4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 86: Long time

"That is an old plan."

"But there is only one successful example."

In the distant shadows, those huge consciousnesses have left their original location far away and went to unknown places.

Broken shadows don't know where they are going.

In the perception of shadows, the consciousness of these distant shadows is like a huge...color void.

It's actually very similar to the color area it was in, but it's much bigger than it's own.

It can slightly perceive some of the ideas of distant shadows.

Thus, it is known that these distant shadows are under a plan.

They condense their own huge consciousness into a very small 'point', then put it to the normal void and let it merge with something.

And this plan has only one successful example.

Broken Shadow believes that the only winner is Lin.

But it doesn't actually know exactly what the details are, because it is not clear at the time, it can be said that it only perceives a small part of these huge consciousness.

The creature that has been teaching the shadows, thinks that the shadows perceive the 'key point', after which it leaves.

Before the final departure, the creature said that it was going to find their concentrated conscious creatures in the normal void.

And because the shadow can't move, it can only stay in the original place to watch the creature's departure.

However, this creature did not completely abandon it.

Because it has been linked to the shadows by a method after it leaves, mainly because of the scenery sent to the shadow road.

Broken shadows have always felt that this is a very interesting thing, because this creature entered the normal void and passed it a lot of normal void scenery.

The shadows feel like you are traveling with it, swimming in the normal void.

But at some point later, the shadow suddenly found that the information passed to it by the creature stopped.

The last message from the creature is that it says it has found...the consciousness of concentration.

Then, it didn't pass any more information.

The shadows have always stayed here, observing the various creatures around and the environmental changes.

It has been here for quite a long time, it has never moved... It means that it is not that it does not want to move, but has not tried it.

Although it is very interested in the outside environment, it did not try to leave here.

It mainly uses another method to understand the situation outside, that is, to extend its own consciousness...

The scope of the broken image found itself to be very large.

But this requires some practice.

It can sense the movements of various dreams around the world, and it can also sense the creatures that are active in this range.

It has been observing many situations around it in this way, and has also extended its observations to very far in practice.

But at some point, the shadows found that their perceptions could not grow longer.

No matter how it is practiced, it can only maintain a certain range... At this time, it also found out that its original range of perception is the coverage of the original distant shadow.

It can continue to make its own range of perception reach the edge of the distant shadow, but there is no way to extend it.

Even so, it feels enough.

Because it can sense some areas of the desired space at this location.

Then, the shattering began a long... observation.

It is very interested in this matter, and there are quite a few creatures within the scope it can perceive.

They are all dream creatures... During this time, the shadows look at their constant ecology.

These creatures continue to come, leave, perish, or be born, and many creatures have created a huge group civilization.

It’s just that they have not lasted for a long time.

For the various situations of these creatures, there is no special opinion on the shadows, it just likes to observe them very simply.

At some point, it suddenly felt some special signals.

This kind of intelligence comes from the normal void, and it feels like the creature that taught it to send it to it.

But this signal is not sent by that creature, but some creatures from normal voids.

It is the kind of creature that is called ‘flamestone’ by Lynn.

Whenever a flamestone reaches its brain and begins to recall its past experiences, its experience... will also be sent to the shadows at this time.

It seems that every flamestone has something special installed in it, giving them the ability to send signals to the shadows.

Of course, the flamestone itself is not known.

Therefore, the shadow has a strong interest in the creature of the flamestone, and it has learned a lot about the normal void through the flamestone.

However, there is still no trace of the creatures that have taught it before.

Until the shadows were discovered...

It is said that some time ago, there was such a flamestone collected by a group of Ershi people.

It seems that these Ershi people regarded it as an ordinary mineral, and just this flamestone is almost the age of the brain.

When the flamestone grew out of the brain, the shadow also learned the creature of Ershimin through its memories.

The group of Ershi people that it first discovered was a group of empty people.

They live in huge space stations and collect resources such as minerals from outside.

This flamestone was taken in as a mineral and then piled up in the warehouse without being used.

The shadows think this is wonderful, because these people are very similar to the creature that taught them.

But no one of the people... has the knowledge of that creature.

The shadows found that these Ershi people did not seem to know much about the normal void, and of course did not show any knowledge of the unforeseen land.

The second shadow found that the people of Ershi were in the space of hope.

I hope that the space has acquired a variety of normal void creatures, and many creatures have been born.

It also includes Ershimin.

At this time, the shadows had the opportunity to study these creatures carefully. It found that these people were indeed... a very fragile creature.

Although it is similar to the creatures that taught it before, it has no ability at all.

At that time, it also felt that it was necessary to leave the original position to better understand the situation outside.

In fact, it is intended to contact the people of Ershi and see what they have in particular. It feels that the detection is not comprehensive at a distance.

Moreover, it always feels that these people... can bring it to the creature that taught it.

Shame has done a lot of action, and finally there is a program that allows it to successfully leave the original place.

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