4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 13: Concentrated hope

"Put your hopes...."

Since civilization has always collapsed in despair, the technical research of these civilizations has also begun to tend to this problem.

Why do you want to influence this space?

They conducted countless investigations based on this.

In the course of the investigation, they discovered how hope and despair affect this space.

The dream energy of this space was also discovered.

In fact, all objects in space are almost related to the energy of dreams. It can also be said that there is a dream energy. They are a normal 'object'.

The biological emotions affect the dream energy and cause the object to be unstable.

What they don't understand is that desperate emotions can make things unstable or even crash. It feels normal.

But why do you want to make objects more stable? Or let the objects work more in the direction they want.

At this point they have not figured out what is going on.

However, they have invented something more interesting, like the ‘hope storage device’.

This kind of storage device is caused by some special substances found in the space... It can be used to wrap a creature full of hope.

Then the hope of this creature will not spread out and affect other objects, it will be stored.

With this kind of thing, they started to store hope.

Of course, they have also created a similar desperate storage, the effect is similar to the hope of the storage.

Only the storage can not be stored for too long, desperate, as long as the storage of despair, this storage will sooner or later collapse.

And hope that it will be stored for a long time.

Later, the residents here began to use the storage to store a lot of hope, whenever their civilization was unstable... they would blow up the storage and let the hope bloom.

At the same time, they will also do various ways to try to maintain stability, so that civilization is not overwhelmed by despair.

Under all efforts, although they can be maintained longer than before, civilization will slowly move toward despair.

It seems that the main reason is that they are always stuck here, so they try to develop entertainment.

At the same time, they tried to communicate with the Doomsday Tunnel. They thought that the Doomsday Tunnel could take them out, but the Doomsday Tunnel ignored them.

When telling Lynn in the Doomsday Tunnel, if they researched the way they left, they would let them go.

But the tunnel itself is completely unintended to help them leave.

So after these creatures have been growing for a long time, they slowly collapse into despair.

Because no matter how much entertainment is developed, they still find that the negative emotions of the entire civilization will gradually outweigh the positive ones.

But... there is still one thing that will rekindle hope.

That is... the intruder.

This space has emerged from other creatures, and when they appeared, they began to attack the local civilization madly.

The residents here also began to fight back.

Although they have not developed much in terms of weapons, they have defeated their opponents because the invaders are not very strong.

Victory has greatly encouraged their entire society, not just the joy of victory. These invaders have brought... a lot of information from the 'outside'.

This gives them the first time they know what the environment outside this space is like.

So where are these intruders coming from? Is the normal void or unpredictable land?

The Doomsday Tunnel said something very interesting.

They are not on either side.

These intruders are called... ‘time intruders’.

They are creatures that have appeared in history and they belong to a very old age.

That is, the era when normal voids are close to unforeseen places.

Appeared in space for unknown reasons.

In fact, these creatures are not so aggressive, but because of the large gap between habits and the current space residents, they can only fight when they meet, and they can't live together.

Later, there was a ‘time and space intruder’ again.

The residents in the space are also actively fighting, in fact they do not know that these are ancient creatures.

They only think that these intruders are coming from the 'outside', because they always destroy a lot of things...so they must fight.

And the biggest benefit each battle brings to them is hope.

Not to mention the victory of the battle, it is a very exciting thing to see the huge army assembly.

Of course, defeated and injured will also make them depressed, but there will be greater hope every time the counterattack will go back.

In general, the hope of harvesting each battle is far greater than despair.

They have stored most of their hopes and established a place of hope in one corner of the space.

In fact, this is where Lin comes.

There is a huge hope here, and they often send desperate residents to come here for 'treatment'.

Just come in here and even if you don't do anything, you will feel the future bright.

Even if the mood is low, you want to commit suicide. If you come to the place of hope, you will live actively.

Therefore, they began to stabilize the entire civilization.

Later, the biggest obstacle to their civilization was not despair, but the invaders.

Not every time the intruder is so good, sometimes it is very difficult.

At the same time, the desperate mood generated by the intruder will also have some damage to this place.

In addition, these residents often try to study the cultural history of the invaders.

Many residents feel that they should learn the techniques of living creatures outside, while others feel that they don't need them.

They have had a lot of disputes about this. In fact, there is almost no dispute before their civilization, and there is very little civil war.

But with more information on the outside, the dispute has become more than ever since the beginning of history.

It was also at this time that they discovered the method of 'thinking about war'.

Initially they put two individuals with different opinions into the 'hope storage' so that they can engage in a mental warfare, the victor can influence the loser's consciousness, let it... agree with his own ideas.

Later, they gradually developed into direct battles without the need for storage.

This will not make them lose their personality, and they can unite when necessary, which is very convenient.

Their civilization has also been stable for a long time.

Until ... the painful invasion.

The sea of ​​creation... actually found this place very early.

And intend to invade here.

Of course its purpose should be unforeseen, but it is intended to destroy the hope here.

So use the painful energy... as the 'weapon' of the invasion.

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