4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3311: Perception

Confirm their location.

Then perceive where they are.

... This is where the Wanliutai is located.

This platform is slowly recovering...

The cracks on the surface are being repaired one by one, and the objects that grow like barnacles are slowly shaking.

The entire platform is actually a living creature.

Although it has been dead for a long time, Lin has now revived it.

Because Lynn found some 'organs' inside the platform.

These organs primarily control the 'growth' of the platform, that is, the ability to devour the surrounding substances, break them down and assemble them.

Once the organ is repaired, it will slowly begin to repair the entire platform, and then... this is what Lynn sees.

The main reason Lin repairs it is because this platform... can indeed receive a lot of signals from various distortion points.

Not only the thinking part of the platform can receive these signals, but with the repair of the platform, the platform can receive these signals.

In fact, Lin had been thinking before, whether this platform of the eternal flow is a special kind of thing specially set up in the sea of ​​creation.

So Lynn wants to test it, what would happen if it was completely fixed.

At the same time, Lynn is also trying to influence the nuclear information in the cracks on the other side.

These nuclear information is more susceptible than Lin believes.

Because Lin mixed some other dream energy into the dream energy of the crack itself, and then used this energy to influence the nuclear information inside.

This kind of dream energy can hurt the 'physical' thing.

Because they can also be materialized themselves, these dream energies generate some very small particles when subjected to some kind of stimulation.

This kind of granule is called ‘dream condensate’ by Lin, which is a very interesting thing.

Although these particles are tiny, they can cause damage to the same tiny things, such as nuclear information in cracks.

Therefore, Lin wants to use this method to hurt the nuclear information inside to see if it will have any effect.

And Lynn did succeed... hurting the nuclear information inside.

Lin originally thought that there might be no particles in the cracks, but in fact there are particles.

Just Lin found out... it seems to have no effect.

Even if the nuclear information in the crack is completely destroyed, it will not affect the crack.

Of course, there is no other effect, for example, let the sea of ​​creation pay attention to it here.

It is possible that the nuclear information inside is not something important, or that they have already worked.

So try to find out if there are any other ways to ruin the crack.

... just like this, it’s been a while...

During this period, the cracks of all the twist points are slowly increasing.

But they are growing much slower than the ‘predictive’ that Lynn saw before.

Almost a pompon stays up late for a length of more than ten centimeters, which makes them... difficult to influence the surrounding environment.

After all, most of the twist points are in the empty void, and they are quite far away from the objects that can be affected recently.

Of course, if they continue to spread, it will still be affected sooner or later.

Just don't know if it will spread.

During this time, the repair of the Wanliu station was proceeding rapidly.

As the first organ activated, most of the organs inside became energized, and they began to rebuild the entire platform.

Lin can feel a lot of signals from the twist points everywhere.

These twist points constantly send a lot of signals to it.

The content of these signals is nothing special, just showing the situation there.

At the same time, the thinking here can also perceive the ‘future’ of the twisted point... It can see the future environment there.

It has been seen before, most of them are the same as the 'old times', a large number of cracks spread around, affecting the surrounding environment and the like.

And now, the future it sees, there are many new things.

At the location of these twist points, it is not just cracks, but there are many other strange phenomena.

Like a whirlpool, many small black vortexes appear around the cracks and have not seen any special effects.

Lin feels that this should be a phenomenon of mixing or producing solidified voids.

That is to say, before the platform of Wanliu, we can only predict the mixed result of unforeseen land and normal void, and now we have added some solidifying void effect.

What's amazing is why it updates this 'predictive'.

Lin continued to observe and discovered that the prediction of the original flow was unstable.

It changes its predictive outcome as the state of the twist point changes.

Generally speaking, it is a twist point with more cracks spreading. It can sense the future of solidification voids.

As the number of cracks increases, its perceived content changes. Initially it only senses some vortices... but then these vortexes merge with the cracks.

This makes the crack itself a pretty wonderful thing.

From the outside, the cracks are constantly violently surging like stars, but it is black.

Maybe there will be more changes next.

Lynn also wants to see if it is to ruin the crack, it may predict a future without a crack.

That is, the void returns to normal.

Now Lin has once again created a bomb that might destroy the crack.

This kind of bomb can be said to be modified according to the space bomb.

Just Lin added some other features.

It is mainly controlled by the bus structure of the Ershi weapon.

Lin is currently almost researching how it makes an object into ‘no’.

Entering nothing is an interesting process, saying that it sends objects in, as if it were not swallowed.

Ershi’s weapon is mainly to open the entrances and exits.

The key is that if a space enters nothing, then the space will be broken...

The space in which the sea of ​​creation is in the middle is made only after it enters.

In short, according to this effect, Lin combined with the original space bomb to create a weapon that could break the crack.

Of course, the actual effect still needs to be tested.

So, Lynn found a twist point closer to the platform of the 10,000-flow, and then began testing the weapon.

The shape of this weapon is very similar to a sphere with a diameter of 100 meters. Lin thinks that it is likely to hurt the crack.

Just throw the sphere next to the crack and watch it explode... it will be just fine.

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