"This is the egg of Dorok! The king got it!"

This is the city of Emerald Dragon. Under the scorching sun of Baiji, many emerald dragons gather in the square of the upper area. They include the people and the people. All the jade dragons are concentrated in a wooden Above the high platform, Susumumi and Mukla, as well as another jade dragon responsible for the combat command, are standing on it.

Mukla is holding a dark blue egg at this time. The shell of the egg is shining under the scorching sun. All the emerald dragons who saw it can't help but marvel...

Susumi was once called the incarnation of 'Doruk', but later the jade dragons did not have this idea, but gave Susumi another title, such as the king of battle, teaching Those who are blessed are waiting for a variety of strange titles, but they are all born of worship. Now, Susumi has won the eggs of Dorothy, and the jade dragons have greatly improved their worship. The idea that Susumumi had already died was completely dissipated.

In fact, no jade dragon can confirm whether it is the egg produced by 'Yalong leader Dorok', but whether it is the egg of the leader or the egg of another Yalong, the thing to get the egg of the wild Yalong is originally No Emerald Dragon tried, even if this is not the egg produced by the leader, this is also an amazing move...

The eggs produced by Yalong's Yalong are white with spots, while the wild Yalong's eggs are dark blue. No jade dragon knows why this is the case. They think that this should be different for eating food, which also makes the two It became very good to distinguish.

"All the jade dragons!" At this moment, Susumui came forward and shouted at the emerald dragon below: "We. We will face a war!"

Susumi’s voice just fell. There was a noise next. Many emerald dragons don't know about war, and they don't even know what war is.

But they all understand a basic truth, and war means a lot of death.

"In the South! A creature called Lili has set up a huge community!" Susumi said: "There are thousands of them, and their personality is very militant, which has already constituted a threat to us! ”

When he spoke, Mukla made several guards move up a stone painting, which portrayed the appearance of the scorpion. These scorpion creatures that used the limbs were not seen by the jade dragons. Susumi’s words and stereotypes have left many jade dragons with a fear of fear.

But there are also many Emerald dragons looking at Susumumi with hope, and they believe that Susumi can lead them to victory.

In fact, the group of Jade Dragons is occasionally attacked by other biomes. The most serious one is that they are besieged by dozens of dinosaurs weighing more than nine tons. The second is that Susumu took them to avoid the crisis of almost destruction.

Therefore, Susumi is the hope in the emerald dragon's thoughts, and it is also the most admired goal, which is true for the ordinary layer and the lower layer of the jade dragon...

"They are terrible, but they are by no means invincible. We can't wait for them to climb into our territory. We must pick up the weapons. Take the lead in launching the assault! Under Dobuk's blessing, we will win and completely eliminate this. After the threat, our city will continue to expand, and all Jade Dragons will get more resources!"

"噢噢噢噢!!!" Susumi’s words were greeted by the Emerald Dragons! Whether they are for resources or for Susumi, Susumi really encourages them.

Lynn’s spy has been observing it in this group of cheering Emerald Dragons. It seems that the war is inevitable, and Susumumi has never considered peace.

Although it is true that Lie is not likely to achieve peaceful coexistence with Susumumi, if Susumumi encounters a dragon in the future, he will definitely plan to start the war immediately.

“So!” Susumi continued to point to a building next to the square and said: “We need guards. All dragons who feel that they have the ability to send weapons can go to the 'Reporting Office' to register, and the applicants will get their own. Equipment and houses! I need more guards to fight against Lie!"

“Hey!” The Jade Dragon Group cheered again. Many of the Jade Dragons immediately rushed in the direction of the 'Reporting Place'. Many of the lower-level jade dragons, their most hope is to get their own houses. Have enough food.

As it turned out, the current number of regular troops is not enough. Is it necessary to increase the number of troops by this method?

Emerald dragon's house is built in addition to the lower level, but it is generally empty after it is built. It needs to have enough resources for it. It can be changed with food or something, but the amount of resources usually needed is not The lower layer of the jade dragon can afford it.

But now it can be obtained directly. Of course, the Jade Dragons are very excited. A large group of jade dragons were piled up in the report. Lin also squeezed in and found a group of guards in this house to record the jade dragon and release equipment.

Lin also went in to sign up, because the spy's strength is bigger than the average jade dragon, so it is very good to squeeze in, the name Lin directly reported as a 'spy', because there is no such thing in the jade dragon, they do not know what it means.

Lynn also got a set of equipment... But is this really equipment? There is only a simple protoid dragon skin, and many cracks on it, it seems to have been used for a long time, there is a stone sword and a small stone shield.

Lin now almost guessed what Susumu wanted to do.

Lynn also got the location of the assigned house, far from here, in a corner of the city, close to the wall.

After arriving, Lin discovered that the ‘distributed house’ here was only a little bigger than the houses piled up by the jade dragons in the lower level.

At the entrance of each house, a symbol was drawn. Lin got a slate at the report, and also painted a symbol on it. The jade dragon who got the distribution house could find it by finding the same symbol as the slate.

After finding the symbol, Lin walked in and found that there was nothing but an empty jar.

This is too simple to make...

But this is of course also true. In fact, Susumi is not a force that wants to be able to fight really. This temporary unit is only used for testing...

At this time, within the palace.

After Susumumi finished speaking in the square, he and Mukla returned to the place where the map was placed.

"Wang, the Yalong Knight who we went to investigate has been shot down. The other side has the ability to attack the air, but I still don't know what it is..."

“Yes...” Susumi said: “So I just called a unit and went to ‘reconnaissance’.” (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, and the novel is better and faster!

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