"The world will usher in many changes... Do you want to know about these changes? If you want to know, you can exchange ten medus, as long as ten fruits, ten fruits can be exchanged for everything! Yes, just a dome The dragon meat will do, and when the meat comes, I will give you the information! Whoever dares to take the fruit, I will kill it!"

Here is... a huge rift edge.

The head of a pompom with a pompon on his head strolls along the edge of the rift, and sells its intelligence.

Its source of intelligence, that is, the brain, has been seen before.

Although it said that it was a very important treasure, I couldn't give it to Lin, but I finally showed it to Lin.

Lin found that this thing is somewhat similar to ‘full-area surveillance, and can feel a wide range of situations, including the environment, and can 'listen' to various creatures to speak.

But they can't perceive biological thinking, they can only feel some of their emotions.

And some creatures are completely 'listening' to it and can't feel its emotions.

This kind of creature is thought of as a target to be excluded, and it must be killed... It is said that it was originally a creature that can be felt, and later it became impossible to feel it.

This creature is... gnome.

"There is one there!" The brain-hunting found a small figure on the edge of the cliff ahead, and it immediately rushed over.

When the gnome saw the horror of the brain, it almost jumped into the rift next to it without any hesitation.

"Dare to escape! I did not say that it is impossible to survive if you escape?" The brain-cream screamed angrily at the falling gnome, but it did not make any sense.

In fact, Lin and the brain have already caught some gnomes before, so Lin understands the war between the gnomes and the deserted people.

The gnomes have already turned the wastes back many times by throwing away the waste, and the last reincarnation of the deserters, the gnomes did not appear in their memories.

Therefore, the deserted people are exploring here without knowing anything.

As for the gnomes, they were originally a group of very normal gnomes who lived in the Tucker space, but at some point they suddenly disappeared.

It is not completely gone, because there is news about the gnome in the Rift Valley, so Lin came to the place with the brain.

Then I caught some gnomes and tested them here. Lin found that they didn't know how they disappeared.

They originally lived in the jungle very often, and then suddenly reached the bottom of the rift.

This is not to say that they were transmitted here, because when Lin detected it, they found that there were faults in memory.

It seems that part of the memory has been eliminated.

"It seems to be in this position." Lin's pompom floated from the head of the brain and flew over the rift.

When these gnomes have memories again, they find themselves at the bottom of the rift in this position.

"What's in this position? Is there horror and death?" The brains looked down.

Since Lin had touched it before, it was not afraid of pompoms, but Lynn didn't intend to take it down... so he flew straight down.

Because the space of the deserted people has collapsed, there is no way to explore there. You need to continue to explore the unknown here to find new outlets.

This rift is similar to the dinosaur continent, but it is narrower. After flying hundreds of meters, Lin saw the bottom of the rift.

The bottom is very dark, the ground is full of potholes and the potholes are full of stagnant water.

You can see the bones of many gnomes in the water.

If the creatures in this world die... it is really dead.

The world will only restart when the main consciousness of space dies.

As other creatures are alive when the subject is dead, they will be re-arranged.

But if you die before, it is completely dead.

But the creatures here can also increase the amount by the same method of reproduction as normal voids.

Now this gnome population, Lynn thinks they are almost...destroyed.

A few of the remaining gnomes climbed into the rift, but most of them seemed to have become the bodies here.

It’s swaying everywhere, and in these puddles, Lynn has discovered hundreds of gnomes.

They all seem to have been killed.

Because Lynn also saw some bullets scattered on the ground.

It's just that these bullets are not used by the savage people... There are many different types of firearms for the civilians, but they are all pistols, and the bullets found in them are not any pistols for the civilians.

Here... there seems to be something.

Lin's pompoms now float to the edge of the rock wall, and Lin found a semi-circular stone on the front wall.

The stone was very smooth and looked very abnormal, so Lynn poked it with fluff.

'boom--! ’

At the moment of being touched by the fluff, Lin found that a part of the front rock wall slowly descended, and a semi-circular entrance with a height of three meters appeared.

The floor and walls of this entrance are all metal structures. What makes Lin more concerned is that there are dense bones piled up here.

All are gnomes.

After watching it for a while, Lin let the pompom float directly into it.

While looking at the surrounding metal structure, Lin felt that it was probably made by Ershi people.

Previously, Lin learned from the Doomsday Tunnel that it is easy for foreign creatures to encounter the space formed by familiar biological memory data when they enter the space of hope.

This is why Lynn has encountered Tucker since.

But... just don't know why these spaces are connected.

After drifting through a lot of gnome bodies, Lin passed a corner.

At the moment of the turn, a burst of ‘嘀嘀嘀’ sound suddenly sounded, and countless barrages also flew to Lin.

Lin immediately returned to the place where the bodies were piled up before, and the barrage hit the wall and madly flew and flew for a while before stopping.

So... Lin let the pompom become the spy of the Ershi people, that is, Veronica's appearance went.

This time, when I entered the passage again, those weapons did not fire.

Lin can find that there are all kinds of stretched firearms and the like in this passage, whether it is on the wall or on the ground.

They are very numerous, but it's a bit strange why you should set a corner here.

And why are the bones piled up in the beginning of the passage, which may have been specially removed.

However, these weapons are indeed what the Lin thinks are made by the people of Ershi. They seem to be set to not respond to the same kind.

The words of Ershimin should have nothing to do with Tucker. They are likely to be invaded by other hopes.

Thinking, Lin also let Veronica walk through these guns and came to the interior... room.

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