4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Withdrawal

"Retreat... leave here..."

The waves are raging in the desert.

This scene still looks very spectacular.

The wave of creation sea quickly swallows all the gravel.

Although these gravel can still be struggling after being swallowed in the water, they can't do any useful action.

Because seawater can affect their mind's control of the body, although they did not make friends as enemies as before, they still prevented them from functioning properly.

Under the attack of sea water, Lin found that the desert began to make some special moves.

It... broke open.

The second half of the desert and the first half suddenly collapsed into a huge crack, which made the whole desert split into two at this moment.

Then, in the latter half of the desert, the desert quickly receded into the depths of the far darkness, allowing the sea to swallow the first half of the desert.

After the sea swallowed the desert in the front, it did not continue to pursue it. It stopped acting and seemed to be preparing something.

At present, Lin has learned from the memory of the residents' gravel that the sea of ​​creation is generally occupied by the sea at a certain speed.

The position it occupies will begin to 'data' after a period of time, that is, it is no longer like the ocean, but a variety of ... creations.

That is the environment that Lynn saw when he first came in.

Maybe the ocean stops moving, it means it is starting to 'data'.

And Lin can go and see at this time... where the gravel will retreat.

Because Lin has a lot of micro-arms in the desert, and these micro-arms will not be hostile.

Before Lin examined a lot of residents' gravel, they already knew about their perception system.

Therefore, Lynn can create a 'spy' unit for them, and they will be recognized as friendly.

It is also possible to create arms that are invisible to them.

There are now many mini-arms in the desert in the second half of the retreat.

Lin looked at this huge desert like a warship, sailing fast in the dark space.

They are getting faster and faster, and they have been 'jumped' several times on the way.

That is to say, it is a long-distance movement like a transmission.

In the end, the desert stopped when it moved about a billion kilometers away.

This place doesn't look dark anymore. You can see a lot of large objects like snails floating around the void.

These are actually the buildings when they were originally residents, but they only caused the shape of the snail.

The snail-shaped buildings are each nearly one kilometer in size, but the sand does not fly back into their buildings, but is discussed in these buildings.

Their discussion is mainly to generate ideas in their minds and then share them with their peers.

Because Lynn's spy arms also have the dream energy in their brains, they can perceive what they are thinking.

There are tens of thousands of kilometers of deserts, and there are so many ideas about the emergence of numerous gravel.

But these ideas are relatively close, that is... what should I do?

Their plans to urgently disconnect the space have failed.

In fact, they can only be disconnected urgently at that position. If the ocean has already drowned the location... then there is no way to make an emergency break.

Therefore, they thought of two other plans.

One is to carry out the 'Doomsday Plan'.

The Doomsday plan requires them to prepare for this time in this space. It seems that it takes 30 pompons to stay up all night.

During this time, the oceans may continue to extend, and there may be something to attack them that interfere with their plans.

It can be said that this is a more risky plan.

They used to be very successful in the past, because none of the invaders they have ever faced is as difficult as it is now.

In addition to the Doomsday plan, they have a plan, that is... calling the Doomsday Tunnel itself.

This plan, they have not been carried out for a long time, usually they do not need to contact the Doomsday Tunnel.

In fact, because there is no connection for too long, the Doomsday Tunnel is like a legendary myth.

They don't even know if they can contact.

Of course, they still have a way to stay in contact.

Next, they began the ‘conscious battle’.

Mainly decided to implement the doomsday plan and decided to contact the two sides of the tunnel, the two groups of different ideas of gravel began to fight.

The battle lasted for a short time, and soon the idea of ​​contact with the tunnel's gravel gained an advantage.

Because they are more numerous.

When the idea was filled with all the gravel, they immediately began to contact the ‘Ceremony’.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the whole desert began to show some wonderful changes.

Lin found that the towers began to erect a tower.

Of course, these towers are all gathered together by sand, and they continue to converge until the tower reaches a height of almost three hundred meters.

And this desert has set up hundreds of such towers in a short time.

After they were established... Lynn also found that the top of the tower shot a beam of light in the depths of the darkness.

This intense light has been illuminating deep, and Lynn can feel that it is something like a 'dream path'.

The main role is to guide the energy of dreams.

Should they use this to contact the Doomsday Tunnel?

After a few tens of seconds of beam emission, Lynn suddenly felt... a very strong... uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, all the gravel is felt.

Because Lin's arms are connected to their minds, the arms have also been involved in their consciousness battles.

So now it is clear that almost all the gravel is screaming.

Their minds feel intense pain.

The feeling of pain and painful energy is similar, and Lin found that it was transmitted from the beams that they radiated.

The pain quickly spread throughout the desert.

Every gravel in the desert is in a painful ‘mourning’ state.

The towers they formed, and the deserts, began to collapse. They were originally tightly caught together to form the desert.

And when they loosened their companions, the desert began to collapse.

Although those towers have long since spread, this painful feeling is still in the consciousness of every gravel.

In addition to suffering, they also have a strong emotion.

That is ‘why’?

They seem to agree that this is the Doomsday tunnel punishing them and want to kill them.

These gravel are constantly trying to find the cause of punishment, trying to get rid of the pain.

But in fact, they don't know what the pain is.

It is not clear whether this has anything to do with the Doomsday Tunnel. Lin found that a lot of gravel has been unable to withstand the pain and began to die.

Therefore, only Lin can help them investigate the reasons.

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