"...you are the possibility at that time."

Lynn's Veronica is now in the telescope tower.

Other creatures in this place can't get in, so there are always two Veronica and Mini.

But now, Lynn found another creature coming here.

It looks like Veronica, a creature of the younger Ershi people.

And looking at it, Lin has a familiar feeling, it seems to know where it is.

Although Lin said that it should be the first time I saw it.

Lin actually used the detector to find it, and after discovering it, it flew to the dreamer, and directly reached the position of the telescope tower.

It was not like this before, it slowly became the shape of this kind of people when it came over.

It now slowly walked to Veronica and reached out and touched Veronica's face.

"You are indeed the possibility at that time." It said: "But there seems to be some other impurities..."

"What does the possibility mean?"

For Lyn's question, the creature said: "You are the only one that succeeds... an example."

Said, it grabbed Veronica's hand: "You can feel... they."

At the moment when it was finished, Lin did feel it.

Lynn feels that her ‘vision’ seems to have been magnified many times in this instant, and that she can see the entire minis, then the surrounding voids, and then the wider things.

It seems that the range of tens of billions of kilometers around... can clearly know the details of everything inside.

At the same time, Lin also found that some information was introduced into the mind, and this huge range that Lin could see... all of them are far away.

...a small part of it.

The distant shadow is essentially a ‘big consciousness’ creature, which in the past has another name called “abnormal band”.

It has no form to be observed, its body itself is its consciousness, and it covers a large area.

Any creature that enters its consciousness coverage will find that the 'rules' here are different from other void areas.

In its scope of consciousness, it has a unique environment and a unique phenomenon.

If this happens in a normal void, it is generally considered to be a ... natural phenomenon, which is the result of the occasional combination of various factors.

However, it will not be considered in the unforeseen land.

It tells Lin that any phenomenon in this unforeseen void comes from the influence of creatures.

That's what kind of floats that Lyn sees... whatever they are, they are all creatures.

And it also tells Lin that the seemingly natural things in the unforeseen are actually related to biology.

The definition of this 'biological' is very close to the setting of Lin to the creature. In simple terms, it has something to think about.

This is not to say that there is no natural phenomenon here... but the unpredictable land is the first creature.

Then the activities of these creatures bring a 'natural phenomenon' to this void.

Therefore, no matter what the phenomenon, there are creatures as the source.

These things, it did not explain too clearly to Lin.

In short, when discovering a certain kind of wonderful phenomenon, it is generally known to the void, or a creature with a little common sense will not feel natural, but think that this is a biological influence.

This feeling is somewhat similar to that of Midgart. The influence of distant shadows is very large, and it creates many endemic species that are only active here.

They rely on ‘proprietary rules’ within the scope of consciousness and cannot leave this range.

These creatures usually don't notice that they live in a special area.

And some creatures live on the edge of the shadow of distant shadows.

They can always observe the difference between the distant shadow area and the surrounding void area, and then conduct various test studies.

Some creatures are beginning to try to find out what creatures are creating this particular area. After long-term research and investigation, they believe that there is a huge consciousness that affects the entire region.

So they confirmed that the area itself is a creature.

The name "abnormal point" is also the creature that originally confirmed this point.

However, these awareness of the huge areas of influence have not lasted for a long time.

Those living on the edge observed that the special environment within the range of abnormal points is slowly disappearing.

The wonderful changes in the anomalies are getting closer to the ordinary unforeseen circumstances.

They think this is a manifestation that this huge consciousness is slowly dying... Of course they don't know the cause of extinction.

Therefore, some creatures have gone deep into the anomaly to investigate. When they are deep, they can find that everything inside is normalized, the unique phenomenon is disappearing, and the creatures that depend on this environment are rapidly disappearing.

Finally, the abnormal point becomes almost completely normal.

Everything inside is no different from the normal unpredictable void environment.

However, they also found that the awareness of abnormal points did not completely disappear. In some small areas, the influence of consciousness continued, creating some small abnormal environments.

This group of research-loving creatures carefully investigated these small anomalous environments, and they found some special signals in long-term research investigations.

These signals are like coming from far away and continue to affect the place.

They believe that the consciousness of an abnormal point is not to die, but to stay away from it, so it gives it the name of a distant shadow.

Because they feel that this consciousness may continue to have some impact on this place far away, although the scope of influence is small, but it has been maintained.

These hobby-minded creatures finally decided to look for distant people's great sense of where they went, and they began to move in the direction of the consciousness detected in these small areas.

They traveled in unforeseen places for a long time, but... they never found their target.

"They can't find it." The creature standing in front of Veronica told Lin: "Because... this part has become you."

“Although not completely confirmed, it is very likely.”

It tells Lynn that most of the consciousness of the distant shadows has entered the normal void and has condensed into the present... Lin.

This is actually a 'plan' long ago.

It is to create a 'consciousness' that can spread in normal voids.

It can also be said that a special cub is placed in the normal void.

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