4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 176: No disputed world

Here is the forest of dragons, under the glory of the stars, the dragons gather on a wide branch platform, where they gather and celebrate, mainly because of a special green creature recently.

The dragons cheered, some dragons were pounding the bones and stones, and some dragons were pulling the tree vines, some dragons were blowing stones filled with holes, they made loud cheers for cheers. Music.

As the focus of this celebration, the flying spear is surrounded by a large group of curious little dragons, and the dragon that brought it to the beginning is also around it.

Leader Liddell stood in the center of the platform, on a large rock, and shouted: "Now you can eat and enjoy yourself! Let us welcome this green creature from afar!"

“Hey!” The dragons heard a sudden cheer, and a lot of meat and fruit were moved onto the platform. At the same time, some of the jars that were rolled up were put together.

Inside the jars is a special kind of mixture of sap and tree fruit liquids. They are called 'beverages'. The dragons pick up the leaves and remove the 'beverage' from the jar. Going on, they began to dance and cheer.

"Would you like to inform..." There was a dragon who whispered close to Liddell.

"No, let it rest." Liddell said: "The Tucker leader...it is older and less suitable for this kind of activity."

Flying spears seem to be overwhelmed by cheers, but it can still be understood that these dragons seem to welcome it and are good at it.

"Hey!" The dragon that brought it came with a leaf to it. The spear found some strange liquid inside.

It looked at the dragon in confusion. I saw the other party drinking directly with a leaf.

The spear smelled the liquid inside the leaf. There seems to be a very stimulating smell in it, but the dragons around are drinking, it feels that there should be no problem, and then drank in.

"Hey?" After the spear was drunk in, it suddenly felt a strange feeling in the body, and there was something that could be ignored! It suddenly screamed in excitement, and began to celebrate and dance with the surrounding dragons...

It seems to be quickly integrated into this group.

In the sky, Lynne has been observing them all the time. Although the spear is constantly calculating its own kind, it does not have any special thoughts on this group of dragons, but it may be temporary. If it is going to stay here, I don't know what to expect.

If it has the potential to have an impact on the habits of the dragons, then Lin will let it 'go'.

However, this group of dragons is indeed more hospitable, the word hospitality feels weird, but Lidell is mainly just looking for a reason to open a party, welcome to fly spear is secondary. Because they are so happy, they all like to open a party.

After the banquet. Most of the dragons returned to their homes, and Liddell asked some questions about the flying spears. They also mainly used painting to communicate with '嘎'. In this painting, the flying spears showed more More information, it was attacked by his own family and then flowed here. It has not returned to the group, so he said he wants to stay here.

Although Xiaolong does not have the concept of 'attacking the same kind', Liddell has also seen Bai Haolong occasionally treating the same kind of this kind. It understands that it can let the flying spear live in the community, and now let the spear come. Xiaolong lived with it.

Lin felt that the dragon had a particularly good feeling for the flying spear, probably because the flying spear was a female relationship.

Is it possible for a dragon to be attracted by the opposite **** of the Jade Dragon? It seems that they may really have the possibility of breeding.

In the following time, Lin has always observed the activities of flying spears. The dragons almost always stay in the trees. The bridges and platforms on the trees allow them to have enough space for activities. Only when they need to hunt, they only have to hunt. The combination of troops will go to the ground. This is the first time that the flying spears that are used to living on the ground are not very comfortable, but after a few days and nights, it is better.

At the same time, flying spears are also learning the language of Xiaolong. Most of the language of Xiaolong uses the words of brainworms, and there are some words of brainworms in the language of Jade Dragon, so they still have some sentences that can be the same. It is also easier to learn.

However, the most important thing is... the attitude of flying spears here...

Every night and night that the spears come to live here can be said to have been almost surprised. It was originally amazed at the structure of the trees here, the residences of the dragons here, the tools they used, etc. ......

The dragons rarely use fire, but they also create a lot of wonderful things, such as the leaves that glow at night is their tool to replace the flame.

After this, the spear began to be amazed at the life character of the dragons...

Here is a completely different world from the Emerald Dragon City. There are no thieves between the dragons, no deception, no disputes, and no status at all...

All the dragons have the same status, they don't divide their work, and each dragon can do what they like. Each dragon can be a guard, a hunter, or an artist and inventor, under the sole rule of a leader. They are full of joy at all times, and there is no negative emotion at all. Unless some dragons die, they will show sorrow.

The more the spears know about them, the more they show incredible emotions. Lin knows that the place where he lives is a place full of disputes. The common layer of jade dragons are guarding each other, calculating, and trying to get more resources from the same kind. And the more tragic lower level is the terrible phenomenon of 'suicide'.

Suicide is a very rare phenomenon. Apart from the self-destructive arms of the divisional species, there is almost no possibility of suicide in other species, but Lin believes that when a species suffers from great pain, it may commit suicide.

For example, to extract the bile of a living creature, it is enough to make the creature suffer suicide.

And those under the jade dragons, even if they are not physically injured, but the pain in their thoughts can be compared with the painful feeling of taking bile.

Even among the noble people living in the spears, they always compare each other, trying to suppress each other and trying to get the throne.

But here, everything is different, as if the dragons here are like being stripped of negative emotions.

Of course, all of this is caused by a furry sphere. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to ~lmxy~ really 饕餮幽幽~~

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