The passage of this dream... quite painful.

Lynn's ball of fluff is moving fast.

Accurately speaking, it is ‘dreamland pompon’.

Because Lynn climbed up to the 'high tower' built by the residents' gravel not long ago.

Although the towers were broken when they felt pain, the dream energy led by the tower was still here.

Therefore, Lynn allowed some units to swallow a lot of gravel bodies and assembled something that could be called a 'dream launcher'.

Under normal circumstances, Lin will expose the identity of the spy, but now the gravel of the entire desert is in a state of collapse.

A lot of gravel has died... their body structure will change because of the spirit.

So when you feel severe pain, they really die.

Lynn decided to investigate before the collapse of the desert to see what caused this painful energy to pass here.

And... Why is there painful energy here?

The dream launcher made by Lynn connects to the dream channel and uses the dream energy to construct a pompom shape.

This can also be said to be the type of army composed of dream energy, but it needs to be controlled by the 'transmitter'.

Now this pompom is moving along the channel to the far side, and Lin can feel the intense pain during the movement.

This kind of pain is like a flood that constantly slams into this side, and finally reaches the desert where the sand is gathered.

What is the end of the channel? Lin thinks, speeding up the pompon.

Moving in this channel is not the usual way of moving, mainly by ‘hope’.

This is also similar to the situation in the dream space.

As long as there is strong hope, you can 'reverse the current' at a very fast speed, and if you are crushed by pain, you will be rushed back.

Because of strong hope, it will enhance its energy.

This should be the special effect of this space and the dream space. It is not clear what the reason is. The dream energy in other places is not like this.

In fact, those gravel can generate dream passages, mainly their 'hope'. They strongly hope to connect with the ... Doomsday Tunnel, and the hope of countless gravel has formed a huge passage extending far away.

In this case, this painful energy is transmitted, perhaps because there are certain things on the opposite side that hope to spread the pain?

No matter what, because Lyne can easily adjust the ‘hope mood’ in his mind to the highest level, it can be reversed.

Until... arrived at the goal. seems to be the destination here.

Lynn noticed that the end of the beam of the dream channel was in a dark space, nothing around, and the light disappeared at this position.

Therefore, Lynn decided to let the dream pompoms directly contact the end of the channel.

At the moment when the pompom flies to the end of the passage, Lin finds the surroundings... Instantly reveals a new scene, and the pain is also disappearing at this moment.

This place looks like a vast plain.

The ground is full of prosperous flowers, and Lin found that this is a common species of plants in the world of pompoms. When they are seen, they will have a very comfortable mood.

In fact, it is just the opposite of the painful emotions of the previous passage.

This is... very wonderful.

"Newcomer." At this time, Lynn found a flower on the ground floating up, and it slowly flew before the pompon.

"It hasn't appeared for a long time." It uses the signal of dream energy.

“Where is this place?” Lin asked.

“Do you say the scenery here?” said the flower: “This is mainly related to what is in your memory.”

"But it will soon disappear and disappear forever." The flower said: "If you are asking where is this..."

"This is the last place." Said, Lin found that the flowers floated on the ground and hit the ground with force.

At the moment it hit the ground, the ground blasted and exploded, and there was a lot of painful energy in the blasting position.

However, this surge lasted for a few seconds and stopped.

"Too much..." the flower said: "They have to surround it."

"Where is this?" Lin continued to ask, the flowers told Lin where it is.

It means that here is a ‘acceptance’.

It is said to be the place to receive those creatures that are 'good-hearted'.

To be precise, there are no offensive creatures.

Because many creatures in the void know how to destroy other creatures, even if they don't understand, they have the idea of ​​attacking other creatures.

And here is mainly to receive those creatures that have no attack.

The general requirement is that the creature must have some intelligence, but there must be no idea of ​​trying to harm other creatures.

Usually a creature discovers a strange creature and usually considers whether the other party has a threat.

The creatures coming here must not have this idea, it must ignore it, or treat strange creatures with good intentions.

Then it is eligible to come here.

It means that this is a place like this.

But what is the meaning of this place, who created it, this flower did not say at all.

It also tells Lin that there is usually a random selection of scenes in biological memory.

It is a 'leader' and will appear as an object in this scene.

It's just that this place doesn't really make sense now.

Because it is about to be swallowed up by pain, everything will disappear.

"Let's go." The flower finally said to the pompom: "Leave here, it will be destroyed."

"..." Lin tried to check it everywhere here. In fact, the surface here, the flowers are all composed of dream energy, but there is nothing special to detect.

And this flower is not willing to say anything, so Lin leaves according to the ‘export’ it refers to, and goes to another place.

This place... seems to be a place similar to the previous one.

That is, 'random memory scene'.

This time there was the jungle of the dinosaur continent. Lin was preparing to investigate and found a dragon appearing in front of Lin.

"Newcomer." Lin found that the words of "Yulong" were exactly the same as those of the previous flower.

It seems that this place is also the same as before.

So Lynn went to the next scene under its guidance.

After going to many of these scenes, Lin finally found something special in the twenty-third scene.

This time it was not Lin’s memory scene, and there was also a special creature inside.

This may be... the Doomsday Tunnel itself.

At least it is what it says.

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