4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3322: diffusion

"It must end it! It must be destroyed!"

This is a huge ‘wave’.

It is actually the dream energy of the shape of the waves.

It is like the huge waves that have just started... It has continued a long distance at sea.

Because it felt very wonderful, Lin asked the pompon to separate a small pompon to explore the position of the wave.

When Lynn touched the wave, Lynn could think a lot from it.

These thoughts give Lin the feeling of being invaders and tentacles fighting each other, and they are constantly hoping for their opponents to die.

That is to use your own ideas to infect each other's ideas and make the other person want to commit suicide.

There is a lot of this kind of thinking in the waves, they are constantly attacking each other, and each thinking tries to kill all the thoughts around.

As long as one mind dies, Lin can see that some part of the wave has darkened.

If a lot of thinking dies, then the waves will behave like one less.

What Linde found to be more interesting is that if these thoughts succeed in killing all the thoughts around, they will fall into a state of panic.

It will feel like being alone, and then it will produce suicides that don’t want to live.

Therefore, this wave can be said to have been in a state of rapid demise.

It can be seen that the waves are disappearing one by one, and it looks like it has been punched with many holes.

Lynn thinks that after thousands of seconds, it will completely disappear.

But before that, the troops of the intruders will arrive here.

In fact, they are now very close... The huge light group of this group of invaders has no tentacles to stop.

But Lynn could find that many tentacles gathered on the edge of the dreamy mud, and they seemed to be unable to touch the sea for some reason.

This has led to intruders flying fast and unimpeded on this ocean.

Soon, Lynn observed the waves of the pompons and soon found them not far away.

The current waves have become as riddled by guns, and the intruders have accelerated their speed against the waves.

At the moment they touched the waves, Lynn felt the feeling of the previous... again.

The mixed countless thoughts were transmitted to the whole ocean at this moment, and the dragon sailing boat sailing on the sea once again suffered this violent impact.

But this time... you can find that it’s not just this piece of mud that has been hit.

At some of the distortion points of the normal void outside, Lin can detect the outbreak of this kind of dream energy.

Like a shock wave, it spreads rapidly from the cracks in the twisted point toward the surrounding void.

This is very interesting.

They have been able to directly affect the outside of the void.

And then Lin found that the invaders flew in other directions, and the same wave appeared in the direction they were flying.

They continue to fly towards the nearby waves.

Because the distance was very close, they quickly hit the waves.

After the moment, the strong shock wave burst out again.

At the same time, Lin can feel a similar impact in the void outside.

Numerous mixed thoughts are blooming out... Lin feels that if there are creatures nearby, it may have a great impact on them.

The next thing these intruders do is this.

They keep going to find those waves and then smash them.

Whenever the waves are smashed, dozens of twisting points on the outside will burst into a 'shock wave'.

The twist points for each bloom are the same.

Lynn wonders why they are doing this and how they work.

That is how they affect the outside... normal void

So after many blooms, Lin found that some creatures were affected.

Near some cracks in the twisted point, Lynn saw some creatures flying over.

That is... a void bus.

There are two empty buses, which are more than 20 kilometers in diameter.

The two Void buses apparently felt the kind of 'impact' that it bloomed and flew here.

Just as they approached the crack in the twist point, the intruders hit another wave again.

The strong impact of the fissure in the cracks made the two empty buses instantly settled.

They didn't do anything at all... Lin felt that it should be that their spirit was stimulated.

Then, Lynn let some of the arms observed nearby approach the two Void buses.

They landed on the surface of the Void Bus and found some internal access to the bus's organs.

There are a lot of holes in the Void Bus, and Lin can see many creatures carried by the Void Bus here.

These creatures all entered a coma.

Their thinking has all been violently impacted, and not just that.

Because many of them are creatures that Lynn knows, when Lin is testing their internal environment, Lin found that there are many changes in the organs in these organisms.

It can be said that it has directly become another creature.

The nuclear information in some cell organisms has completely changed, which makes their cells begin to construct some unprecedented structures according to the new nuclear information.

But these changes are not complete, only a part of this group of organisms has changed.

So if they go on like this, they will all die.

And the two empty buses seem to be the same.

Lin found that there were many changes in the organs in their bodies. After being stimulated, these organs seemed to have a 'misunderstanding'. These organs began to think of themselves as another creature and developed according to the state of that creature. .

As for the nerves of these two buses, they seem to have fallen into a state similar to ‘waves’.

It feels like it's splitting up a lot of different thoughts, and then these thoughts are constantly fighting each other.

This caused their bodies to quickly fall into a state of collapse.

So... Lynn tried to fix them.

The first is to make the creatures in those buses normal, and then repair the organs and nervous systems of these buses.

Lynn thinks this is a bit... difficult.

Because the buses themselves are very mutated, the organs in their bodies can be said to have changed form from the 'fundamental'.

Even so, Lin feels that it can be repaired, but it takes a long time.

And those intruders don't give that much time.

Lynn noticed that they ran into the nearby places where there were ‘waves’.

But this time they did not successfully hit the next wave.

Because there are some things that stop them.

This is not what Lynn has stopped... but it seems to be blocked by Lynn, but the dragon that is called the ‘jumper’.

And a dream pompom.

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