The whirlwind is faster than the sailboat.

And it seems that it has no effect on shooting with dreams.

As the wind gets closer, the dragons on the boat begin to pray for the pompoms on the sails.

"Please guide us on the road and guide us... the future!"

This group of dragons constantly prayed that as their 'desired value' became higher and higher, the speed of the ship became faster and faster.

However, there is still no whirlwind.

The whirlwind quickly caught up with the sailboat, and the edge of the whirlwind touched the stern.

At the moment of contact, it shattered a part of the stern. When a large amount of light was scattered, the whole ship also vibrated.

But Lynn did not help them.

Because Lynn saw one in the sky... the creature fell.

"Puffball... will illuminate everything!"

This creature is also a dragon, holding an axe bigger than its body and squatting in the center of the whirlwind.

When it fell into the whirlwind, the whole whirlwind trembled fiercely.

Then... it spreads out.

This dragon smashed a huge whirlwind with one's own strength, which made the dragon on the boat cheer for it.

After the dragon fell into the sea, he jumped directly to the boat.

"It's a great hopper! You saved us!"

"I will bring the hope of the pompom to every place." After that, this dragon, called the hopper, jumped into the sea.

Lin found that it could run fast and jump in the sea of ​​mud without sinking in.

Lynn let the pompon split a small pompon to follow it, and also detect its emotions.

Lin found that her emotions... ‘missing’ is very small.

It's not like the dragons on the boat. Because they always think about it, Lin can detect a lot of things from these ideas.

And this hopper, it has only one idea, that is, 'the hope of spreading pompoms'.

However, the object of communication is limited to the creatures it knows.

It seems to have encountered a lot of creatures in the world of pompoms, including jade dragons, white dragons, and gnomes.

When encountering these species, if the other party is in trouble, it will save it and tell them about the hope of the pompon.

But if it is a species that is completely unknown, it will... be similar to those of the previous dragons and treat each other as food.

Therefore, it also has the title of 'jumper'.

More interesting is its strength.

This Snapdragon seems to have such a strong power because of the extremely strong ‘Hope.’

At least it thinks so.

So it has been doing this kind of thing all the time.

Because it didn't think about anything other than spreading hope, Lynn didn't know its origins.

Lynn thinks it should be a very famous one... 骸龙.

Next, I didn’t encounter anything special. The hopper had been running at sea, and the dragon’s sailboat didn’t have any trouble.

Therefore, Lynn tried to expand the scope of exploration during this period.

Mainly updated the previous detector officer.

At the same time, Lynn also created some organs that can control the energy of dreams.

After the update, I will be able to perceive the ... war situation.

Now Lin has made this sensory organ a 'telescope type', which can be seen at a considerable distance.

In this way, Lynn can detect...before those creatures in war.

That is the group of intruders and tentacles.

Lin found a group of people about a million kilometers away from the dragon boat.

That position is not in the mud, and their fighting style is similar to the previous one, which is to constantly influence each other with their thinking.

And Lynn also noticed that it was not just this group.

There are also a lot of invading flying objects and tentacles, and they are fighting in groups in different places.

Although they are all far apart, they did not fight in the mud sea.

However, it is quite strange that they are scattered so much. It seems that these intruders come from different places.

The main ones to deal with are those tentacles.

All the tentacles showed that they knew that these things would invade early.

But they don't necessarily win opponents. They generally lose more.

Those invaders also meet with their peers in the process of constantly solving the tentacles, and gather more and more.

Lynn noticed that a group of intruders had approached the edge of this dreamy sea.

There are quite a few tentacles around them that are constantly besieging them, but almost all of these tentacles are solved in an instant.

After a total of more than 300 intruders arrived at the edge of the mud, they stopped.

After solving the last group of tentacles, Lynn discovered that the intruders had gathered together.

This makes them look like a huge ball of light.

Then they touched the edge of the mud.


When they touched the edge of the mud, Lynn could feel the ocean like...the whole thing was shaken.

The dragon boat sailing on the sea almost fell over.

They didn't have time to rest after they settled on the sailboat... All of these dragons fell on the boat.

Because this ocean was filled with all kinds of chaotic emotions just after a moment.

Originally, this ocean can only feel desperate, but now I can feel countless kinds of ideas.

It's like being in a very noisy place, countless ‘sounds’ are constantly pouring into my mind.

This makes this group of dragons unbearable, and they hold their heads very painful on the boat.

Lin is very surprised why the intruders touch this piece of mud and have this effect.

This only disappeared after more than ten seconds.

It was not easy for the dragons to recover. They were all very frightened by the situation.

More interestingly, the ‘jumper’ that has been jumping at sea has nothing to do.

Although it feels this feeling, Lin finds that its thinking still maintains a strong belief in pompoms.

Therefore, it can still keep it from falling into the water.

At this time, Lynn noticed that the group of intruders had already flown to the surface of the sea.

They fly fast on the surface of the sea, and although they occasionally touch the surface of the sea, they do not cause that effect.

Lynn observed the direction in which they were heading, and seemed to have a strange thing in the distance from their way forward.

Their goal may be that thing.

That thing looks a bit like... a wave.

It looks like it has just been picked up from the sea and has a width of more than ten kilometers.

It’s just that this 'wave' is completely fixed in the air and looks like it has been solidified.

Lin also found that the wave was not far from the sailboat, so Lynne decided to investigate it first.

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