4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 177: Integrate into life

A world without disputes... no deception? A world where every member can live happily?

This place may be unimaginable for flying spears, but it is true. This may be like a dream for this jade dragon...

The longer the spears lived here, the more the minds found their thoughts changed... The spears did not try to tell the dragons here about the lifestyle of the jade dragons, or anything else, not even trying To change the dragons here or deceive them, instead, the flying spears are completely 'melted' by the life here.

Lin believes that maybe every jade dragon has such a place in the depths of his thoughts. There is no competition, only joy. Before the flying spear is a jade dragon with a heavy heart, but after coming here, it has already Those completely abandoned...

Lin found that the flying spears were excited about what they were doing every night and night. It seemed to be grateful for something like its own worship, thanking it for drifting to such a wonderful place.

The spear's thoughts change quite quickly, and it is also working hard to learn the dragon's lifestyle here.

Living in towering trees, it can be said that every day and night is a happy time, singing is always revolving in this jungle, and the resources of the dragons are usually piled in the center of this dragon forest. A few fixed locations, there is no distributor, each dragon will take a certain amount of food according to their own situation, no one will try to get more, so there is no need to guard.

The cubs always play in the jungle, and the dragons still use the previous cub education methods, they do not give the cubs too much education. Instead, let the cubs observe for themselves. Usually the pups are able to move around in the city of this forest. They can see for themselves how the weapon is built, how the armor is stitched, how the stone painting and the statue are made, and so on.

They can also play all the time, and play can also be regarded as a kind of training, which is very helpful for improving the hunting skills of the future.

The food of the cubs is also concentrated in several different places, and the cubs will take them by themselves.

The spear is very surprised by the freedom of the cubs here. The cubs of the emerald dragon will be sent to the ‘school’ for learning shortly after they are born. Every night and night must learn a lot of knowledge. There is no time to play, whether it is the people or the people, they have felt considerable pressure when they were young.

But here, the cubs are only happy.

Because there is no detailed division of labor, and each member has no pressure, there are many inventors in Xiaolong, and there are always some dragons who will try to piece together new things, including weapons, armor, or something else. Unlike the Jade Dragon, most of the jade dragons have no time to do this because of the pressure of various things. Some of the jade dragons who are so good as the nobles are also busy enjoying. Only a few jade dragons are made full-time, because of this, the things that Xiaolong made are much better than the jade dragons.

The flying spear also found that the dragon is not only good at making things, but also on food.

In addition to meat, the main food of Xiaolong is the ‘energy fruit’ of Longqimu.

This is also a place to surprise the flying spears. This kind of tree will produce a fruit that looks like a purple ball, but unlike the general kind of thing, they can come out at any time, than those only Plants that can be harvested regularly are much better.

This kind of small ball usually appears on the trunk and even in the tree house, and it is very delicious. At the same time, the dragons are also good at mixing these **** with other foods to make something more delicious or a drink.

In return, the dragons will grind most of the remaining bones and food crumbs, and bury them in the underground roots as a nutrient for the dragons, and they also need to help the dragons clean.

However, the dragons will not always enjoy it. The flying spears often hear the sound of ping-pong, which is beaten by weapons. There are always some dragons who exercise each other and hone their strength.

The dragons are doing this to protect them. They know that there may be dangerous creatures outside, but the most important thing is to go hunting. They often go to the distance to hunt a variety of large dinosaurs or dinosaurs.

After that, the flying spear had the opportunity to participate in the hunting of the dragons.

Hunting, this may be the only place where the dragons will compete.

From each hunting, the dragons will choose the candidate of the next leader according to the performance of each member. The candidate has to go through a lot of things before they can become the leader.

Liddell was like this. It found Lin’s pompom when he was young. He should have been chosen as the leader, but after Lin and Tucker said, they didn’t plan to choose Liddell again. However, Liddell later became the leader by his own efforts...

The competition of the dragons in hunting is mainly to show their skills in hunting, instead of trying to harm the same kind. No dragon will try to squeeze other dragons to make themselves shine, and there is no dragon. In an attempt to fabricate merits, in fact, Xiaolong does not even have the concept of 'deceiving the same kind'.

Lin made the development of Xiaolong now. Otherwise, Xiaolong may form a life form similar to the jade dragon.

The kind of life, if you think about it carefully, there is indeed a feeling of 'difficulty'. The living creatures of the original life are very difficult to gather together, create things, resist foreign enemies, but grow stronger and not be terrible outside. When the creature threatened, they still had difficulty living, and this threat changed from the outside creature to the same kind.

Most of the Emerald Dragons have never been happy. They are just out of a competition, but they fall into another competition. Their pain seems to have not stopped, and it seems to have become more bitter, at least not suicidal. A phenomenon occurs.

It is estimated that when the jade dragons discovered that the threat came from their own kind, their thoughts changed, and they felt that everything was untrustworthy and became more and more selfish...

In the past, it was based on the unity of the group to obtain resources together.

Although Lin found that there are still some jade dragons trying to help the same kind of free, but their number is very small, it is impossible to change the situation.

But for the flying spear, it can't understand how these dragons lived such a wonderful life. Why their thoughts are so different from the jade dragons, these flying spears can't know, and they tried to find the answer.

Xiaolong also has many things to worship. There are statues of these worships in this woodland. Although there are many things to worship, the most admired dragons are the pompoms.

Although the spear does not know what it is, it sees that the dragons worship it so much, and the spears follow them to worship the pompoms, which it believes will be happy.

In fact it has now been obtained.

I lived here for a while, and after seeing everything here, the flying spear seems to be fully determined to live here, learn the language, forget everything...

The idea of ​​this is very good. At the beginning, Lin also worried about the impact of the flying spear on the habit of the dragon. It seems that this possibility is relatively small.

Now the flying spear seems to be worried about the dragon coming. Lin found that it often stands in the direction of the Emerald Dragon City. It is obviously afraid.

The spear is very fond of this place, so it is afraid that Susumi will attack this place. There are many times. The dragon that lives with it has asked the flying spear about the situation of the emerald dragon group. The spear did not say it. .

Lin found that the flying spear is afraid of being attacked here. The flying spear likes this place, but it does not mean that other jade dragons may like it here. They may look at the resources here and see the dragon perch than other plants. The plants are so superior, so they want to plunder this city of dragons... The so-called individual creatures are like this. Their characters are different. The whole group cannot be judged by the thoughts of one member.

Therefore, the flying spear is now completely avoiding mentioning anything about the city of the Emerald Dragon with other dragons. It does not want to have communication between the two. Even if it does not say the language of the Jade Dragon, it tries to learn completely. The language of the dragon...

The spear has now almost regarded itself as a dragon.

However, Xiaolong is also very curious about this kind of green creature. Even if the spears don't say it, they may also go to the upstream with the river, so there is still a city that may encounter the emerald dragon.

Lin feels that this problem does not have to be very worried, because any dragon can participate in hunting. Almost every dragon is good at fighting. Although they are happy, they are not weak, and they will not shrink in battle. They don't run away with casual fears, which makes the dragons quite powerful.

However, it is also possible that there is a jade dragon ‘mixed into the dragon’, and then the life habits of the dragon are changed. In this case, Lin needs to solve it...

Other species Lin does not care, but Xiaolong needs to maintain this state.

These two species will have exchanges sooner or later, and the flying spear will be so surprised after seeing the town of Xiaolong. Then the dragon sees the city of the emerald dragon and does not know what to think? But when Xiaolong goes there, he will definitely be caught as a slave.

However, there is not so much communication between them now.

During the period when the flying spear lived here, Susumi returned to the city with the search for troops.

Mukla reported to Susumi about the circumstances in which the people who were leaving were trying to compete for the throne. Susumi thought that those things were put aside and ignored.

Because there is a war that is going to be done. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~lx731209~ I miss you, I miss you, the monthly ticket~

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