"This is the legend that can't be collected in the legend?"

"Yes, legendary."

"But why... there is such a creature?"

"It's hard to say, we have to find the source of it."

Here is... a place full of storms.

However, most of the current Lin's arms do not feel the storm.

Because these units of Lin are trapped by the 'cage'.

Not long ago, Lin's pompom was attacked by a hurricane called by the tentacle. At the time, Lin made a hurricane, but soon found that the hurricane was not just a group.

There are other hurricanes in the vicinity, and they are relatively hidden.

And the power of these hurricanes is also very strong, at least can directly open the pompoms ... and then smashed.

The pompoms were cut into many small pieces that were now imprisoned.

What is imprisoned is something that Lynn thinks can be called a 'whirlwind cage', that is, a cage in which high-speed airflow swirls around and quickly.

Even tiny arms that hit the edge of the cage will be shattered.

These cages are now placed around the platform where the tentacle group is located.

However, since Lin had a lot of micro-arms at the beginning, there was no need to escape from it.

Lin continued to observe the reaction of the tentacle through these miniature arms.

These tentacles are now starting to talk about Lynn... Although they don't talk to Lynn, they will say a lot of interesting information during the discussion.

They have mentioned that Lynn is a target that cannot be collected.

Other dream creatures here seem to have been collected.

But there are also some creatures that cannot be collected, and Lynn is such a creature that cannot be collected.

Mainly they talk about... Lin's consciousness can't be directly transformed into the dream energy here.

Lin also learned from this talk that this place seems to have existed for a long time.

And it is not the sea of ​​creation or the place where a creature is designed, but a...natural phenomenon.

At least these tentacles say so.

Although a lot of information they didn't say directly, they will think about related things in the discussion.

Lin can detect them... Lenovo.

This place will collect biological thoughts 'naturally'.

As long as there is a strong thought before an outside creature dies, for example, if you feel that you are dead, it is worthless, and its thinking may affect it.

So that the dream energy here changes.

Initially, most of the effects don't seem to have any effect, just to make the dream energy here a little bit different.

But at some point, the thinking influence of the outside creatures has had a very big effect on this.

That is, it will directly affect the dream energy to form a creature here.

It’s the ‘dream calendar’ that Lynn is now seeing.

Although they are based on the thinking of normal void creatures, they are not directly related to those creatures.

The dream calendar is a pure dream creature.

Because they have memories of outside creatures, they all have similar personalities to those creatures.

At first, there is a place where there are a lot of dreams to survive. Because these dream energies have wonderful characteristics... The dream calendar will not last long after it is generated and will die.

They can only continue to kill the same kind to maintain themselves.

Then a creature came here.

Although it is not clearly stated, Lin feels that it should be the sea of ​​creation.

It modifies this place... in some cases, the most important thing is to make the data here stable.

If the original dream is dead, even if it is dead, there will be no special circumstances... But after being modified, the dream will not be really dead.

They have memory data about the outside creatures that are preserved, and it is possible to form a dream calendar again.

This means that the dreams here will not really die, but will continue to be 'resurrected'.

However, each time they 'resurrect' they lose all memories of this place, only remember the most primitive memories, those creatures from normal voids.

Then they will start to think that they have just come here and have a new life.

After that, this place has been accumulating a large amount of biological memory data until now.

It seems that there has been a lot of biological memory, and there are quite a few dream creatures here.

The main purpose of most Dreamlihood creatures here is to live. They have been trying various methods.

It seems that they have recently discovered the way to call the phoenix.

And some creatures... like the dreams of creators, they are promoting ways to kill each other.

The creator itself can use some special abilities that the general creature's dreams can't use to collect energy.

That is to give them a suction ball.

But the most fundamental purpose is that the creators also want to collect the biological data here.

Whenever a dream dies, their memory data will scatter, and the creator can collect it with a sucking ball.

So if the creator builds a large number of dream squads to attack other dreams, it can collect a lot of data.

Although there are more abilities, the ‘power’ of itself does not change.

So they will be killed by other creatures...

These tentacles can be said to be more 'higher' creatures than the creators' dreams.

Because they can accept the information of the creator m's sucking ball.

When the creators die, their sucking **** are taken over by the group of tentacles.

But these tentacles didn't mention or think too much about themselves, so Lynn didn't know much about them.

In short... they are managing most of the dreams here.

Dream bios have been constantly increasing, and the number is very large.

Although there are often various things happening, these tentacles think that the most influential here is the creatures from normal voids.

Things from normal voids can affect this, whether it's things or creatures, but the most influential... is the kind of creature that Lin will not be affected.

However, they have their own set of defense methods, which is called whirlwind creatures.

Or to control a group of cyclone creatures to attack intruders, except that it seems that they have many other methods.

In any case, they did not mention anything in the sea of ​​creation during the discussion.

But Lin can almost know how the sea of ​​creation affected this place.

This should be ‘bound’ with the outside distortion points.

They also all work together.

Actually, coming in here is very...accidental.

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