4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 14: Pain and hope

"Pain... affects hope."

The Doomsday Tunnel is also quite clear, how the painful energy appears here.

The initial painful energy is accompanied by those ‘time and space invaders’.

These energies surround the intruders, causing them to feel intense pain, which also makes the intruder's attack crazy.

After killing these painful invaders, residents of the space will also be infected with pain.

These painful residents have a very strong sense of despair and are completely unable to perform any treatment.

They can only kill these overly painful residents.

But after these inhabitants die, the painful energy does not disappear, but flows to their 'desired land'.

But this is not the automatic flow to there, but the reason for these residents.

Because this resident has a traditional habit.

Whenever a companion dies, they will 'pray' it, and they believe that this prayer will lead the consciousness of their dead companions to the land of hope and let them live there forever.

This group of space residents is now different from the past and is not divided into dream creatures and real creatures, but becomes a complete mixed creature.

That is, some creatures that Lynd has seen before, the part of the dream completely overlaps with the real part. The dream part mainly provides thinking, while the real part provides the carrier.

In general, the dream part and the real part have been completely merged into one creature.

The prayers of these residents are indeed effective.

They can direct some of the dream energy remaining after death to the land of hope.

However, this habitual prayer led the painful energy to the place of hope at that time.

The initial painful energy is accumulated so slowly.

When the painful energy is in other places in the space, it will slowly dissipate... become the ‘normal’ dream energy.

But after entering the land of hope, the painful energy will remain for a long time.

As a result, the painful energy is slowly accumulating more and more, and finally it even begins to affect the entire place of hope, constantly squeezing the scope of the land of hope.

But what is special is that space residents cannot discover the effects of painful energy.

Every time they enter the place of hope, they actually look the same as when Lin entered, and they see a place full of hope.

Because when Lin came in, the pain had almost completely swallowed the land of hope, so the place to see was small.

But in the past, the place of hope was still very large... The residents almost did not feel any painful influence after entering.

Later, when the pain accumulated more and more, they only could feel a little bit by chance.

These painful energies seem to be conscious of the fact that they have not been noticed by the residents.

Even the Doomsday Tunnel did not notice.

However, it also tells Lin that in fact the Doomsday Tunnel has not been paying attention to this place.

It often goes to other places to 'travel' or do all kinds of things, and it also thinks that the residents here can live well.

The same is true of these residents. Although there is a lot of speculation and suspicion, they finally established the belief in the Doomsday Tunnel.

At the same time, they also master a lot of fighting methods.

It seems that transforming the body into the current 'gravel' is also studied in the process of long-term confrontation against invaders.

However, their most powerful way of confronting the enemy will still use despair to fight.

For example, ‘emergency disconnection’ and ‘doomsday plan’ are all carried out in desperation.

In fact, neither of these two programs will completely destroy the space.

It just makes the space crash a part, and they can fix the space with hope.

However, it seems that most space residents are not very clear, they think that space will be completely destroyed.

So before Lin had detected a lot of gravel, they all felt that the implementation of the doomsday plan would destroy the space.

But in fact, you can leave a small piece of space, and this piece can be re-growth to its original size.

At the same time, the Doomsday Tunnel will also help them to carry out some space repairs and temporarily arrange some places for residents to live after the space is reduced.

This makes their belief in the Doomsday Tunnel deeper and deeper.

And they also believe that if there is any disaster that cannot be confronted, the Doomsday Tunnel will definitely save them.

For example, the invasion of the Sea of ​​Creation.

The painful energy is mixed into the hope... they have never been noticed.

Some residents found anomalies in the land of hope, but there was no result after trying to investigate, and they were not very concerned.

This is also the reason for the hope, because when they enter the land of hope, they will feel strong hopes, so that these residents ignore the pain that is occasionally felt.

I hope it will be useful to them, but not all of them are help.

At the same time, due to the characteristics of the place of hope - it will show the environment in random biological memory.

These environments vary in size, so they don't start to find out how much hopeful energy is eroding.

The painful energy really began to devour the land of hope, mainly after the invasion of the sea of ​​creation.

Of course until the end... these residents did not notice.

Their contact with the Doomsday Tunnel requires the passage of the dream energy to pass through the desired place before they can contact the tunnel.

But because the land of hope has been almost encroached by the painful energy, the channel leads the painful energy to them.

So the situation that Lynn sees now is formed.


What should I do next?

The Doomsday Tunnel said that it told Lin that this was mainly because it believed that Lynn might belong to a certain creature in an unforeseen place. .

This creature is very powerful, and their 'power' can affect another void through the huge interval of virtual space.

This creature can also be called the 'distant shadow'.

The Doomsday Tunnel also stated that it does not actually know whether this is a creature or a certain phenomenon. Unpredictable land has many wonderful phenomena. This kind of 'distant shadow' is one of the things it has always wanted to know.

It is considered to be a biological possibility, and it is so thought after touching Lin.

The sea of ​​creation, the Doomsday Tunnel also has some understanding.

It believes that the sea of ​​creation is an 'abnormal remnant'.

For example, the ‘distant shadow’ that it just said is only appearing in unforeseen places.

Although it affects the normal void, its 'essence' is only in the unpredictable land.

In addition to the distant shadows, there are many other wonderful phenomena, and the sea of ​​creation itself is an unpredictable place... this wonderful phenomenon.

But the location where it appears is normal void.

Perhaps a long time ago, what creatures, or what reasons, transferred the wonderful phenomenon of unforeseen places to the normal void, which is also the birth of the sea of ​​creation.

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