"Why are they doing this?"

"I don't know, actually I don't even know why they have this ability."

Lin is still in the ‘painting’ of the boneless doll group, and she knows a lot of things here.

For example, these fixed dolls, Lin found in their group ... lurking here.

I know a lot through them.

These rogues are not hiding here, but creating creatures similar to dolls.

They usually behave exactly like dolls and are not recognized by dolls.

They have been observing these dolls here for quite some time and have found this creature to be 'destructive'.

In general, hunters do not kill prey to maintain their lives.

But these dolls are not the case. They seem to want to eliminate all the space of hope, so the rogues pay special attention to them.

Later, the rogue found that these dolls did not eliminate all hope.

Some of the main consciousness of the space of hope is left behind by them, and there has been some way to make them always desperate.

Now these dolls are as fixed as they are fixed... because they want to maintain the despair of these captured consciousness.

They need to keep this place in a picture-like state in order to maintain the despair of these consciousnesses.

If they don't keep the 'painting', then those consciousnesses can't continue to create enough despair.

Even if they discover the invasion of Lynn, they must maintain this kind of action.

Lin feels that they should have some coping styles, otherwise they will be difficult to confront if there are any intruders.

What Lin learned from the rogues is that... this 'paint' of the doll has never been invaded.

But the rogues actually know very little about them.

Although they make some arms that can be mixed into the dolls, they don't actually know much.

As for the past of the dolls... history, they were originally known in the unforeseen places, but after the dolls came to the space of hope, they knew very little about them.

These rogues also wanted to keep watching, and they thought that they hadn't done anything yet.

But... Lin touched the black spheres before and caused a wonderful phenomenon, which made them start to pay attention to Lin.

Those spheres, a very pure source of despair collected by the dolls, can be regarded as a kind of reserve energy, not used now.

Lin's destruction of them does not directly affect the dolls, or it will not have a substantial impact, but it will be a fool for their ‘psychic’.

Because they haven't seen this before.

Although the rogues have never seen it, they think this is possible.

This ‘desperate ball’ itself is a purely desperate one, and it will cause any creature close to it to be quickly invaded by desperation and become completely desperate.

It's just that such desperation is impossible to produce the ‘energy' they need, so they generally don't use the ball as a weapon.

These **** are mainly used as food reserves.

Because it is a purely desperate mood, it is easy to be 'pollution' by other emotions.

Although the average creature is affected by its desperation when approaching it, it will not pollute it.

However, like Lin, it is different.

Because Lin was not completely affected by the desperate emotions inside, when Lin contacted the ball, the ball would instead... because of Lin’s emotions, there was a 'running fault' and it finally collapsed.

In the face of this phenomenon, all the dolls are shocked.

So they immediately decided to come here.

However, they still have to keep the painting 'desperate', so they just do not move.

And the main reason is... Lin has always maintained a 'invisible' state.

They can't detect the invisible state of Lynn.

But when Lin is close to the ball, they are a little invisible to Lin.

So, when Lin was close to the ball, they all moved immediately, and they could not detect it when they were away from the ball.

It can also be said that they can feel that the pure despair of the ball is mixed with some 'impurities'.

They discovered Lin through this, as long as Lin approaches the sphere and they seem to be able to feel it immediately.

When they can't detect Lin, they think it's more important to keep the world of this painting desperate, so they don't move at once.

But why can you stay desperate without moving? Lin is not very clear about this.

Lynn's Veronica is now in the side of a ‘spy’ made by a rogue. This thing is almost exactly the same as other dolls. It is a small doll that is half a meter in size.

But there are some different places inside, it seems that these special parts allow the rogue to observe it through them.

They told Lin that Lin wouldn't touch the ball if he wanted to do something that would cause ‘substantial’ damage to them.

Instead, find the true energy core that they maintain the painting.

This ‘painting’ is essentially a very special space.

When it approaches other hope spaces, those creatures who want space will dream about how terrible this place is.

This will also give the creatures there a strong sense of desperation and quickly...end the space.

When the painting appears in the 'empty sky' of a desired space, it also means that the space will completely disappear.

But now this place is a bit special, because they have caught the main consciousness and tried to make more dolls with it.

And this subject consciousness has not been completely desperate.

So this space is still fairly complete.

In this case, Lynn went to find out where the real core of the rogues said.

The spies of these rogues have not actually approached the real core, but they know this place.

That is... the most important place here.

There should be no such situation as it is here.

Even so, Lynn still wants to take a look.

So now Lin will let Veronica fly to that place.

Although this place is very important, it is not difficult to go.

Because as long as you fly here, wait until you get there.

Lin found that the deeper the flight, the more the terrain here is... wonderful.

The original place can be seen with the usual 'ground'.

Here, the ground slowly turns into a sticky ground like mud.

After flying a little more, the ‘mud’ disappeared.

It feels like everything has changed... a bunch of mixture.

At the same time, Lynn also saw the target.

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