4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 83: Fragmentation

"It has been... crying."

Here is... a piece of broken land.

It has a diameter of more than 600 kilometers and looks like a huge rock floating in the void.

The surface of the rock is peeling off bit by bit, turning into small pieces of debris floating to the surrounding void.

Lynn opened a detector recently and came here.

This detector looks like a puppet of the size of the Ershi people, which is also made by Lin.

Now Veronica can control a lot of things in the telescope tower, so you don't have to encounter anything to explore in person.

Just controlling these things can't leave the building like the telescope tower, so it's still a bit of a hassle.

Lin is currently exploring the huge objects that are constantly shattering around.

After just getting close to an object, Lynn discovered a familiar creature.

This creature is also composed of biological data of normal void... It is a creature that Lynn calls ‘flamestone’.

It belongs to the ‘mutant species’ of the cold stone creatures, and Lynn feels that this creature is quite interesting.

Cold stone creatures are more common in a variety of creatures in the void. The general cold stone is a creature with a strong outer shell and mainly a very low temperature liquid.

The flamestones are very different. They have no liquid in their bodies and the interior is empty.

But they are not dead, the shell of the flamestone is still growing, it is very slow.

Because most of its organs, such as the internal organs, are running at a very slow speed inside the shell.

There is a very interesting feature of the flamestones, that is, they float for a long enough time... usually 10,000 years of pompoms, they will 'burn'.

Their bodies will heat up sharply, and all the internal organs will run at an extremely fast rate and will converge into a very high temperature 'brain' in the body.

This brain recalls everything that it has experienced in the drifting phase, which is generally a variety of scenery in the void.

Although they have been floating for quite a long time, they usually don't encounter anything interesting.

Then it died.

After the flamestone formed the brain, its life was almost a thousand seconds.

In fact, in the previous drift phase, the empty things it encounters are stored in the shell in some form.

At the last moments of life, it can read this information.

It is not just a mere recollection of this information, but also a variety of thinking about the content of the message.

When their brains are generated, they have certain common sense and emotions, such as knowing what the void is, sighing when recalling spectacular things, and fearing that terrible things will be scared.

In a thousand seconds, the brain of the flamestone will experience its journey of 10,000 years.

Then its brain will cool down quickly, and the whole body will stop moving and die completely.

Lin studied a lot of flamestones and found that they appear to be variants of some kind of cold stone creatures.

Of course, Lin did not observe the complete life stage of a flamestone, but many places of flamestones of different ages can be observed in some places in the void.

Their last death made Lin feel very interesting, although it seems to be meaningless from the aspect of life.

Lin doesn't know what it means.

The presence of the flamestone may have been designed by some other creature.

The last brain of the flamestone did not live more than a thousand seconds. The last moment of these creatures was to immerse themselves in their own memories, and lamented everything they encountered and then died...

There are exceptions here, in this place... Lynn met a dream creature made up of flamestone data.

It is in a state of mind.

And it has been maintained in this state.

This is strange, because the creatures made up of normal void data...such as the Ershi people, they are not so fixed.

Whether it is Ershimin, Xiaolong, or other creatures... their 'body' in the unpredictable land is almost the same as the normal void.

They will slowly grow from birth to adulthood, and then slowly die old.

This process is the same as normal void.

The dream energy completely constitutes their dream form according to their normal ecology. When the Ershi people die, the dream energy that constitutes it will also spread.

But this flamestone is a little different, its life form is fixed in the final stage, and then it has never died.

Lin's detectors can also communicate with it, and it also likes to communicate.

Lin can tell that it came to this place a long time ago... Every flamestone knows that after he recalled his experience, he almost died.

It was originally thought of, but it found that...have never died.

Then it drifted around, explored, and finally arrived at the place without knowing it.

In fact, it is not controlled by itself when it arrives here.

Because the brains of the flamestone...there is no ability to control the body's actions, their brain's main role is to experience memories.

Without any control of body function, this is perfectly inherited.

But the function that died after the experience was not inherited, so it floated this place.

It doesn't know how it floats here... It seems to be in the space of hope.

It tells Lin that the huge floating islands here are connected together and there is a 'bridge' between them.

These bridges connect all the large floating islands, and all the floating islands surround a ... signal source.

This signal source is a distant shadow.

But the flamestone has not seen it.

Because it floated here, it stuck on a floating object and could not move.

But it can always observe the phenomenon here, and there are always various signals sent from the position of the signal source.

It doesn't know what's in the signal, but it can feel the signal being sent.

Every time the signal is sent out, there will be some changes in the floating islands, and different environments will appear on it.

It has also been the main pleasure of observing these environments.

Recently, it has found that the signal source is constantly sending out... sad signals.

It seems that the signal source has encountered something very sad, so it is constantly sending out this signal.

The sad sentiment signal has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The flamestone found that the 'bridges' connecting the islands all collapsed under the influence of the signal.

Then the islands themselves are slowly breaking down.

Although there has been no signal of sadness recently, the fragmentation of the island has not stopped.

All this may go away completely.

When communicating with this flamestone, Lynn also saw the situation of the signal source.

Because the dream of Ershi has been moving forward, Lin found this signal source... It seems to be a small... creature.

:. :

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