"They are already gathering together."

Lin is watching the creatures in this place.

They have been discussing the situation here.

These creatures all look like some tentacle-shaped illuminators, which are constantly twisting and discussing the collection of dreams.

It seems that the various dream creatures here are 'collected' by them.

"We've almost collected it. But the data is too large and complex, and it's not well managed. But it doesn't seem to require management."

This large pile of tentacles is constantly twisting, and as long as they are close to them they can perceive the information they communicate.

And there are some creatures floating around these tentacles.

These creatures... are some of the creatures that have appeared in the world of pompons.

To be precise, it is a group of creatures of the Yate population.

These creatures have long perished on the pompons... and some of their units, including brain-making monsters, have appeared in this place.

It’s just that Lynn finds that they don’t have the normal thinking of the dreams they encountered before, and they all float here without any thought.

The situation here makes Lin feel very wonderful. It was a coincidence that I encountered the Emerald Dragon before, but now I have encountered these creatures... This makes Lin feel that there may be some creatures in the pompom world.

This place should have a manager or something, maybe it noticed that Lin came in, so arrange these creatures to appear near Lin.

Managers should not be these tentacles.

Because they didn't notice Lin's appearance, they continued to discuss things as Lin's pompoms approached.

But when the pompoms approached a hundred meters, Lynn found that they had changed.

"There is something close. It may be the kind...it's not the kind!"

These creatures seem to notice the pompons, but they did not find the exact location of the pompons, and Lynn found that many tentacles floated up.

The tentacle is bigger than the average dream, they all have a length of more than ten meters.

"Yes, that kind of thing. But that kind of thing is impossible to come in!"

The closer they are to the pompa, the more nervous they are... At the same time, Lin knows that they are talking about the normal void... objects.

They know that normal void objects are invisible here. Although creatures like phoenix have 'entity', but because they all have uncoordinated ground, there is no condensation, so the dream can be seen here. they.

They can't see Lin's arms, but the reason they can feel it slightly seems to be because Lynn is associated with unforeseen circumstances.

Lin is not quite sure about the details.

These tentacles are now slowly approaching Lynn's pompons during the search.

As they approach, their words become more and more.

"It must be near here, I can already feel it. It is a very special creature."

At the moment when a tentacle touched the pompom, Lin found that it suddenly became very bright.

"I feel it! It's here! Hurry up and get rid of it!"

At the moment of its completion, Lynn discovered that the surrounding storm had changed.

A very strong airflow... In fact, Lin felt like a ‘pneumatic gun’ that flew toward the position where the pompom was.

‘Hey! ’

Its impact instantly flew the pompom for a while, and the gas cannon was swiftly rotated in place after hitting the pompom.

The surrounding storms and the flashes in the air are also accompanied by it.

Soon it formed a group... hurricane.

It is more than three hundred meters in diameter and looks like a stream of swirling and shimmering light.

This should be a whirlwind creature.

It turns out that it seems that they can't call the phoenix, but they can also call the whirlwind creature... This is not surprising, after all, these two are homologous creatures.

Only Lin is more curious about how they formed these creatures here.

When Lin thought about it, the hurricane had already started to attack the pompom.

It slammed into the pompom at high speed. When it touched the outer skin of the pompom, Lin could feel that there were countless finely-cut 'little teeth' in the process of cutting, so that the outer skin of the pompon quickly collapsed and cracked. .

Lin let the pompoms quickly retreat, and at the same time launched some 'dreams and shocks' into the hurricane.

They can have some effect on the energy of dreams.

'boom! ’

At the moment of the explosion, the whole hurricane swayed violently.

The flashing light in the hurricane also quickly dims during this period.

In fact, the hurricane is active through no condensation, but there are quite a lot of dream energy in this hurricane.

So Lynn tried this kind of bomb that affected the dream energy and had no effect on it.

It seems to be very effective now, because after the explosion, the speed of the hurricane has slowed down a lot.

However, Lynn found that it can be replenished from the surroundings.

The surrounding airflow is constantly pouring into this hurricane, which makes it brighten up quickly.

At the same time, it also hit the pompom at high speed.

This time, Lin let the pompom fly back quickly, avoiding its attack and throwing some bombs at it.

At the moment of the explosion, Lin also let the pompon rush forward and rushed directly into the center of the hurricane.

'boom! ’

In a violent explosion, the entire hurricane slammed... spread out.

Sure enough, I think about Lin.

This hurricane is mainly controlled by the dream energy...

Although its own 'consciousness' is in its cohesiveness, the dream energy here is giving orders to it.

Lin directly let the pompon enter the interior and sent out a similar dream energy signal to interfere with it.

This kind of interference is indeed very effective. After Lin’s interference, the hurricane could not continue and collapsed.

In fact, the crash is more unexpected, because Lynn feels that it should continue to be maintained.

So it seems that this kind of dream energy still has the effect of keeping them in shape?

"Clearing failed! This is not a normal thing!"

Those tentacles were very nervous after discovering that Lin had solved the hurricane, and they quickly dispersed.

Lin has made some questions about them with dream energy.

Lynn wants to see if she can communicate with them, although Lynn feels...it seems unlikely,

"It's in that place!"

But when Lin made the energy, Lin suddenly felt... a huge force was launched from the platform where the tentacles gathered.

This power is like a blade, it instantly puts the pompon... in two halves.

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