4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3317: deal with

"We should deal with it in this way!"

"But isn't this used to kill that?"

"It doesn't matter if you use it here!"

Lin is trapped in the arms...now comes to a more spectacular place.

Appearing in front of Lin is a huge ball of light with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers.

However, its light is not very bright, it looks like it will be extinguished at any time.

Although it has the size of a tumbling person, it is not a physical thing. In fact... it is a dream ball.

The ‘airflow’ of the surrounding dream energy is constantly swirling and gathering in this place... it becomes such a sphere.

Lin's arms were trapped in a cage formed by airflow and brought to this place by some tentacles.

They are also constantly discussing in the process of bringing Lin.

It seems that this huge dream energy sphere is used as a weapon, and its main function is to kill some creatures.

In general, it is used to kill targets that you want to turn into a dream but are hard to die.

A creature must die, and its thinking will be transformed into a dream calendar.

However, some creatures in the normal void are not easy to die, or they live too long and the range of activities is too large.

These creatures don't easily die near the twist point.

So you need to kill them to turn them into dreams, but this creature is usually not very easy to kill.

So they made this kind of weapon.

This huge dream energy ball is called the 'end ball'.

At the moment of contact with the ball, the creature's mind will form an experience 'automatically'.

This experience includes the birth from the end to the death, and those who have not experienced it will all be imagined and then truly die.

They seem to have killed a lot of dead creatures in this way, and now they decided to use this method to kill these units of Lin.

Lynn also wants to see... is this really effective?

When Lin thought about it, Guan Shenglin’s whirlwind cage had slowly approached this huge dream energy.

The ‘surface’ of this dream energy looks like a patch of earth that glows and looks very interesting.

At the moment Lin touched the surface, Lin could feel a lot of information flowing into Lin's arms thinking.

This feeling... Let Lin think of the little guardian.

This is a 'forced' feeling that forces the input of signals into the mind and allows the creature to form a series of plots in the mind.

These plots cover everything from birth to death.

These arms of Lin are thinking in their thinking from birth to themselves... that is, the whole process from the time Lin made it to the present.

After thinking about the process that they have experienced, they will automatically supplement the process behind, such as what happened, where and when.

All of these will be imagined in a short period of time, and finally imagine their own death.

How do you die in the end, they will all imagine.

These imaginations are all related to the initial real experience, or the actual experience to calculate what will happen in the future and the cause of death.

As long as these units of Lin have a brain structure, they will use this brain to imagine this process.

The arms without the brain will not imagine, but Lynn also found that the cells in their bodies are affected by some special signals.

This kind of signal will make the cell itself think that its 'life' is over.

This process is still very interesting. Finally, the cells of these units began to stop working and were ready to die completely.

But Lynn can make them move again.

But for other creatures, it may have a good effect.

Because Lynn found that this signal seems to work for many kinds of creatures, this dream energy ball can force a lot of creatures to kill.

"This is impossible!" When the foundry's arms were mostly alive, the outside tentacles were surprised.

"Why can you live here! Why is there such a thing!"

When Lin's arms were closed by the whirlwind cage, they were able to see the soldiers of Lin.

So they all look amazing.

"This is definitely where the fault has occurred! We have to implement the plan ahead of time! But shouldn't we go out and implement the plan after troubleshooting?"

"No, only start planning until the fault is ruled out!"

These tentacles began a very heated discussion.

They also have a plan to understand Lin.

In fact, these ‘end balls’ are used as weapons to attack certain creatures.

These creatures are currently threatening the world of this dream calendar.

"Well, since it's decided, start planning! What about this? Just put it here first!"

After a series of discussions, these tentacles decided to start their plans.

Then they all flew away, and as for Lin's arms, they were left in the 'end ball'.

The end of the ball itself is composed of complete dream energy. It does not have a 'physical', so Lin's arms are actually trapped by a whirlwind cage.

However, Lin did not want these units to escape, mainly let them continue to study this place.

As for other arms that were originally outside, they continued to observe the tentacles outside.

Of course, Lin also continued to study in the normal void.

Lynn has used a lot of previously used bombs for other twist points.

But these bombs did not let Lin once again blow out the previous entrance that could enter the dream calendar.

These bombs have some effect on the cracks, such as letting the cracks shrink or disappear, but some places have no effect on the cracks.

The effect of the bomb is different at each twist point.

Lin also found a little bit when doing these tests. In fact, every crack can be connected to the dream calendar.

But they use some special methods, so Lin has no way to blow up the entrance so easily.

The consciousness of the sea of ​​creation should be controlling all this.

The huge space where the dream calendar is located is closely linked to the twist point.

Lin can now detect three 'locations'.

One is the twist point, there is the space for the dream calendar, and the last is... another place.

This place is still unclear, but after exploding the cracks on the cracks again and again, Lin can find that there are three places connected together.

The consciousness of the Sea of ​​Creation should be located somewhere, or in all places.

You should know soon where it is.

Because the world of the dream calendar now seems to be under attack.

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