4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 184: Stalemate

Because Lin’s spy suddenly knocked out a hole, the two sides were so embarrassed to watch here... This time lasted for a few tens of seconds, and suddenly, Lie first moved!

They made a sharp squeak, rushing out of the hole in the pyramid wall like a swarm! They rushed down the slanting wall and stabbed the jade dragon below with various weapons such as spears.

The Jade Dragon was first scared by the screams of Li, but they also reacted quickly, screaming excitedly to raise their arms and greet them!

The instantaneous collision of the blade of the blade caused the entire area to reverberate with the sound of the weapon, and Lin retreated to a farther place to observe the battle.

Although Lin helped the Jade Dragons to open the entrance to the pyramid, but did not intend to fight them, Lin wanted to see how the Jade Dragons won the battle... or was won by the Lieutenant.

Lie's weapons are mainly bonded with special stones and gravel, much like the way they are built. This 'special stone' is taken from a rock of the ground, which breaks the stone and The gravel is bonded with saliva to form a very strong form.

The weapons of the Jade Dragons are quite simple. Usually, a stick of stone is attached to the stick as a stone spear. However, they still have the advantage of the previous ones. A large number of emerald dragons are constantly stabbing them with their spears. Lie had to step back, and some of them were pushed to the ground by a large number of spears, and then the shells were broken by constant stabbing.

Lishui's blood stained the grass on the ground with a smelly liquid, while the jade dragon had almost no loss. After several previous sneak attacks, their response became significantly faster.

Under the constant siege of the Emerald Dragon. Almost all of the rushing rushes were killed. Others have returned to the hole. The emerald dragons also walked up the slanting wall, which caused a situation: a large group of emerald dragons were blocked in the only pyramid exit of Lishen, and the lieutenant that came out would be besieged by the emerald dragon.

This made it difficult for Lie to rush out and attack. The Emerald Dragons constantly used the spears to force them to push them back into the hole. A large group of emerald dragons continued to smash into the hole with their spears. Going, but Lie has already hid deeper and no longer came out.

Some of the more excited Jade Dragons rushed straight into the hole. But at the moment it entered, it was pierced by countless shackles...

Seeing this scene, the emerald dragons stayed outside the hole and did not dare to go in, but they still blocked the hole, which in turn formed a form similar to the previous one, no one can attack anyone.

But this is obvious. It is also the victory of an emerald dragon. The jade dragon yells outside, and the lieutenant is very quiet inside, and it does not move.

At this time, Lin also squeezed into the hole and looked inside. I saw that the lieutenants were holding spears. Tightly staring at this side, they are obviously waiting for the emerald dragon to jump in.

The life style of our people is very strange. Emerald dragons usually like a room, or live in a room with their cubs and spouses. They don’t like to be crowded together, but they are crowded together, obviously their lifestyle is closer to the division of species rather than individual creatures. .

The two sides continued to form a stalemate, and Lin felt that they seemed to want to drag the time, and they would soon retract each time they hit them.

"Get them out with fire!" At this moment, the black pepper yelled in the air: "Come on, go find some wood!"

This seems to be a common method used in hunting. When dealing with some small creatures that dig holes, they use a similar method to smoke them.

With the command of the black pepper, some emerald dragons brought some dry wood, grass blades and flints in the jungle. They quickly gave birth to a campfire on the grass, and then several emerald dragons burned the wood. After that, I threw it into the hole.

However, after they threw the fired wood in, the lieutenants immediately rushed forward to extinguish the flame.

"Not thrown like this!" The black pepper shouted on it: "Ignite in front of the hole, then fan in the smoke!"

The jade dragons seemed to react at this time. They quickly got a few large leaves, and then they got a bunch of new bonfires in the hole, and the black peppers let them collect some special branches. The branches burned and the smoke was particularly large, and then they took the leaves and began to fan the smoke into the hole...

There was no special reaction at the beginning, but as the smoke entering the fan became more and more, they slowly began to show anomalies. They began to retreat to deeper places, but this still could not stop the constant flow. Smoke.

The pyramid inside Lichen should not be completely sealed, but the ventilation system should be very poor. A large amount of smoke will not spread in a short time after entering, which may cause damage to their respiratory system.

Many of the emerald dragons are yelling inside, they use some words to squat inside, although they can't understand, but the smoke and noise make them more uncomfortable.

"Oh..." Some of them made strange noises in them. It seems that they started to feel very uncomfortable. If they continue this way, they must come out, otherwise they will all be smoked inside.

However, because of the relationship between the smoke, the jade dragons could not see the environment inside the cave, and they were also somewhat uncomfortable with the smoke. Looking at their state, the black pepper shouted in the air: "Ready! They can come out at any time. ! Point the hole at the hole!"

"Hey!" When the black pepper was just finished, a lieutenant suddenly burst out of the smoky cave! It slammed a spear and smashed the bonfire of the emerald dragon at the hole, then quickly retreated back...

The emerald dragons reacted, and they immediately rebuilt the bonfire. This time, they showed a lot of spirit. Every emerald dragon firmly gripped the spears at the hole. This time they dare not slow down again. It is.

Time passed slowly... tens of seconds, hundreds of seconds, the emerald dragon has been fanning inside, but after that time, Lie has not come out again...

Why haven’t you been out? For a long time, the jade dragons have doubts. Lin feels a bit strange. Do they all die inside? Or set a trap inside, waiting for the emerald dragon to go in and see?

Obviously, there is no Jade Dragon wanting to go in now, and they continue to fan the smoke... And Lie has no reaction...

In this way, the light of the sky slowly dims, the surrounding environment... has entered the night. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nothing is the monthly ticket~

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