4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 28: Not familiar with

These are not the people of Ershi.

A creature was pinched to the neck by Lynn Veronica.

It is constantly struggling, but it cannot be separated.

The creatures are all black, only about a half-meter tall, and their appearance looks like a gnome that has shrunk.

Gnomes generally have a lot of meat, and this creature has almost no meat, and their skin is like almost sticking to a bone.

In addition to the one that Veronica caught, there are still many in the surrounding rooms.

They squat in the shadow of the surrounding walls, and while they are screaming at Lin, they are going to attack.

What kind of creatures are they? It is still unclear, because when Lin broke them down, they found that they could not know their thinking.

Because, they do not have the 'brain thinking structure' of the common dream creatures here.

"Hey!" At this moment, Lin found a creature swooping over, and all the creatures around it rushed to Veronica.

In the next second, the creatures of these creatures all stopped at Veronica's hair.

More than a dozen creatures were struck with hair, and some left in time to stop themselves and escaped from the room.

So, Lin followed the few who escaped and walked over.

After leaving the room, Lin quickly moved forward in the corridor, when Lin found that the passage wall on the side became transparent.

Through the transparent walls, Lynn can see a large room with scattered weapons or something.

Most are rifles and there are a lot of ammunition and the like.

But what I most noticed was that there was a lot of gnome in this room like an arsenal.

These gnomes lie flat between the weapons of the earth, and in fact they seem to be quite a weapon here.

Because they are completely motionless, they don't even breathe. They look like they are dead, but the skin and body structure are still intact.

"Wow, ah!" Suddenly, Lynn found a lying gnome screaming a fierce scream, madly continually rolling and struggling, but the surrounding gnomes did not react to its misery.

The gnome struggled on the ground for dozens of seconds and then stopped. Lin found that it was cracked behind.

A... the skeleton slowly swayed from the inside and climbed out.

This skeleton is the skeleton of the gnome, but much smaller than the normal gnome.

It is very complete, and the bones of the whole body, including the skull, are drilled from the crack in the back, and there is a feeling of 'reborning'.

When the bones climbed out, Lin found that the skeleton began to roll on the ground.

The original dwarf flesh and blood was already on the ground like mud, and it was more like mud after it was rolled.

However, it can also be found that some flesh and blood after being rolled over stick to the skeleton. After enough, it looks like a thin layer of skin sticking to it.

After the whole body or the whole bone is glued, the creature begins to move around.

It was only then that Lynn's Veronica looked at it in the hallway, and it seemed to be scared and quickly hid behind an ammunition box.

It turned out to be the case... This seems to be the reason for the formation of the creatures that Lin had just encountered?

Lin feels that these creatures have left the 'normal cell biology', and all the creatures that Lin sees before, the dream energy is strictly constructed according to the 'cell creatures'.

But this should be out of the normal range, but there are other possibilities.

Because Lin's arms can be deformed at will, not because Lin is out of ‘normal’, but in the normal void itself has this ability.

But the normal emptiness of the gnome does not have the ability to 'reborn.'

Therefore...maybe the dream ability is not normal.

Or for what special reasons.

In short, they can be called ‘de-bone dolls’ first.

Then, Lin continued to walk for a while and found the entrance to the arsenal.

The main reason why Lynn has maintained the shape of Veronica is because Lynn found that there are many automatic weapons here.

Including the previous corridors and rooms, there are many weapons that pop up to fire.

And the use of Ershi people can avoid triggering their firing start, of course, these 'de-bone dolls' will not trigger.

I don't know why, but this place is obviously not made by them.

The entrance to the arsenal was closed, but was directly opened by Lin.

Even if Linda does this, it will not trigger the firepower system here. It seems that the only thing that triggers the firepower system is the shape of the creature itself.

Lin looked around and examined the gnomes lying on the ground.

The appearance of these gnomes does not seem to be active, but the body is undergoing dramatic changes, and Lin found that its 'brain cells' are rapidly changing...

They become a form of activity that is very strong and quickly drills into them... in the bone marrow.

This process is quite interesting.


At this time, Lin found a small figure on the ceiling swooping over, and then... was caught by Lynn with her hair.

This is the boneless doll just now, they can crawl along the wall, and it climbs up to want to sneak.

Lin carefully examined the doll, and Lin found that its ‘bone’ was full of cells that should have been pygmy brain cells.

Or something that brain cells have formed.


Suddenly, the surrounding gnomes began to scream, and they struggled one by one.

It seems that they all intend to start ‘de-bone’.

"You... come over!"

At this time, Lynn heard a voice and saw a small door in the corner of the arsenal.

The door was small, only one meter high, and there was a squatting Ershimin shouting at Lin.

After looking at the surroundings, Lin walked over to it.

After the small door was drilled by the Ershi people, Lin found that it came to a place like a food warehouse.

There are wooden boxes everywhere, and there are some patterns of food such as fruits and dried meat on the boxes.

"I didn't expect them to appear so soon." The Ershi people were very tall, and Lin found that it stood almost two meters.

It was dressed in black leather and was completely wrapped from head to toe and seemed to have no openings.

"Who are you?" Lin asked.

"I want to ask who you are!" said Ershimin: "You are so small... be careful!"

It suddenly shouted, and after pushing Lin open, he punched a punch behind the bones...

The doll was shot and flew out and hit the box with food.

At this time, Lin saw that the food box was cracked, but what appeared inside was not the food on the box sign.

It seems that all of them are... gnomes.

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