"It must be blocked... it must be stopped... stop..."

This creature seems to want to 'finish' a creature like Lin.

It means that creatures like Lin are very threatening to them.

Most of the creatures here, as Lin knows, are mainly based on a small core of consciousness.

And it is a very wonderful creature like Lin, a creature that spreads consciousness to the whole body.

It is also a very dangerous creature that may destroy all the space of hope.

So it has been working to get rid of these terrible creatures.

At present, it believes that these spaces are being threatened by terror.

That is the sea of ​​creation.

The Sea of ​​Creation is planning to engulf these hopeful spaces and continue to advance into unforeseen places, destroying all creatures along the way.

However, it also feels that it is not just a threat to the creation of the sea. The biological threats like Lin are also great.

So its only hope is to remove the bone doll.

It has to make everything desperate, so that the sea of ​​creation can no longer move forward.

So... it needs to create a sea step first, let the boneless doll destroy the space of hope, in fact not destroy everything, just destroy the 'advance route' of the sea of ​​creation.

Now is the most crucial moment.

Because the boneless doll has occupied a lot of space nearby, and then ruined a few, it can stop the development of the sea.

These ruined targets... also include the space where Tucker is.


"That's a terrible thing. They decided to call each other, and then they didn't want to bite each other. Then, why don't they like it? Why don't they like it..."

Here is the space of Tucker.

Before Verin's Veronica was already... dead.

Previously Veronica arrived at the center of the ‘painting’ and saw a creature resembling a small star in a very bright space.

Of course, Lynn thinks that this is just a custom shape. It tells Lin that the creature like Lin is very dangerous.

However, it did not say where it was dangerous, and it also said some dangers about the sea of ​​creation.

Then, it began to attack Lin, Lin's Veronica had no power to compete with it in that place, so it was quickly dispelled.

But in the end, Lynn also learned some of its thinking through contact with it.

This stellar-like creature itself is certainly one of the inhabitants of the unpredictable land.

It originally had a special identity, which could be called ‘away from the tractor’, as there were many detachers born in these hope spaces.

These detached people get rid of the identity of the role-player of the subjective memory and begin to move freely in space.

What this ‘tractor’ is doing is finding some suitable detachers and bringing them to the unforeseen places.

Because they are detached, they can slowly become ‘normal’ dream creatures.

It used to be doing this all the time.

But it's not clear about the details, such as its true purpose, and how it is done.

It may have learned about the creature of the boneless doll sometime ago.

Then it tries to replace the normal detachment with the doll and is born in the space of hope.

At that time, I didn't know what time it was, of course, not when the sea of ​​creation began to swallow here.

It was very early... it started.

At that time, the dolls began to grow rapidly in space and attacked various spaces.

What is more amazing is that these dolls are 'naturally growing'.

That is, they themselves do not know what goals they should have. They are living in accordance with ‘instinct’ or by continuously collecting despair.

And those high-level dolls are special species that were accidentally born when they invaded various hope spaces.

Although these special species are recognized as similar by ordinary dolls, their ‘language’ is impracticable.

It can also be said that their thinking is different.

In simple terms, the idea of ​​a high-level doll is similar to that of Ershi, while the ordinary doll is similar to an insect.

Even if their thinking is interoperable, they can't understand what the other party wants to express.

This is mainly because the thinking style of the high-level doll itself is similar to that of the local residents who want the space, while the ordinary doll is... completely different.

Lin is mainly because she understands the various ways of thinking about the virtual creatures, so that she can directly perceive the ‘language’ of various dream creatures.

However, after living together for a long time, senior dolls will slowly communicate with ordinary dolls.

But their special abilities will slowly disappear and their thinking will be synchronized with ordinary dolls.

So now I see a lot of dolls in different shapes, but they are all common species.

There are special performances... it is considered advanced.

In short, they are still quite complicated, and Lin does not fully understand.

In general, their various behaviors are not actually the merits of the command, but they have developed themselves.

Even the space of this painting is made by themselves.

‘Tractors’ are only responsible for observing them and ensuring that their route is correct.

Lynn thinks this is quite interesting.

So, after Veronica was smashed, Lynn made a new dream unit in the space of the Doomsday Tunnel, and now it is; Tucker's space.

From Tucker's space, I can go to other places, but at present Lin doesn't go to those places, but thinks here...

What should I do?

Is it blocking them or observing it all?

If you want to stop it, you may need to build a large number of Dream Forces. Lin can't make dreams infinitely.

Because Lynn's dream arms need to use some special dream energy in the doomsday space.

This kind of energy is actually not everywhere, and Lin found that it is very rare.

If you want to fight, it is necessary to collect more similar energy... but there is currently no place to collect it.

Lin’s dreams of coming to Tucker’s space are still only about the same size as Veronica.

The brains have also escaped here, and Lin still doesn't know how it came back.

In short, Lin feels that she should try to use some methods to keep this space.

Maybe... can organize some of the troops here to fight.

Although it seems that hope is not big, it can be said that hope is great.

Because Lynn found that fighting these boneless dolls is mainly related to ‘sentiment’.

This space of Tucker can be said to be a space full of hope.

There are more hopes than the other spaces around, although the chances of victory are not great, but you can drag those dolls to let Lin do something special.

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