"They are here at this place!"

"Get rid of them all!"

Lin is observing this...the space of the dream calendar.

Thousands of tentacles are moving rapidly along the airstream to somewhere.

Lin has been tracking them all the time.

These tentacles are now preparing to deal with a war... a war that is said to have been predicted long ago.

This place seems to be the location of the war.

Lynn noticed that the tentacles had stopped, and there were many flying objects about a thousand kilometers ahead of them.

These flying objects seem to be the things that invade here.

They don't seem to be invaded by normal voids, because these flying objects are all composed of shimmering rays.

They are all tens of meters in size, but the shape is not fixed, all of them are constantly changing.

"It's them! We have to form the perfect front to fight them!"

These tentacles rushed toward the group of flying objects. Because of their large number, the large group of tentacles formed a huge river of sparkling light when charging.

The other party is also a similar situation.

Those glowing flying objects launched a charge on this side... This caused two huge streams of light to collide.

In the violent collision, they turned into a group of shining lights like stars that illuminate everything around them.

At the same time, Lin’s arms around him can feel a very interesting feeling.

It can be said that two kinds of 'thoughts' are violently colliding.

One side is the idea of ​​the tentacle, they want to kill these invaders completely, and this group of invading creatures...the idea is to 'pollution' here.

They know the main role of this place.

This place is used to ‘release thinking’.

It is also a place for thinking that forcibly distorts normal void creatures.

Here we have been creating weapons that affect various biological minds, like the previous 'end ball', which seems to have many similar things besides that.

The role of these weapons is to be able to infuse ideas into a biological mind at will.

This does not seem to affect only creatures with a thinking structure, or even a creature 'self'.

Mainly used in conjunction with distortion, it can modify the life form of a creature and turn it completely into another creature.

These intruders feel that doing this is very... bad.

So they are going to destroy this place.

These two ideas are constantly colliding, and they all try to erode their thinking to erode each other's thinking.

When the intruder's mind is eroded, their thoughts will change from ‘want to destroy it’ to ‘think of suicide.’

The tentacle's thinking will also be suicidal when it is eroded by the invaders.

Their battle is to constantly let the other party want to die.

As the battle continues... Lin can also see that the huge light of this group has become smaller and darker.

This is because both of them have been affected.

As long as you are affected and start to commit suicide, you will quickly darken and die.

Both sides are constantly dying, so the entire light group is also rapidly becoming smaller.

Finally... this light group became some scattered light.

It seems that both sides have no victory.

Both sides are...the way they are dead.

After watching for a while, Lin found that the last remaining swarf disappeared.

Indeed, there is no winner in this battle.

However, this war seems to have just begun.

Because, Lin quickly noticed that there were thousands of luminous flying objects in the distance.

They flew here at a very fast speed and came to the place where the two armies had fought.

Then these flying objects... Lin can also detect that they are starting to communicate.

"It seems that they are indeed in this place." "They are very protective." "We must... they are coming!"

The exchange of these flying objects was suddenly interrupted, because Lynn saw a lot of tentacles flying in the distance.

This time the tentacles are more than before, almost 30,000.

The tentacles continually twisted and surrounded the group of flying objects.

And the flying objects here are also starting to fight against them.

This time they didn't use the direct impact method. Lin noticed that the flying objects gathered together and formed a large ball that was rotating rapidly.

Then...Lin can also feel that their strong ‘thinking’ is spreading around.

The tentacles around it also slammed at this time, and all stopped moving.

This is quite interesting.

The number of tentacles seems to be much larger than before, but this time it was suppressed by the opponent.

Their battle is mainly to use their own thinking to influence other creatures, so that the opponents are 'synchronized' with their own thinking.

Lynn found that these tentacles are now starting to collapse...

As before, they begin to darken and disappear quickly after being affected.

Soon these tens of thousands of tentacles... all collapsed.

These newly invaded flying objects seem to be very simple.

After they found that the tentacles were wiped out, they spread out and began to continue... chatting.

"They are much less than they thought before." "Yes, we thought they had completely occupied this place before, but there are still a lot of vacancies here." "They may have left here."

"No matter how much, we have to go in that direction."

After saying this, they suddenly began to fly in one direction.

When they started to fly, there were a lot of ... tentacles around.

Lin had never seen so many tentacles before exploring, and they seemed to suddenly pop up.

These tentacles came in large groups and attacked the flying objects, but they were easily defeated every time.

As for the dreams here... Lin found that they also met the wars on both sides.

But they don't seem to be doing what they are doing.

After defeating many tentacles, Lin found that these flying objects were getting faster and faster.

Lin is following them with very small arms, and if they continue to speed up... it’s hard to keep up with them.

And they did.

Faster and faster flying objects make it difficult for Lynn to catch up with them.

So Lynn changed another way to 'track' them.

That is the way to directly perceive their thinking through distance.

The various creatures here are dreams, tentacles or invading flying objects. They are thinking... Lin is always aware of it.

Now Lin has made some organs that can be used for long-distance sensing, so I can test it.

When Lin tested, Lin found that it was not just the thinking of those flying objects.

It seems to be able to feel... quite a lot of species.

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