"The end is coming!"

Although their lives are stable, they have found a serious situation.

Their 'empty space' is limited.

Residents living in the Doomsday Tunnel explored the surrounding space and found this after the edge of the space.

Extremely frightened.

They originally thought that the size around them was endless, and the various detection instruments they made also said so.

They have detected quite distant phenomena, so they feel that this place must have endless things waiting for them... exploration.

But in fact, the edge was quickly explored.

The size of the space at the time did not know how many, as it is now, this space is actually a long strip.

It has a thickness of more than 100,000 kilometers, and the length is more than 10 billion kilometers.

But according to the Doomsday Tunnel, it was not this shape at the time.

In short, there must be no 'infinite size', and the residents inside have begun to panic after exploring the edge.

They have all sorts of speculations, such as what their civilization is a powerful creature to watch in the 'cylinder', like the natural phenomenon of this horrible edge, which isolates their connection with the 'outside' Category.

And the idea that makes them most afraid is not that they are the captives of powerful creatures, but that their 'empty space' is really only that big.

There is nothing more than the edge.

This is what they are most afraid of, so for a long time, they tried to 'drill' the edges in various ways.

But as they think, the edge of space is inextricable.

Although there is some way to make this space connect to other spaces, they don't have any related technology.

So they always think that this is their end, they will be trapped here to die.

So the end of the day really came.

Because of the growing relationship between the 'doomsday rhetoric', the residents here are slowly beginning to despair.

Even those who feel that there is no need to explore everywhere and continue to live here are worried about the consumption of resources.

These residents have become more and more depressed for a long time, the more they are unable to leave this space, the more serious the loss of sentiment spreads among them.

In the end, they found that everything they created began to fester.

In fact, the maintenance of this place is mainly related to their ‘hope’.

The creatures here are full of hope in the initial space, the development of civilization, the development of the road and the ability to explore.

Although there are many contradictions between them, in general they are eager for the future.

Their hopes can even change the surrounding environment, such as the emergence of resources around the source, and even make their technical inventions more effective.

This ‘hopeful effect’ is not set by the Doomsday Tunnel.

In fact, this is one of the characteristics of this space. As for why there is such a feature, the Doomsday Tunnel did not say anything.

It just tells Lynn that it has been observing this feature.

But... when you find that you can't leave the void, you become desperate.

Contrary to hope, when creatures are desperate, they can't do anything, and even those things they assemble will begin to disintegrate.

This is mainly because the objects here are all related to the energy of the dream.

Even if there is a physical object, the desperate emotion of the creature is transmitted to the dream energy, and then the dream energy affects the object again.

Smaller despair will only lead to instability of the object, for example, mechanical damage.

The greater despair will cause the object to disintegrate directly into debris.

Due to the prevailing desperation that followed, the civilizations that they built were all beginning to collapse.

After the crash began, they were even more desperate, and the entire civilization would not last long under a vicious circle.

Even the entire space began to waver.

Because... this space itself will collapse due to despair.

However, this has been observed in the Doomsday Tunnel.

It sent troops to save some of the residents. Since the space was no longer remedy, it took the residents to a safe place and then took a new space to throw them in.

They began to start a new development in this place.

The result of this development is similar to the previous one, because when the tunnel rescued these creatures, they barely knew what happened, but suddenly found themselves in a new place, and they could not do anything other than start a new development.

Although they remember what happened before, they were slowly become legends in the process of passing it to future generations.

Then when this civilization developed again, it experienced the last desperate event.

Finally, the tunnel rescued some of the last remaining creatures.

After discovering that civilization always collapsed due to despair, the Doomsday Tunnel came up with a method.

It educated them about these creatures.

It lets them know that hope has a positive effect, and despair has a negative effect.

After these creatures understand, they do not have a life full of hope, but try to cultivate a 'hopeer' through technology.

That is to adjust the brain, remove the parts that will produce despair, and then throw these hopes to various places... Let the whole civilization maintain hope.

Their approach... seems to be useless.

Because space seems to be a bit singular for ‘desperate’.

Hopers have been adjusted to the brain, they will be happy even if they see the best companions killed in front of their eyes, or if they suffer and suffer.

But their happiness is seen as ‘desperate’ by space and can lead to the collapse of surrounding objects.

Later, they could only resort to the Doomsday Tunnel.

Because the Doomsday Tunnel reminded them before, although they are not directly visible, they have already regarded the Doomsday Tunnel as God or something.

Therefore, these creatures were saved when space collapsed.

Over time, the Doomsday Tunnel has the title of Doomsday Tunnel.

Because it is officially communicated with these creatures, the creatures have a lot of ideas about the Doomsday Tunnel, and some think that it is all it is.

In any case, they never stopped the end of the day.

Because of how this civilization develops, it will eventually fall into despair... and then change space.

For the Doomsday Tunnel, it doesn't matter, but every time you change the space, it is a great turmoil for the civilization inside.

They finally found a way to ‘collect hope’, which kept a space for a long time.

That is the space that Lynn is seeing now.

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