4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Overlapping creature

"This is what they do... they want to do this."

This is a very interesting place.

Countless scenery is constantly flashing.

The surrounding scenery is like a huge screen made up of... and these screens are constantly flashing.

Most of these pictures are... the scenery of various civilizations.

There are scenes of prosperous cities, wars among civilizations, and some creatures eating quietly, sleeping, etc. It can be said that what can happen in a civilization will appear on it.

However, each screen only disappears in less than a hundredth of a second, and countless different screens continue to switch at a rapid rate.

The 'Doomsday Tunnel' is between these pictures.

From the appearance, it is a creature about the size of Lin's dream pompom, and its appearance is very similar to the Ershi people.

To be precise, it is very similar to Lyn's Veronica, but there are many differences, such as hair is not that long.

Its shape is said to have changed according to Lin's memory information, but these constantly flashing screens are not.

The picture that flashes around these screens is mainly the ‘history record’ of the biological civilization living here.

It is said that it was a long time ago.

Accurately speaking, it was the era of the convener.

The Doomsday Tunnel also mentioned the purpose of the space it created.

In fact, it is not intended to go to the normal void, mainly to... let ‘dream and reality’ merge.

The general approach is to attract a group of creatures from unforeseen places and then attract a group of creatures from normal voids.

At the beginning, these two creatures will not perceive the existence of each other. The creatures of both sides build their own civilization here and live a life that does not interfere at all.

But as life continues, the dream creature will slowly “overlap” with the normal void creature.

That is to say, their way of thinking, behavior, and even body structure will become unified.

For example, the coming Nether creatures are spherical, and the dream creatures are square. They originally lived their own lives, but it took a long time... The ball-shaped creatures will slowly become square, and the squares will begin to slowly It becomes like a ball.

Then, the form of both sides will get closer and closer, and will stop until they are exactly the same.

And their daily habits of life habits will become almost exactly the same, no matter which side of the creatures will have the same behavior, like they would like to make the same building, that is, the materials used are completely different.

However, their behavior will not completely overlap. After all, the life of a dream creature and the normal void creatures still have many differences, but they will become very similar.

Moreover, they all have a kind of 'belief'.

This kind of belief in the people of Ershi also believes that after death, it will become an ethereal energy body 'soul'.

Dream creatures also have similar beliefs. They believe that after they die, they will solidify into a very solid ‘physical’ substance, then silence for a while, and at some point reawaken into a new life.

Generally this idea is mainly caused by the fear of death of the creature. It is considered that death is not the end, but a new beginning.

So usually when civilization is constantly developed, they will abandon this idea.

But the creatures living in this channel are different. As civilization develops, they become more determined about this idea.

Later, I even tried to invent various things to investigate the existence of ‘soul.’

At this time, the Doomsday Tunnel will interfere with them.

It will forcibly "break up" the two sides.

That is, the normal null species return to the normal void, and the dream creature returns to the unpredictable land.

End this fusion life in space.

As for what happens after they go back, the Doomsday Tunnel does not matter.

It will create a new space after a while and then continue to attract species.

However, this is a long time ago...that is, the two virtual distances are very close.

When the void distance becomes farther, the Doomsday Tunnel can no longer attract normal void creatures into the space.

However, it invented another method at the time.

That is the ‘thinking structure’.

Although it can't get the entities of normal Void creatures into space, it can detect their thinking in some way.

Then, it directs the thinking of these creatures to certain substances in the space and assembles them into creatures.

Then the dream creatures come in, and there will be the same effect as before.

In the long years, the Doomsday Tunnel has been making this creature, and when they become high enough, they will break up these creatures and return them to their respective voids.

Since the latter creatures cannot return to the normal void, it sends their thought information back.

In this way, some creatures in the normal void will perceive the encounter of creatures living in the space.

But in general, they can only get some memory fragments instead of all the information, so generally they only feel that they have some strange memories, and there is not much doubt.

In short, the Doomsday Tunnel continued to make such a long time... space.

It didn't say its purpose, but it didn't keep going.

Because at some point, the Doomsday Tunnel found that there were many unforeseen creatures in the normal void.

Like phoenixes, whirlwinds, and various dream creatures.

After that, it didn't do this kind of mixed creature in space anymore.

However, it still maintains the space it creates.

At that time, the last batch of creatures left in this space, this group of creatures...that is, the group of residents that Lin sees now.

At least part of it is.

Because the Doomsday Tunnel stopped the detachment of the creatures in the space, they have been waiting to develop in space.

As they developed, they became more and more sophisticated and began to explore in space.

They were originally developed on a ‘land’ of tens of thousands of kilometers in size.

They were deeply curious about the darkness around them and began to explore after the development of a powerful aircraft.

The expectations of these residents for the surroundings are like the expectation of the creatures in the normal void to the void, and they think that the darkness around them is endless.

There is a lot of resources in the space, and there are a lot of ‘wildlife’, but it is much smaller than the real void.

During the journey of exploration, these residents discovered the edge of space at some point.

Then the panic of emotion quickly spread among them.

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