4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 15: Review memory

"I will leave here and continue to roam."

‘conscious free zone’... The Doomsday Tunnel says so.

Outside of this space, it belongs to a very special place.

It is an area similar to ‘no’.

But it is not completely absent, because the Doomsday Tunnel says there are a lot of special space for the formation of dream energy.

These dream energies are called "free consciousness" by the Doomsday Tunnel.

Because the dream energy in each small space is actually the consciousness of a certain creature, these consciousness is normal void.

In fact, like the dream calendar, the biological thinking data from the normal void is input into the dream energy, and then the energy is trapped in a small space.

However, these energies do not attempt to leave the small space, or they do not know that they are in a small space.

These trapped in space are generally immersed in their own memories.

Just like the dream calendar, they have complete memory data from birth to death from normal void creatures.

So they will always be immersed in this memory, according to the Doomsday Tunnel description, this feeling is very 'real'.

They will repeatedly experience the situation from birth to death and continue to feel the life they have experienced.

Or this dream energy consciousness is constantly feeling the life that normal virtual creatures have experienced.

And there is a special point, that is, they will have different results when they experience memory.

They don't completely follow the past memory. Every time they experience, there will be some different situations. For example, the last cause of death of a creature is stabbed. In the second pass, it may become Killed.

In short, the initial changes are very small, but this change will change as the number of times they experience increases.

There may even be cases of reversed death.

The Doomsday Tunnel means that after some creatures have experienced more, its memory can be said to have become a new memory.

The relationship with the original memory is already very small, but the essence is not changed.

If the dream consciousness is experienced by a certain Ershi people, it will always be the identity of this people and will not become other people.

And as the number of times increases, there will be countless different experiences and outcomes.

What's more interesting is that these creatures are constantly revisiting their memories and will not get better and better.

Some of them are so dead, but they may die even worse in the second pass. The Doomsday Tunnel said that it has seen some biological memories in the beginning of a very comfortable life, and after a few more times, it became miserable. Life.

Of course, some creatures are the opposite. Some creatures fail to die in battle, but it survives and survives during the rewarming process.

The most important thing about the Doomsday Tunnel is the dream energy that relives memories...they affect the size of the space in which they live.

Their space is usually very small and may be a few centimeters in diameter, but it is not always the same.

The space will become larger and smaller, mainly related to the hope and despair of this consciousness.

That is what it has experienced in memory.

Their lives are full of hope when they relive memories... that will make this space expand.

On the other hand, if it is very tragic when it is revisited, the space will continue to shrink and eventually disappear.

Generally speaking, these spaces are always large and small, and are kept at a level of several centimeters.

But some of the space will become quite large because of the hope that the memory is always full of hope.

In fact, it is the space that Lin is now exposed to.

Some creatures... they are always full of hope.

Doomsday Tunnel thinks this creature is very interesting.

There are very few biological memory data from normal voids, all of which are hopes.

In fact, in revisiting the memory process, the renewed consciousness is not necessarily good, but it always has strong hope.

For example, even if it is tortured during the rewarming process, it still feels better in the future.

Of course, the same is true of other things. No matter what pain you encounter, it is always full of hope...

The memory data of this creature is called "pure hope" by the Doomsday Tunnel.

Once it appears, it will make a space grow, and after a long time, it will become as big as it is now.

The Doomsday Tunnel also said that the space in which the gravel residents live is actually made by this kind of 'pure hope'.

Although it was said a long time ago...that is, the era when the normal void is still unpredictable, the space for raising the creatures is made by the tunnel itself.

However, after the two voids were far away, it did not have space for itself, but began to place the residents in the 'naturally formed' area.

So... Are these places 'naturally formed'?

In fact, the Doomsday Tunnel is not clear.

However, it feels that the space that may constitute this kind of hope is itself a creature.

In the space, because the hope becomes huge, this is actually not a good thing for the inside consciousness.

Because the consciousness inside will be dispersed because of the space.

To use the analogy of Ershimin, it is like the skull becomes too big, causing the brain cells inside to spread out.

In short, the space becomes too large, the consciousness can not be maintained, and the space will be full of floating dream energy.

However, the Doomsday Tunnel felt that the space itself could be considered a new creature because it had some ability to judge.

Or the ability to think like, like it reacts to the hopes or despair of the inhabitants of the space.

I hope that the residents can live better. This is probably not a simple 'natural reaction' but a space of their own behavior.

It is also possible that the original consciousness did not actually die out.

However, the Doomsday Tunnel has not been thoroughly studied. It tells Lin.

Doomsday Tunnel prefers to pay attention to these situations, but it rarely studies too deeply.

The Doomsday Tunnel itself is actually a kind of conscious body of memory data.

It was only a long time ago that it was born.

Like the conscious body of these memory data, it is also trapped in a small space to relive the memory.

Until it encounters something, it starts... can move freely.

It has been wandering in such a place for a long time, and it has also gone to unforeseen places. ,

It tells Lin that what it said earlier is the 'distant shadow', something that is likely to be related to Lin is in an unpredictable place.

But ‘distant shadow’ is not directly accessible.

The main way to see the 'distant shadow' is to enter a lot of... information into it.

It's like what it does now.

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