4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Gnomes that nourish the world

"You... why do you want to do this..."

This world, once a beautiful world, is covered by gray gravel, and there are various creatures on the ground. These creatures...have grown like coastal creatures, such as crabs and shellfish.

But here is not a beach, but a gray desert, although there are still many animals.

The main intelligent creature here is a long creature that is very similar to the Ershi people, but a lot shorter.

These dwarf creatures can be called 'deserts' and live a very good life here. They use the shellfish of the captured crustaceans to make equipment and build houses.

Then they often look for something...something that appears in their space.

Because of their space, there are often things that are completely impossible to make here, such as the guns they use now.

Of course, there are other things, so the ‘the deserted people’ are mostly scavenging for the various useful items.

Until some time, they discovered some special creatures.

That is the excrement of the gnome...

It was rare at first, but more and more, and not just excrement, but also all kinds of waste, like rotten meat, left bones or something.

These wastes began to cover the desert in large quantities, seriously polluting the local ecology.

The creatures here have disappeared one by one, and this group of 'wild people' has been investigating the reasons.

In the end, they discovered that the gnomes were throwing waste at this place.

In fact, they always thought that scrap is the same as other things. It is difficult to find a sudden appearance here, but it is not.

After careful investigation, they discovered many times when gnomes came here to throw waste.

So they started attacking these gnomes.

The gnomes are not to be outdone. They use a variety of ... bone weapons to fight the deserted people. Although they are somewhat behind the deserts, they are much more numerous and they are very crazy to fight.

Moreover, the gnomes are very angry.

During the war with the deserted people, the gnomes also learned about the desert people because they had to throw them to fight them.

Therefore, the gnome believes that the deserted people are enmity and enemies, and they are bound to kill all the ruins.

The main reason is that the gnome is suddenly discovering the space of the deserted people at some point.

This space is basically a desert environment. The gnome believes that the species in the desert are very poorly living. This place must be nourished by harmful substances such as excrement to evoke vitality.

So they were very ‘goodhearted’ to throw the excrement into here, but did not expect the desert people to actually not appreciate.

The deserted people and the gnomes played for a long time and once entered the place where the gnomes came, that is, Tucker's space.

The savage found that the gnomes built many different temples in the jungle.

These temples are a few meters high pyramid shape, and each animal has an animal sculpture at the top.

I don't know why... The gnome will make this kind of thing.

The gnome is to touch the space of the deserted people by touching the animal sculpture above.

After understanding this point, the deserters tried to stop the gnomes from entering by destroying this temple. Of course, each time they ruined themselves, they could not go back.

Therefore, every time they attack the gnome on the Tucker space, they are considered suicide missions.

However, they never gave up, they have been constantly sending troops to attack the gnomes and destroy their temples.

In the end, they succeeded, and when the last temple was destroyed, all the sins were celebrating this victory.

Then... they saw the excrement again.

Gnomes' excrement and various wastes are constantly appearing.

But the desert people can't find any entrances and exits.

This is mainly because the gnome has created a special temple.

This temple is not a fixed entrance when it is connected to the desert, and each connection can be connected to a different location.

At the same time, the gnome disconnects immediately after each connection of the waste.

The way to disconnect is to remove the sculpture from the temple.

This makes the desert people completely unable to deal with the gnomes... Only the waste in this world can be seen more and more.

So, does this waste evoke vitality? There are indeed upgrades that evoke microbes.

The dream energy here can also simulate the effects of microorganisms, which spread on a large scale in spoilage and erode the original creatures in this space.

But apart from the phenomenon caused by microorganisms, there is nothing else.

Although the wastes from the gnomes will have seeds of undigested plants, they do not germinate.

Slowly, the space of the deserted people became a rancid world, and finally the deserters died in stench.

At that time, the main consciousness of the deserted space was also dead, and the world was restarted again.

The post-late world has once again returned to the desert environment, and the creatures inside have also been 'resurrected'.

The gnomes are connected to this renewed world, and they notice that they will use the excrement again to 'moisten' it.

This situation is similar to the last time, and the gnome quickly polluted the whole world.

To say why it is so fast is because the space of the desert people is very small, much smaller than that of Tucker.

And these gnomes... completely used it as a waste field, and everything was thrown there.

After successive restarts, the main consciousness of the wasteland space has become more and more desperate, making the space further narrowed.

But from a certain moment, the gnome has not lost any more waste.

The last temple they kept was also kept open.

No one knows what happened to these gnomes, and they seem to have disappeared completely in a short time.

But the gnome stopped throwing excrement, but there was no way to call back the hope of this space.

Space consciousness is still in despair.

Despair seems to be able to accumulate slowly through reincarnation. Simply put, the desperation of this consciousness last reincarnation... The next time it will also bring some despair.

However, this desperate mood has nothing to do with the ‘plot’ of space. Even if the main consciousness is desperate, it may encounter good things in the new cycle.

But there is nothing good about the space of the deserted people.

Since the previous days were desperate to die, the whole space has become very small, and the creatures here are hard to live. Of course, the main consciousness is not happy. It is more and more desperate to make a series of dramatic changes in the space, like rain, or something. This is a precursor to space collapse.

Therefore, the emigrants explored the way of life everywhere, and met the entrance and exit where the gnomes had never been closed.

Then they came to the Tucker space.

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