4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 47: In painting

This thing, I don't know if I can let it disappear by touching it.

Lynn saw... the target object this time.

This object, called the 'core of painting', looks a lot like a painting.

To be precise, it is the sky view that I saw before.

Of course, when I saw it, it was very big. Now I see that it is like shrinking. This painting is now looking at a size of more than ten meters.

However, it is exactly the same as seen outside, but it has been reduced a lot, and the scenery inside is also densely stacked.

This painting is what the rogues call the 'core'.

However, it is not so easy to approach, because there are many huge shadows shaking around.

The shapes of these shadows are somewhat like the Ershi people. They are hundreds of meters in size, and they are flashing around the painting.

These may be the things that guard the painting. Veronica is now about a kilometer away from them, and they have nothing to do.

After watching it for a while, Lynn fired a hair in the past.

The flying hair disappeared instantly after approaching those flashing giant shadows.

This feeling seems to be smashed by what tremendous power.

Lynn fired again many times to test, but each time it was a similar result, whether it was hit or not, the hair that was emitted would be destroyed.

But after many tests, Lin also found out why it was destroyed.

This is a system like ‘laser defense’, and anything that comes close is locked and instantly destroyed.

It is not the huge shadows that attack, but the painting itself.

The painting seems to have some wonderful power, and Lin can't just approach it, but it seems that there is no problem to stay here.

Next, Lynn tested it again many times.

Every time, Lynn tries to change the 'state' of the hair, mainly to see what method can be used to achieve the invisible effect.

After Lin made many tests, Lin found that there are ways to sneak into it.

Lin used to use almost complete despair as a cover, but it was useless when approaching the painting.

But with a wonderful mood close to the painting.

This kind of emotion is the state of ‘with a little hope.’

This is a very interesting state, that is, feeling that there is despair around, but there is a little hope that the light guides the state of progress.

In this state, you can directly access the picture and not be found.

After the test, Lin adjusted Veronica to this state and slowly approached the target.

Flying over those huge shadows, they didn't react at all.

Finally, Veronica also successfully arrived next to the picture.

When Lin touched the painting, nothing happened. It was not something that could be destroyed by contact.

But Lynn can feel more interesting emotions, that is the painting... It is full of hope.

It can be said that there is almost no feeling of despair.

Because this space is full of despair, and this painting feels like the only hope.

It may also be because of this, so the mood can be adjusted to be close to the picture.

However, this is really... the core here?

The contact time is long, and you can feel the hope inside is wonderful.

It is like a very weak light, and it is surrounded by the darkness of playing.

It feels like you are constantly chasing this light, but it never catches up with that feeling.

This long-term feeling will also make the creature more and more desperate.

However, Lin felt that Lin could catch up.

This is also to adjust your emotions. When the hope is getting stronger, you will feel closer to the light.

Then... you can get in touch with it.

"Oh... can come here."

When Lynn felt that she was in contact, Lin found that a signal came over.

So, Lynn also sent some signals to it, mainly asking him who it is.

"It hasn't appeared here for a long time...it's not here..."

The signal here seems to say a lot of words to himself, and finally it said to Lin: "What is the purpose of your visit here? Why can you get here?"

"You ask who I am? I am their tractor, I have to have traction... let them come here."

After talking to this creature, it means that it allows those boneless dolls to come to the space of hope.

To be precise, it allows the boneless doll to replace the original detachment, and the space of hope is growing on a large scale.

It also gave some instructions to these dolls to let them attack the main consciousness in the space of hope.

But why, it didn't tell Lin.

It has also been asking some questions, such as why Lin came here and how to get here.

Lynn also told us how to come here, in fact, is to adjust the emotions to hide.

It also expressed some surprises about this, although it knows that this method of controlling emotions can sneak into it, but the average creature cannot control it.

And it is easy to be infected by the surrounding emotions.

"If you can control... this is impossible... you must kill..."

At this time, Lin suddenly found that the huge shadows around the painting moved.

They are gathering rapidly around Veronica, and the original blurred figure is becoming more and more clear.

However, no matter how clear they look like a black fog.

At the moment they touched Lin, they felt as if they had been hit by huge forces and the whole body had collapsed.

It is indeed a feeling of splitting consciousness.

Moreover, Lynn also found that the space around Veronica is changing rapidly.

After a few seconds, Lin noticed the scenery around me... it turned into pure light.

To say that the original place is very dim, it feels like it is very close to the star, and everything around it gives Lin a kind of extreme brightness.

In this bright space, Lynn noticed a special object.

This is just the communication with Lin.

It looks like a small star with a diameter of about ten meters.

"You are not that creature."

When Lynn saw it, it said: "But you are very similar to it, very close."

"Which creature?" Lin questioned.

"It left a long time ago." It said: "But it wants to come back now, no... not just that."

"So I have to ruin you first... completely ruin you."

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