The initial battle lasted only for a short period of time. After being sneaked and successfully counterattacked, each of the emerald dragons seemed to be very excited. They thought they had won!

Now the ethos of this group of emerald dragons has been extremely inflated. They hold high weapons, and the thunder of excitement resounds throughout the jungle. Under the command of the black pepper, the emerald dragon begins to attack in the direction of the pyramid!

"Hey! Kill them all!" The jade dragons were extremely excited. They ran wildly in the direction of several pictures in the jungle. Even if they saw some wild little dinosaurs, this group of emerald dragons also endured. Do not live to poke it a few times.

Lin also followed them to charge. This phenomenon is very interesting. The jade dragons are so excited. Of course, it is not the previous small victory. Lin’s current speculation is that their thoughts are usually too suppressed.

These emerald dragons are oppressed in their normal state of life. The lower level has a meal that has no meal for a meal, while the ordinary layer is better, but it must also use all its strength to live, continuously produce things to obtain resources, or use labor to obtain Resources.

They have always been like this. After a long time, their thoughts will be suppressed for a long time, and some secretions in the brain will not be discharged for a long time, causing their bodies to slowly deteriorate, and pressure will accumulate to the limit. Suicide.

But all this can be released in one way, and that is... fighting.

In general, making your thoughts happy is also a way to reconcile, but the most direct is to fight, or you can use the word ‘violent’ to destroy things with all your strength. This long-repressed thought will give you an extremely comfortable release! It's like feeling all the waste in the body!

These long-repressed Jade Dragons succeeded in defeating Lie’s sneak attack. Their repressed thoughts were released at this moment. So it became very exciting, and there are a lot of jade dragons in the center of the team. Even if they don't fight directly, they will feel very excited after seeing their companions killing them...

Lin can see some of Susumi's regular soldiers in this unit, they are not so excited, after all, these soldiers are not depressed, and often participate in activities such as hunting.

Perhaps it was because the group of emerald dragons became excited and the black peppers gave orders for the offense.

It’s not wise to attack this directly...

In front. The huge pyramid has appeared in front of the Emerald Dragon. The area around the pyramid with a radius of more than 50 meters is a grass of up to 1 meter. It is called 'Golden Grass' and it seems that it is not suitable for ambushing here.

“噢噢噢噢!!!” The Jade Dragons excitedly rushed into the grass area outside the pyramid and rushed straight toward the pyramid. They are now almost fearless, but their madness will make them ......

"Be careful! There is an ambush!" The black pepper suddenly screamed in the air, and saw the grass on both sides of the Emerald Dragon troops rushing into the grass suddenly violently swaying. A group of cockroaches suddenly jumped out from both sides of the grass, and the spears in their hands were fierce. The ground flew out. Directly pierced many of the jade dragons on both sides of the team.

"嘎——!!!" These jade dragons seem to be over-excited, and it is not fear to see their companions being stabbed. Instead, he shouted and raised his weapon and slammed it.

But these shackles were more rapid. They immediately sneaked into the grass after they spear the spear and quickly ran away.

So, is this sneak attack tactic? It seems that Li Yi does not want to fight hard, every time I use this tactic to play and run, does that mean that their number is not enough to compete with the Emerald Dragon?

Black pepper seems to be thinking about this problem as well. It is staring at Yalong in the air, and Lin feels that it is recording the way of these battles, and then returns to Susumi.

"Don't run! Hey!" Jade Dragon wanted to catch up with the shackles. They chased the traces left in the grass and scattered them in the grass.

"Don't distract! Get together!" The black pepper immediately shouted, but some of the emerald dragons were too excited. They ran too far away. When they reacted, they found themselves standing alone in the grass. Among them.

There was an emerald dragon who realized that the situation was wrong and wanted to return to the army. But then it suddenly felt like the tail was pulled by something. It had not had time to react. A powerful force dragged it into the grass. In the middle, followed by a very sharp scream.

"Oh!" At this moment, another scream rang, and another jade dragon was dragged into the grass. After that, there were several sounds, and the jade dragons scattered on the grass were all suffered. Sneak attack.

Looking at this situation, the black peppers are not called the jade dragons, but they yell at the troops: "Attack! Comprehensive attack! Get out the monsters hiding in the grass and kill them!"

"Hey!" The Emerald Dragon's troops now have a large part in the jungle. After hearing the orders of the black peppers, they suddenly rushed into the grass, and a large number of emerald dragons launched the charge together. Their number is enough to occupy. Throughout the grassland, even if they can hide, they are also caught by the emerald dragon. Each of the captured scorpions will be immediately killed by the group, and those who are still hiding in the grass will have to retreat. .

It seems that Lie here really only dared to attack, they did not dare to attack under the impact of the emerald dragon army, perhaps the number of Li Wei is not much, at least not much here.

"Encircle this building!" Under the command of the black pepper, the jade dragons spread out. They cleaned the grass around the pyramid and slowly surrounded the pyramid. The pyramid was nearly 30 meters high and is now emerald. The dragons are surrounded by groups, and there is no standing in the grass. They no longer have to worry about being attacked.

The emerald dragons have occupied the grass outside the pyramids, and they are more excited when they win, but their offensive steps have to stop here because... they don't see the entrance to the pyramid.

The entire pyramid is surrounded by rocks and sand-bonded stone walls. There is no place to enter, which makes them feel quite confused.

Even the black pepper was riding a circle around the pyramid in the sky for a few laps, and it did not find anything strange.

Is this pyramid a trap? In fact, this is not the case. The spy walked to the stone wall of the pyramid and placed the ear hole on it carefully. He could hear a little voice inside... Lie was talking inside.

Obviously, the pyramid is hollow, but the jade dragon is generally inaudible. The spy's auditory organs are more subtle. Lin can still hear some of the words they talk to... like 'they are coming', 'they On the outside 'like.

There seems to be no practical content. It is more like saying that some people are talking about gossip, but Lynn still hears a special one: ‘I am trapped. ’

Who is trapped? What is the point? Still outside this group of jade dragons?

These shackles may have blocked the entrance before the Emerald Dragon came, or they have another entrance that can pass through the pyramid.

The jade dragons are waiting outside now. They have no weapons or methods to open the walls of the pyramid. Some emerald dragons have begun to try to hit the walls with stones and sticks, but there is no effect at all.

If Li Yi stays in this way, it will lead to a battle of consumption. I don’t know how much food can be supported in the Lieutenant, and this group of emerald dragons... obviously can’t afford it, their excitement is very fast. It will slowly calm down, and there is not much left in the food.

However, there is obviously a way to black pepper. It shouts in the sky: "Make a wooden hammer and open the wall!"

"Hey?" Most of the emerald dragons looked puzzled at the sky. They didn't know how to make wooden hammers, but the regular soldiers in the ranks stood up now and they began to teach the group of emerald dragons to make wooden hammers.

First, first break down a big tree, then sharpen one end of the tree, then hold the tree with dozens of emerald dragons and slam into the wall in the direction of the pointed head.

It seems quite simple. The soldiers summoned some of the emerald dragons. These emerald dragons were armed with a stone axe, and just as they were preparing to start looking for trees, a voice stopped them.

"You don't have to do that." The one who said this was Lin's spy. Lin stood in front of this squad that cut trees and blocked their way.

The Emerald Dragon soldier at the forefront said: "Don't block it, let it go!"

"I said, you don't have to do that..." Speaking, the spy walked to the edge of the pyramid with the curiosity of the surrounding emerald dragon, and then Lin climbed up the diagonal wall, at a position about five meters high. Stopped and said to the Jade Dragons: "This is the entrance."

As the saying goes, the spy violently knocks on the wall here, and immediately listens to the sound of 'Kela', and there is a huge crack on the wall.

Then the spy jumped from above and saw that the crack on the wall continued to spread, eventually leading to a wall completely cracked, revealing a hole about two meters in diameter...

It was discovered by Lin that there was some loose sand falling from this position in the pyramid. It can be seen that it was temporarily smeared by the sergeants, but the color was exactly the same as the surrounding walls, so it could not be seen.

All the emerald dragons looked at the hole in surprise, looking inside from the outside, you can see the dense inside, and the same, Li Yi was very surprised to look outside, although they covered the face of the carapace is no expression, But Lynn can feel their emotions... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Ah ah~ 588~

Thank you ~00121ling~ birthday red envelope~

Thank you ~ A gas ~ monthly ticket ~

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