4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 70: Underground deep space


This place looks really strange.

Although it does not require a submarine, Lin still assembled the submarine.

It's just that the assembly doesn't look like the previous canned submarine, but like a shark.

The brain of this shark is the monster brain.

Lin's Veronica, sitting on the shark, rode it to 10,000 meters.

Now that Lynne has replaced Veronica's original sense with the snippet of the imaginary display, and then touched the line connecting the monster's brain, Veronica felt the view of the monster's brain.

Moreover, Lin does not need to always touch the monster brain.

Because Lin can keep the debris of the display in contact with the 'operating state' of the monster's brain.

This will allow you to observe the surrounding environment with the 'monster perspective' for a long time... In fact, the display itself has the function of sensing the external environment and transforming the environmental situation into data that the bio-understands.

Touching the monster's brain will make the perceived part of the display a 'monster' mode.

It is not that it resolves the thinking of the monster, but its perception mode becomes a monster-like sense.

Lynn discovered this not long ago, so just keep it in the ‘monster’ observation mode.

If...Lin replaced his senses, it would instantly turn into magma.

Even so, the original monster brain is still useful, so Lin put it into the submarine of Lin's transformation.

That is the shark that Lynn is riding now.

It can act like a real shark, but it requires Lin to always input signal commands to it.

Lin made it so mainly because she wanted to have a separate combat object that could be separated from Veronica.

Now, Lynn hasn't seen any danger, but a lot of strange things, like a group of teeth.

These are a lot of things like the teeth of Ershi people. They are flying here in groups.

Sometimes they will hit together and make a squeaky voice.

These things don't seem to be dangerous. Are they also unforeseen creatures? ,

At this time, Lin found a large...translucent object in the distance.

It is slowly approaching here. This thing looks a bit like a jellyfish without a tentacle, or a plastic bag like Ershimin.

It has a diameter of more than ten meters. It seems to have been very slow. It seems that Veronica has been discovered, and suddenly it speeds up and rushes toward it.

Lynn felt that this thing was a bit dangerous, so she immediately turned to swim deeper.

And this huge ‘bag’ is getting farther and farther away... It’s fast, but it’s not as fast as a shark.

After a long swim, Lin felt that the location was almost 12,000 kilometers.

There is actually no water here, and of course there is no water pressure, no matter what the depth is.

But here is gravitational, although there is no water, but there is a feeling similar in the water.

Any object that does not have to swim here will slowly fall down.

At this time, Lin also found a large piece of ... village.

This looks similar to the architecture of the Ershimin, mainly a wooden house plus a small village made up of wooden bridges between these houses.

Here... Why is there something like this?

The more I moved deeper, the more things I saw were separated from Ershi, and it was here... it seems to be back.

Lin took a shark and came to this small village. It can be seen that the wooden buildings here seem to have a heavy decay.


At this time, Lin found that the door of a small house not far away opened, and climbed out of it... a public.

In fact, it was the group of mutants who came together with Lin. The lower body was similar to the squat, and the upper body was still Ershimin.

"This is... is it..."

It made a scream when he saw the shark riding by Lin, and then almost all the houses in the village opened the door.

Lin found that there were some mutated people from the inside, and they gathered together as they burst into amazement.

"What the **** are you... How did you get here? Who are you?" "Are you a resident above?"

These Ershi people have asked a lot of questions about Veronica.

Lin also asked them questions, like them... why they lived in this place.

After some exchanges with them, Lin found that they were the group of ‘cursed’ mutants on the surface.

Of course they don't think this is a curse.

They had no way to retreat because they were besieged by normal people, and they began to try to hide in places like underground caves.

Later they collectively fled into a certain hole and found a wonderful 'device' there.

This device can be referred to as a 'deep space probe device'.

This is also a device manufactured by Ershi.

The main role is to explore the unforeseen land.

Since this place has many unknowns and dangers, it cannot be explored directly... Ersh thinks so.

So it uses another way of exploring, attracting less dangerous creatures to come here, and then have a general understanding of the unforeseen land through the thinking of these creatures.

Once you know enough, explore again.

As for how it only attracts less dangerous creatures... it is not clear.

This lower risk is only for Ershi, and it is quite dangerous for Ershi people.

Ershi people can use some special equipment to enter the deep underground magma to avoid, and when the attraction effect disappears, they can return to the surface.

The group of mutants discovered the device and thought it was their tool to reverse the victory.

Because they also found equipment that allowed them to hide deep into the underground magma.

Then they started the device and attracted a lot of dangerous ‘monsters’.

It was only this device that started with a delay and didn't attract the monster so quickly, so most of the mutants at the time were killed.

Only a few hid in the ground.

Since the monsters don't go underground, they think that the monsters will clean up the normal people on the ground, and then they will go back when the effect of attracting monsters disappears.

Obviously, what they didn't expect was that the huge pothole monsters on the surface of Ershi would not enter, so normal people can live there very well.

As for these mutants, they can only stay in the ground very tragically.

The main reason for their misery is because the things here are weird.

There are also ‘imaginary materials’ that can be used to make everything, but these materials are a bit problematic.

That is what is made is not normal.

Buildings that are made are damaged and incomplete.

The food produced is rotten and unpalatable.

In the end, they got it and found that only this kind of wooden house could be chosen, because the wooden house was made rotten, but it was complete.

Other types of buildings are often filled with holes and even semi-finished products.

Feeling pain here, they are always looking forward to returning to the surface, but they have lost confidence because they have waited too long.

They mainly understand the ground conditions through the environment here.

There are often a lot of weird things here, these things are actually the imagination of the monsters on the surface.

They are seen in unforeseen places, and the things they know may appear here.

Therefore, as long as something continues to appear, it means that the monster on the surface is still there.

Waiting for quite a long time... They finally saw a new change, that is, Veronica appeared here.

They first felt very happy about the arrival of Veronica.

Because they feel that the inhabitants of the earth's surface should die, Veronica is a resident who has escaped.

Their idea is actually no basis. After all, Veronica is more like exploring instead of escaping.

Only this group of people is still very much expecting what happened to the normal people above, so let them immediately generate this idea.

After discovering that the above residents actually have nothing, they are very surprised... surprised.

"No! This is impossible! How can there be nothing at all!" "You must have escaped!"

After Lin told them about the situation above, the group of mutants seemed very excited.

"Kill it!" At this moment, I don't know who called it. Lin found that several mutants immediately used wooden spears to cast over here.

They use so simple weapons... can they live here?

Lin escaped the spears they had shot and drove the sharks straight into a mutant.

At the moment of approaching it, Lynn immediately stretched out her hair and wrapped it around and grabbed it.

Then, Lynn began to detect the situation in this mutant.

It’s almost the same as Lin’s thought... All the sensory organs in this mutant have actually been replaced.

It was replaced with something like Lin's current illusion of display shards that allowed them to observe the place from a monster's perspective.

However, Lin is more concerned about the location of the ‘deep space finder’ from its memory.

The device is somewhere on the surface of the earth, so you can know how to use it whenever you touch it.

In fact, the effectiveness of the device should have passed before, and the monsters should all leave.

But the monsters are still being attracted to the surface, and the long-term activities of the Ershi animals will make the attraction disappear.

This is very strange.

In addition to this information, Lin can also know that they can live here without any weapon.

Because the strange things that appear here have never hurt them.

So, this is why they live well here.

That being the case...

It seems that they don't care about them.

Then Lin didn't find more content in this mutant, so Lin threw it back... and then moved in a deeper direction.

After staying away from the rotten village, Lin once again saw a lot of strange scenery.

These things... It's hard to say what they are.

There are all kinds of shapes, all kinds of colors, and many things that are difficult to describe.

Moreover, some of them are indeed very dangerous.

When I found out that Lin passed, some things would hit very quickly, but after a while I would not continue to chase.

But not as dangerous as the leader described, unable to move forward.

Avoiding these strange things... slowly reached a depth of almost 20,000 meters.

It seems to have reached the bottom.

Because Lynn saw the ground.

The ground here looks like a huge, flat... screen.

Countless strange images appear on this huge screen.

In fact, not all are strange images, some are the scenery on Ershi, but most of them are weird, distorted... it is hard to say what the image is.

Is this already the end?

Or to say... This ground is also a thing floating in this piece of 'sea'.

"You have finally arrived here."

When Lynn's Veronica jumped off the shark and landed on the ground, Lynn heard a voice.

I saw a distant drifting over a ...

Its diameter is more than one meter in size, and it can be said to be like a miniature minis.

"You are... Ershi?"

When Lynn questioned, it also answered Lynn.

It said: "This place was created together."

"We?" Lin asked.

"It's us." The small Ershi said: "It is me and your mind that make up this world here, and the creatures that accompany this world, but it is not working properly now."

"It's very abnormal..."

After saying this, the mini Ershi disappeared.

At the same time, Lynn also found that the original strange picture on the ground began to change.

The strange and distorted pictures disappeared, and a clear picture appeared.

That is a tumbling person.

But it's not Ershi, at least it doesn't look like... because its surface is completely covered by green.

It seems to be full of green plants.

The tumbling person initially appeared at the foot of Veronica in a small spot and then zoomed in very quickly.

This feeling is also like Lin is approaching it very quickly.

After more than ten seconds, the picture has already arrived at the surface of this tumbling person.

It can be seen that the surface of this place feels like it is covered with a full layer of snow.

Only this snow is green, and the entire tumbling person seems to be such an environment.

What does this picture and the small Ershi just represent? Lynn thinks it seems to want to tell Lin what... but not directly.

Then, Lin found that this green surface suddenly began to change state.

It became... normal.

There are terrains like rocks and deserts, and the original covered green snow slowly disappears without a trace.

In the end, it became a very ordinary rock tumbling.

But this normality did not last long, because the surface of the rock seems to have suffered a lot of damages such as cracks, potholes, etc. due to earthquakes and bombing.

And these scars have become more and more serious, and the most serious one has almost cut the entire tumbling.

After a while, the scars began to slowly recover and returned to the original normal terrain.

"This is the final form." At that moment, the little Ershi appeared again.

"What does this mean?" Lin questioned.

"It is undergoing a change..."

At the moment it finished, Lynn felt some very complicated information.

This is about the formation of this ‘尔什’.

The picture that Lynn saw, the green tumbling person, was actually the original form of this ersh. It originally looked like it was covered by a green snowfield, and it was actually an unfinished state.

Later it slowly approaches the state of completion.

However, at first it was not actually Ershi, but something that became a 'dream-like land'.

The ‘dream-like land’ is a giant floating object floating on the edge of the unpredictable land. Where do they come from, the small Ershi does not know.

But it knows the role of the dream-shaped earth.

The dream-shaped earth is essentially a thing that changes according to the strong ‘thoughts’.

That is, it is similar to those of dream materials, and will change shape according to the idea of ​​the creature.

However, the dream-shaped land itself is not affected by small creatures like the Ershi people.

This is related to their richness and level of detail.

The dream-shaped earth will only be affected by some giant creatures... like the influence of Ershi.

It can also be said that Ershi did conceive a 'future self' at some point in the past. It came up with some specific status in the future, including the surface environment and so on.

At some point, the dream-shaped land acquired the 'setting data' of Ershi.

Then, it began to deform in this direction, but there were some conditions in the process of deformation.

It may be affected by other data or biological influences.

Ersh had a lot of scars when he changed, and even the whole process of change almost collapsed, which was affected by other factors.

And then slowly stabilized and completely composed... This small Ershi said that this was due to a stable signal.

In the depths of the void, a special signal was sent.

This signal is very similar to Ershi's original signal, which is the kind of data with Ershi.

Because of this new data, it has stabilized again and has become what it is today.

This small mini ersh was born at that time.

It is a part of ‘consciousness’.

However, its control over the entire 'body' was very low, and then something happened again, which led to the serious damage again.

In the end, it became such a pit-filled look, but at least it was not completely destroyed.

Then, this small Ershi is the consciousness here... It has been trying to maintain this stability and normal.

However, it means that this place is slowly going to collapse, and if you want it to be stable, you need it.

And this small Ershi confirmed one thing.

That is to finally maintain stability here, you must have Lin's consciousness.

Because of the information that had stabilized Ershi before, it thought it was sent by Lin.

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