4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 69: Under the lava


Although this place is not magma, it is also... liquid.

Lynn Veronica is in a submarine.

This submarine is very small, only three meters in length, and looks like a can.

There are no windows inside to see the outside, some are just a small screen, and a lot of buttons under the screen.

This is the device that operates.

The screen shows the outside picture.

Although the submarine is currently swimming in the magma, it can be seen through the picture that the outside is not a magma, but a dark blue-based liquid.

Simply said it is quite like the ocean.

At the same time, Lin can also see a lot of wonderful large objects floating in it, and now there is a floating from the front of the submarine.

These objects are more than ten meters long and have many small holes on the sides, like the creature known as the Eight Eyes.

At present, Lin only dive to three hundred meters. According to the leader told Lin, this deep creature is not dangerous.

About a kilometer or so, the creatures there will be dangerous, but the speed of the submarine can still escape.

Now, Lin is slowly diving.

The original creature looked quite like a lot of times the Ershi creature, but when it was a kilometer, Lin could see a lot of strange things.

These things feel a lot like 'parasitic deformities', or they can be said to be abnormal sea creatures.

Many parasites become deformed on the host's body, such as how long a leg is, and the fins become multi-forked.

The creatures that appear here look like parasitic creatures and become aggressive, seeing the submarine hitting it.

While avoiding these creatures, Lin dive to a depth of six kilometers.

This place is almost completely black, and at the same time, some huge illuminators are floating.

These illuminators are not like the Ershi creatures, but they are like the various floats that were seen when they first came into unforeseen places.

They don't seem to be creatures, they don't do anything, they don't react to the submarine, they just float there.

Lin would like to open the submarine and go out to see what the outside environment is like.

However, the leader of the Ershi people also said to Lin... You must not open it until you reach the cave.

As long as there is a little gap, or if there is any way to look at the outside environment directly through other methods, the submarine will be destroyed by magma in an instant.

The surrounding environment must be recognized by the ‘monster brain’ mounted inside the submarine, and the submarine can be moved here without damage.

Lin feels that this is very interesting, and it is necessary to carefully check the ‘monster brain’.

But now, go to the cave first.

... seems to be the place.

Now that it has reached a depth of more than 10,000 meters, here, Lin directly sees the entrance to the cave.

It is like other floating objects, floating in this deep sea environment.

Driving the submarine, Lin directly rushed into the entrance of the cave. At the moment of entering, Lin found that the surrounding area became a very common cave environment.

At this time, Lin opened the hatch of the submarine and walked out from the inside.

After leaving, Lin looked at the direction of the hole.

Sure enough, the location of the hole is covered with magma... and the thoughts of other creatures seem to be magma.

But... maybe if you change to the ‘monster’ thinking, you can see different scenery.

However, Lin decided to test the cave first.

This place... seems to have stored a lot of information.

Mainly the surrounding rock walls and stones, which store a lot of scattered information.

This information does have a lot of biological memory, and Lin feels much more than the leader described.

The memory inside also includes the memories of many of the people here, like the daily information they live in this pothole city.

Most of them are really useless, but Lynn can find through this discovery that they lived here really... very happy.

Because they have little work to do, their food is mainly falling from the sky.

The location of these potholes often rains, of course it is not really rain, but an imaginary material.

That is to say, for these people, it is a material that can be eaten and can be changed into any appearance by imagination.

They basically entertain and rest in addition to waiting for food in the sky. They want to create a variety of entertainment... including watching the mutants and animals being eaten.

It is true that some bus creatures can also be found here.

These bus creatures...have lived in certain parts of the earth's surface, and the people of Ershi have never seen them.

Of course, they are actually dream creatures, just imitating some small bus creatures.

They...it doesn't seem to be special. They don't know that they are in a dream. They just live a very ordinary life.

Lynn is wondering why there is a collection of their memories together.

This information is mixed up in large numbers, as if many biological thoughts have been passed on here.

In the process of continuous detection, Lin also found some interesting thinking.

It is like the thinking of the leader of the Ershi people.

This seems to be new, because Lin did not mention his thoughts here when he talked to it.

I can feel it here, it always thinks about doing something, but it doesn't.

It has a strong desire.

And what it thinks is not to let Ershi rise again, but to think... to detect the deepest.

Although the last probe made it feel too dangerous to continue, it still wanted to continue to probe, so it started building new submarines.

Lin’s boat is old and small, not because it wants to make it so small, but because the monster’s brain can only support this size of submarine to sneak in.

If you want to build bigger, you need to be bigger... or a more aware monster brain.

It seems to be preparing to form a team to capture that monster.

So, in this case, why didn't it tell Lin about this thing?

Regardless of it, Lin continued to test here for a while.

Lin can indeed detect some of Ershi's memories. This feeling is like detecting the real Ershi's thinking... but I can't feel the state of this Ershi.

It can be said that these memories are just a small idea of ​​it.

It seems that it feels like he is going to die, and Lin, who thinks that Lin will come here, feels it.

But Lynn also found some other ideas.

That is... there is about this piece of 'magma'.

Magma appears to be magma in most normal void creatures, but for native species it is the 'sea of ​​deep space'.

This ocean can reflect the 'cognitive reality'.

That is the monster... these creatures from the unpredictable land, what they see, everything they imagine may appear in this sea.

Using the thinking of the monster to observe the words here, it feels like entering the deep space of the unforeseen place, you can see a lot of wonderful things.

However, only enough depth is considered.

The shallower place... For example, from the surface to the depth of 10,000 kilometers is the 'sea of ​​the future'.

What I can see there is mainly some of Ersh’s ideas about the future of the ocean, like creatures that may have evolved.

Under 10,000 meters, it is the 'sea of ​​deep space'. Below this depth, you can see things that are unpredictable.

It can also be said that a trip in the underground of Ershi is similar to traveling in the depths of unforeseen places.

What's more amazing is that these are the brains that need monsters to see. If the normal void creatures like Ershimin see only magma.

This is quite interesting.

How is this done? And what is the purpose of doing it, and what exactly is this Ersh?

In this regard, after Lin and the outside Ershi discussed, it told Lin that he had done something before.

This matter is about the consideration of the 'future'.

It has thought about what to do after you have completed all your goals.

It creates a mindset that is in a 'dream state' and then puts that thinking somewhere.

More things it doesn't know yet.

But maybe this thinking has something to do with the ersh that I see here.

In short, more... investigation is needed.

The only information detected in the cave is only this. Lin feels that it should start testing the submarine now.

In fact, Lin had a little test before diving down, but now, Lin decided to take the entire submarine.

Before Lin walked to the submarine, she began to use her hair for decomposition work.

The whole process was still very fast. As the pieces of structural parts were removed, Lin quickly saw the monster brain contained in the submarine.

This brain looks like a piece of dirt with a lot of lines on it.

When Lin put her hair on this brain, Lin found that... I couldn’t feel anything.

I don't think it is a thinking thing at all. Unlike previous dreams, Lynn can't find that this thing has any ‘vigor'.

However, as for how to use the thinking of monsters, this Ershi people...especially the leader did a lot of research.

It certainly doesn't feel the thinking of monsters, but there is another way to discover the thoughts inside.

That is, the connection is made using 'common delivery' and 'display'.

The common transfer means that the people and the monsters look exactly the same.

Although it is small, it still exists.

Of course, the original leader did not know what was the same in both the monster and the Ershi people.

So it took a lot of things to test, the test method is to use this thing into the monster's brain.

If something happens to something like illuminating, it means it will be affected by the brain's thinking.

Then, make this thing into the shape of the line and connect the line to the 'display', which is the screen in the submarine.

That screen is actually an 'imaginary display'.

They don't have any TV shows here, but they still find ways to create similar entertainment.

The imaginary display was originally called a dream TV, because the people here are still sleeping and dreaming.

And when they are sleeping, they put their dream TV on their heads.

Then wake up, even if you don't remember anything, I feel that this is a dreamless sleep, but when I turn on the TV, I can see a lot of dreams I have made.

They used to create programs... Their great entertainment is to watch their dreams every day.

Later, this group of people was not only looking at their own dreams, but in addition to exchanging dreams with other companions, they also created programs while awake.

Just connect the TV to your head and then imagine to create a picture inside, so they create a lot of complicated plots of the film.

So in the end, this is called an imaginary display and is one of the most important tools for their entertainment.

Initially, the leader wanted to connect the imaginary display to the monster's brain to see if it could show the monster's thoughts.

It finds that direct connection is useless, but it is possible to display what the monster sees by attaching the monster's brain to the ‘common delivery.’

Lin found that it was.

Although it doesn't feel anything directly in contact with the monster's brain, if you touch the imaginary display, you can detect some of the information inside.

Then, when Lin touched the common delivery, that is, the lines of the monitor and the monster brain, Lin could still feel the information inside, but the information was blurred a lot.

The information in the brain of the monster can be transmitted through the transmission and then interpreted by the display into information that the Ershi people can understand.

But how does it work inside?

Thinking, Lin began to try to make part of Veronica imitate the internal structure of the display.

But soon Lynn discovered that this display does not seem to mimic.

In fact, Lyn's Veronica's dream energy is not the same as it. Lin just tried to see if she could achieve a similar effect.

But it seems impossible.

In this case, Nalin gave the display to... and ate it.

To be precise, it is disassembled into a number of pieces and then swallowed into different parts of the body.

Some pieces are placed at the tip of the hair, and the remaining pieces are scattered in different parts of the body.

In fact, these clerical jobs are not fixed, and Lynn decided to change them at any time.

Lynn found that doing so did work.

Because Lynn can directly touch the line with the location of the debris, and then can directly perceive the information of the monster brain through these debris in the body.

As soon as a piece of debris comes into contact, all the pieces in Veronica will have a 'resonance' that can sense the contact... information.

In this case, Lin felt that the submarine should not be needed next, and Lin himself could directly sneak into this deep sea.

Look at what will happen in the depths.

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