4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 185: Surrounded by

The sky has been shrouded in darkness, and the atmosphere is filled with smoke from the dragon. It has been a long time in the pyramid, and they still have no movement.

Are they all killed?

This is estimated to be the question that every jade dragon has been thinking about now... Are they dead? There was no Jade Dragon trying to go in and have a look, and the black pepper did not order the Jade Dragon to go in and explore.

Because of the habit of sleeping in the dark, many jade dragons have begun to rest on the ground, only those who keep the fan in the mouth.

"Okay, you can stop!" Suddenly the black pepper shouted at the bottom: "No need to fan again, come to a few dragons to plug the hole!"

"Hey!" The Jade Dragons immediately stopped their movements. They ran to move some stones and blocked the cave on the sloping wall of the pyramid. They also made some mud to plug the gap, as if they were afraid. The smoke will leak out.

"Let's let go!" With a loud noise, the black pepper fell on the grass on the Yalong, but it did not come down from Yalong's back, but still stayed on Yalong's back and shouted: "Now I can rest, but I need to be responsible for the vigil!"

I am not sure if the enemy is dead or not, will I plan to sleep directly here? This idea is really strange enough... Lin looked at the black pepper and ordered a few regular emerald dragons to take turns as guards, and he rested on it, and Yalong was kneeling on the ground and began to sleep.

They spend a lot of time sleeping, which is one of the characteristics of the Jade Dragon, but it will not sleep during the war.

General sleep is to rejuvenate the brain. If you don't sleep for a long time, you may die. However, it is no problem to temporarily support a lot of staying up all night.

Lynn found out. The emerald dragons of the entire army are concentrated on the grass with the pyramid as the center. They don't seem to want to stay in the jungle. Emerald dragons are more afraid of darkness, but because they are too many, some are left in the jungle.

If that is the case... then wait for the day to say it again, although Lynn also wants to see if the people are dead or not, but then the fun should be higher.

When the jade dragons were resting, Lin noticed the things that had caught the groundworms before.

The producer of the ground worm - the hole in the stone, Lin has not found anything to feed it so far. Because there is still a lot of energy stored in the body, but in the vicinity of a kilometer, Lin found another piece of exactly the same thing, this little energy left, if you continue to observe, you should soon see it to feed The creature is...

time flies.

When the sun illuminates the earth, it also illuminates the figure of the emerald dragons sleeping on the grass. At this time, some of them have already woke up, but most of them still lie on the ground and continue to sleep.

Lynn feels that this war seems too nervous. This may have something to do with their first war, but the previous few times were all around. Many victories have left them without a sense of crisis. If they encounter a similar number of opponents... then it may be troublesome...

However, maybe Black Pepper has another idea. It wants to create as many opportunities as possible to attack Lie, so as to judge the way of Lie’s warfare. It knows that there is information about Lie, and the number of Lie is absolutely not Only so little.


Just as Lin thought about it, there was a scream in the jungle, and all the jealous dragons that were still stupid were awakened by this sound, including black peppers.

“What happened?” The black pepper yelled in the direction of the jungle: “What happened there? Why didn’t there be a vigil...”

"嘎!!!" It’s not finished yet, and there was a tragic cry in the jungle, as if many emerald dragons were killed at this moment...

"Those in the jungle, respond quickly!" The black pepper shouted, but after the screams before, the jungle suddenly became quiet, without the slightest voice responding to the black pepper...

The number of jade dragons in the jungle should be quite large. Are they killed? This should not be possible. No matter what kind of sneak attack, it is impossible to kill a large number of emerald dragons in the jungle, but why not respond?

"Oh..." At this moment, the black pepper saw some jade dragons that were covered in blood coming out from the edge of the jungle, but they fell to the ground without taking a few steps...

The emerald dragons in the grass looked at the scene in horror, and they began to retire constantly, trying to stay away from the jungle.

Black pepper didn't hesitate, he immediately shouted: "Prepare for defense! Move closer to the center!"

Under the command of the black pepper, the jade dragons began to look less flustered. All the jade dragons immediately began to move closer to the pyramid. The jade dragon on the edge of the jungle picked up the shield and spears and pointed back at the jungle.

Just then, I saw some black figures in the bushes of the jungle...

No, this is more than 'some', between the trunks, above the trees, everywhere, and the number of them is everywhere, and the number of them has completely completely surrounded the pyramid and the emerald dragon on the surrounding grass. Inside.

Is it that they killed the jade dragon in the jungle? This seems unlikely, even if they are more numerous, it is difficult to kill in such a short period of time... Lin believes that something must have happened in the jungle.

Seeing such a large number of stand-ups, the Jade Dragons have completely lost their excitement. The hands holding their weapons are shaking, and their legs are involuntarily receding until they are squeezed into the companion's body and cannot continue to retreat.

It turned out that now, seeing this scene, Lin has already understood that a small number of squats in the pyramid had escaped in order to delay the waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements? Now the army in the jungle is the object they are waiting for, but those in the pyramid may have been killed to see the reinforcements.

"Don't panic! Stabilize!" Black pepper saw this scene, it also has a lot of fear, but it is still calmly ordering: "Archer! Climb to the building! Other jade dragons, use all their strength to hold Here! Spears use spurs! Shields force! Don't attack them! Wang will lead the army to save us!"

The horror of the Emerald Dragons immediately recovered their morale as soon as they heard the ‘Wang’s army’. Their hands and feet were no longer trembling, and some of the Jade Dragons even cheered.

Many of the emerald dragons with bows and arrows climbed onto the pyramids, because the temporary army did not use bows and arrows. These jade dragons with bows and arrows were all regular soldiers here, and they were less than one hundred.

When the archers climbed into the pyramids, the shackles in the jungle began to move. They all made a sound of '呲呲'. Under this sound, all the shackles began to lie low and made Ready to attack...

"Hey!" With a sudden whistling, Lie rushed out of the jungle!

At the outermost jade dragons, they also raised spears and shields, ready to use all their strength to defend!

At this moment, the troops of both sides slammed together, and the sound of the weapon's collision sounded through the sky, but although the two sides looked the same amount, the outer jade dragon defense was like a fragile dead wood, and was instantly criticized. Killing crashes.

Numerous shackles wave their spears in their hands. They can easily break their wooden shields and pierce the body of the emerald dragon. At the moment of the impact, they tear the outer defense of the jade dragon...

Seeing this scene, the jade dragon in the back can't help but retreat, but the crazy shackles will not stop. They are like a thorny wall made up of armor, slowly squeezing the group of jade dragons in the center of the pyramid.

"Shooting!" Under the command of the black pepper, the jade dragons on the pyramid began to shoot bows and arrows, and a large number of arrows were shot in all directions. Some arrows slammed through the head of the stand. However, some of them were bounced off by the armored armor. This small number of bows and arrows could hardly create any damage to the army. However, every second, a large number of jade dragons died under the lance.

In the case of equal numbers, the disadvantages of the Emerald Dragons' equipment are fully revealed. Some Emerald Dragons have begun to flee in horror, but here they are completely surrounded, and where can they escape?

The black pepper looked at the emerald dragon's troops and was constantly squeezed. It seemed to have made a decision. It slammed the Yalong underneath, and Yaron suddenly flew into the air.

The black pepper looked at the battlefield below in the air, and then it flew to the far side of the head of Raya.

After seeing this scene, some of the emerald dragons below suddenly shouted: "It abandoned us! It's over!"

With the ‘runaway’ of the black pepper, all the emerald dragons suddenly became more alarmed. They had no will to fight, and all rushed in the direction of the pyramid and tried to climb over the pyramid.

Although their intelligence is enough to make them understand that it doesn't make any sense, they just want to live longer, even for a few seconds.

However, the regular emerald dragons in the pyramid are still struggling to shoot. It seems that they are completely unaffected by the current situation. Lin can feel the fear from their thoughts, but they can still maintain a stable mood.

Sure enough, trained is not the same.

Lynn’s spy is now on the pyramid, outside the blocked hole, when Lin took a stone from above and shouted to the surroundings: “Have all in here!”

The surrounding emerald dragons seemed to react suddenly. They rushed wildly to dig up the blocked stones and then squeezed them into the pyramid... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

Ps: Thank you ~lmxy~ monthly ticket~

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