4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 182: Initial war

"Stop!" Under the shout of black pepper, the whole army stopped in the jungle. They are now about two kilometers away from the target pyramid. Although it is not clear in the jungle, the black pepper is There is no such problem in the air.

The pyramid is newly established. Lie uses a saliva to bond a large amount of sand with a special stone to make this tall building. Usually, the height of the pyramid is about 30 meters. Some will be higher.

In fact, Lin did not know how Li Ji’s thoughts were. Although there was no sign of attacking the Jade Dragon, Lie was constantly covering the pyramids in the direction of the Emerald Dragon City. Some Lieutenants would leave the group and go far to investigate. I have also seen the city of Jade Dragon, but I have never been close.

At this time, most of the jade dragons squatted and rested because they were tired, while others remained in a state of tension...

The black pepper hovered around the air in the air, and it slowly approached the pyramid. Lin found that it was using a special thing, called ‘望远木’, and observed the target in the air.

'Wangyuanmu' is the latest invention of Emerald Dragon. They are first prepared to use a piece of hollow wood, and then a piece of transparent round beetle shell is inserted into the front and back of the wood, and then the wood can be picked up. See far away.

This estimate is the result of a jade dragon accidentally connecting two beetles together and seeing something close to it. This insect with a transparent convex carapace is called a 'star egg' by the emerald dragon. You like to use them as decorations.

This kind of thing eventually became a useful thing for war, but the number is small. It is estimated that the entire army has a ‘望远木’ on black pepper.

There are more than black peppers in the pyramid. Although Lynn’s spy is not clear about the situation below. However, the floating eyeball can be observed in the same position as the black pepper... When Lin sees the pyramid, there seems to be no movement, and a lieutenant is not outside.

Are they hiding in it?

The black pepper seemed to be very confused because he couldn't see it. It looked good for a while before he was ready to turn around and fly back.

"Send the reconnaissance squad!" The black pepper shouted in the sky: "You can't see the situation in the air, you need troops to scout!"

"Hey?" The following Jade Dragon heard it. After you see me, I see you. They just did the training of the arrangement. There is no detailed detachment. No one knows who should go to investigate...

Although this unit is used to test the opponent's fighting style. But I can't just go to the pyramid to find death in such a casual way... Even if I haven't experienced the war, I can feel that there is no suspiciousness.

However, maybe you don't have to rush to the other side.

Now, Lynn can hear some sounds... In the surrounding jungle, the sound of the leaves rubbing, the footsteps of the creatures moving... But because the jungle here is too dense, nothing can be seen at all.

"What is that?" There are other jade dragons who noticed the sound in the jungle. It suddenly shouted: "Attention, there is something around!"

“There is something?” The jade dragons who had been resting on the ground immediately stood up and looked nervously around.

"Is this..." The black pepper also noticed the strangeness in the sky. The jungle around the entire army began to move... Trees and leaves were shaking.

"Defense! Attention! Defense! They are in the woods!"

At the moment when the black pepper shouted these words, the surrounding jungle suddenly swayed. In the trees, in the bushes, suddenly there are countless figures. They are covered with carapace, and they are armed with a spear of rock and pounced on the emerald dragon.

The emerald dragons almost did not react. In the outermost jade dragon, they were pierced by the lame spears on the ground. The old leather on them did not play a protective role.

All the emerald dragons were scared by this, they rushed into the panic, as if they had forgotten the counterattack, but these are really powerful, and Lin did not notice when they came round, though Saying that spies have no detective ability.

Sure enough, can't you? Lin's spy is located closer to the periphery of the team. It can be seen that many Emerald dragons were killed without even resistance.

"Hurry up and fight back! Don't be afraid, they don't have a lot!" The black peppers tried their best in the air, and finally some of the emerald dragons began to react. They began to use their weapons to begin to resist the attack and counterattack.

"Hey!" An emerald dragon shouted, and the wooden spear in his hand slammed directly into the chest of Li, but this one was unresponsive, because the standing spear could not pierce its carapace.

This cockroach slammed the wooden spear of the emerald dragon, and stabbed the jade dragon with a stone spear in his hand, but its stone spear suddenly moved in half when it reached half...

Li Yi turned his head and saw that another Jade Dragon was grabbing its arm. The powerful force made it impossible for its hands to make any movements.

Seizing the Emerald Dragon, it is Lin’s spy. Its power is much larger than that of the ordinary jade dragon. The spy is forced to twist, and Li’s pain suddenly makes a scream. When he opened his hand, he immediately threw away his spear and fled into the jungle.

Sure enough, equipment is also a problem... Lin looked around, and many of the emerald dragons were already using weapons and shackles, but it was difficult to pierce the outer shell.

Moreover, because this group of emerald dragons are temporarily gathered, there is no use of bows and arrows at all, but in this case, they will shoot the companions even with bows and arrows.

However, there is also an advantage in the Jade Dragon. The number of these scorpions is very sudden, but the number of them is only a few hundred. After the discovery of this, the Jade Dragon began to attack the shackles even if they did not wear them. The other side of the shell, but as long as the upside down to attack the ground, it is still able to crack.

The practice of Jade Dragon is really good. Lin began to think that they would all run around in a panic, but they still made timely counterattacks so that the losses did not expand further.

Lie found that they had slowly lost the advantage of sneak attack, so they immediately retreated back to the jungle, and soon disappeared.

"They ran away!" After seeing Lie ran out, many Emerald Dragons began to cheer. "We triumphed! We won!"

"Very good!" At this moment, the black pepper shouted in the air: "Now, we are going to attack the big building!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~00121ling~ monthly ticket~

Thanks to ~k1ryfx~ birthday red envelope~

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