"Must... guard this place!"


These gravel... have a strong mind.

They have a core of dream energy, where you can detect the idea of ​​it.

This gravel...was originally a resident of this passage bridge built by the Doomsday Tunnel.

They are themselves creatures that resemble a combination of dream energy and physical matter, which are actually more common.

But they have a special mission to live here.

That is to guard the place from being invaded.

This place is not a bridge to normal voids, as the convener said.

The Doomsday Tunnel is not a creature eager to go to the normal void, at least... these residents think so.

The main meaning of this place is actually the connection that prevents normal voids.

It seems that there are quite a few normal creatures in the history or something else, like the Sea of ​​Creation, trying to connect to... unforeseen places.

This tunnel is used to block these connections.

It seems to block a lot of connecters.

From the moment of memory, the residents here are told that they have a mission to kill all invaders.

Some of the gravel that Lynn detected, some of the battles that have been experienced several times they are called 'connected wars'.

When there is space in the normal void and something like this is connected to this void, there will usually be many intruders.

Their mission is to fight these invaders.

Usually they kill the intruder and then disconnect the two sides.

If they encounter invincible invaders, they will begin to implement the 'doomsday plan', which is to destroy the entire place.

But generally they don't need to do a doomsday plan.

When residents can't beat the invaders, they will be picked up to receive the transformation and become a more powerful form.

It is also like the creation of the sea now.

When the conscious space of the Sea of ​​Creation was connected here and tried to spread here, the inhabitants here fought against it, but it failed.

The failed resident will retreat to a certain location to undergo the transformation, and then change himself to the current white grit form.

It’s not that they deliberately transformed themselves into gravel, but the residents here are so small.

Then they will form like a desert, or a huge salon roll to attack the invaders again.

At the same time, they also pick up some residents who have not had time to retreat.

Originally they were intended to fight directly against the sea where the sea of ​​creation was spreading.

However, due to the meeting of the convenor, the convenor told them the specific things of the sea of ​​creation.

This makes them very nervous, they are not going to fight, but intend to break the space urgently.

The deserts made up of these residents feel that they cannot fight against the sea of ​​creation... but it takes a long time to carry out the 'doomsday plan'.

By that time, the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation may spread deeply, or use various new tactics to stop them.

Therefore these residents decided to ... disconnect directly.

In fact, the direct disconnection of the space and the doomsday plan is similar, but this emergency disconnect will make them die here too.

But even so, they are planning to make an emergency disconnect.

In this way, what the convener thinks seems to be very different from what Linde found now.

The convenor felt that the Doomsday Tunnel thought of normal voids, but in reality the tunnel was invaded by something that prevented normal voids.

However, what is currently known is the idea of ​​residents living in the tunnel.

As for the Doomsday tunnel itself, it is still unclear.

But it is clear that these residents...that is, the white gravel now wants to do is the same as Lin knows.

They have to be disconnected urgently.

These residents are not classified as divisional species, but Lynn also found that they are not ordinary human creatures.

They can be regarded as a kind of 'combat creatures'. The thinking of these creatures is the energy of dreams, so they can feel what the surrounding kind is thinking.

They originally had a lot of different ideas, and when they found that their neighbors were in conflict with their own ideas, they would start to engage in conscious warfare.

They will try to defeat the other party's consciousness in the battle of consciousness. The specific method of defeating Lin may feel similar to what the dream space sees.

As long as the battle is over, the loser's idea will be with the winner.

Residents with the idea of ​​'I want to be disconnected urgently' have won the grave of the 'not wanting to disconnect', and the residents who do not want to disconnect will also become disconnected, and it will also attack other things. Open residents.

When an idea gains an advantage, it quickly spreads to the entire population of the community, allowing them to agree.

They don't usually do this, but in the event of an emergency, they engage in a large-scale conscious battle to unify the entire group.

After unification, they can be perfectly coordinated with the division of species, and it is easy to form a sandstorm.

Then, after the emergency is over, they will slowly regain their personality.

Only this time they may not have the chance to recover, because they are now ‘want to break urgently’ the idea of ​​winning.

And the sea of ​​creation... is trying to stop them.

After continuously launching a large number of water cannons, Lin found that it seemed to be taking more direct action.

... The whole piece of the sea has moved.

Lin found that the sea had suddenly turned into a raging tsunami after stopping the launch of the water cannon for hundreds of seconds. It all moved in the direction of the desert.

The desert was even more frantic at this time... trembling.

To say that it looked like an earthquake before, this time it seems like something is holding the whole desert and shaking wildly.

All the gravel in this desert is madly beating, which makes them look like deserts, like... a giant sandstorm.

They also have a very good effect, and countless cracks spread between the two, and the mad radiation spreads around.

At the moment when the waves of the sea of ​​creation inundated these cracks, Lin found that a large number of 'seawater' rushed to the cracks.

This will make the cracks smaller and smaller until they disappear.

Although it consumes a lot of water, it is almost insignificant for the whole sea.

The ocean finally drowned all the cracks and was close to the desert.

At this time, the gravel also stopped beating, and they changed back to a desert that looked very normal.

This desert was swallowed up by the violent waves in the next second.

The sea madly washed all the gravel and swallowed them all in the water.

However, this time the sea seems to have no effect of the previous water cannon... it did not stop the gravel.

Every gravel is in the water... constantly struggling.

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