected, and all buses thought it was a huge disaster for their population.

So they started the war.


The nuclear information that distort the point... seems to be stored here.

When I detected the internal situation of the crack, Lin felt quite interesting.

Because there are many nuclear information about cell biology.

These nuclear information is not a sculpture, but all true cellular biological information.

But they are all fixed here, like the effect of solidification... but these nuclear information should be alive.

They can be used on living creatures. Of course, Lin is more concerned with the ability to detect useful information from above.

What is now identifiable is that the distortion of the twist point is achieved through these nuclear information.

When Lin tried to use the creator's language to analyze the nuclear information inside, Lin found that it did hide a lot of content.

These contents can be said to be related to three voids.

Accurately speaking, it is a mixture of three voids.

It seems that the information that Lin had learned before was only a part of it. The sea of ​​creation wanted to do more than just to make it unforeseen.

It also wants to make the solidification voids together, and the three voids mix.

If these three voids collide, they will produce a very huge effect.

But what effect is it, the sea of ​​creation is not known.

These nuclear information is some information about the three voids it studies, but it is not about mixing, but how to mix.

The sea of ​​creation itself does not want to know what will happen after mixing.

Because there are quite a few possibilities, the only thing it can confirm is that... it will definitely survive.

As for other creatures, there may be many extinctions, but there are also many new changes that can take place in a drastic environment.

It is mainly looking forward to seeing this new change.

These... ideas can also be found in nuclear information.

After Lin said this and Ershi, Ershi also recalled more things.

It is true that these things were also said when they fought the sea of ​​creation... The Sea of ​​Creation wanted to mix three voids.

They were prevented from planning at the time, but they only extended the time of the plan.

And during this time, the action of the creation of the sea was very successful, because it is very secret, it seems that Ershi did not notice.

Although the plan is that the sea of ​​creation is going on, not all of it is done by itself.

The solidification of the void is not attracted by the sea of ​​creation. It seems that the solid void is a ‘natural phenomenon’.

As for the unpredictable land, it has been trying to mix it.

Of course, the unforeseen place is not here.

It is already far away from the normal void.

But the sea of ​​creation is indeed likely to have a ... ‘small unforeseen land’.

Although it is not directly mentioned in these nuclear information, Lin can find some experimental data in it.

The sea of ​​creation does have some space with an unforeseen environment.

It has been using these small spaces for mixing experiments.

It is three different sizes of several meters or even smaller.

Normal void, unpredictable land, and mixed experiments of small spaces in the three environments of solidified voids.

Because it seems to have a constant stream of small spaces to carry out mixing experiments, Lin speculates that it has a large space and constantly peeling off small spaces from above to experiment.

But this is just a guess.

In short, it seems that it has almost finished experimenting.

The phenomenon that appears everywhere in the twisting point is the phenomenon that the unpredictable land is mixed with the normal void.

It is intended to turn these areas into two voids, and then wait for the complete collision of the solidified voids, which becomes a mixture of three.

The way to stop it, it is hard to say what is the way.

But you can test them all, for example, try to destroy these cracks.

Or how to interfere with the nuclear information stored in it.

Lin wants to do another thing, just to communicate with the sea of ​​creation.

However, it is currently impossible to know whether its consciousness is clear-headed and whether it will communicate. Now, Lin tries to communicate with it.

In short, let's try some things that can affect its plan.

Lin continues to investigate these twists and the cracks that appear everywhere.

Now that these cracks have already had many distortion points, Lin also found that many of them have dream energy and can see the environment inside.

Lynn decided to create a weapon that could be called 'dream collapse.'

Accurately speaking, it is mixed with another kind of dream energy, thus causing a dramatic change in the dream energy inside.

This dramatic change in the energy of the dream can affect the real material, that is, the nuclear information inside.

Lin wants to experiment first to see if it works.

As for the general weapon, it seems that it has no effect. If you throw everything into it, it will disappear directly...

I don't know at all what these things are going to, because they don't stay in the crack space.

But the dream energy can go in, so it can only affect the interior through the dream energy.

At the same time, Lin is also testing the thinking of ‘the flow of Taiwan’.

Lin mainly wants to see if she can use it to make some changes to the distortion points.

It was originally able to control many changes in the twist points everywhere, but now... it seems that it can't be done.

Although it can sense other distortion points, it cannot control what happens to them.

Lynn felt quite wonderful about this, so Lynn carefully examined how it was perceived.

Lin noticed that there is nothing special about the 'Wanliutai' itself. It can perceive the organ of the twisted point. It is a relatively common void of various substances, and its All kinds of sensory organs are known, and similar things can be seen in various emptiness creatures.

That is, instead of perceiving the distortion point, the distortion point is sending information to it... but why only send it?

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

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