"I live with them... for a long time."

Broken shadows create a 'body' of the style of the Ershi people.

It can't move in its original position, but it can gather some dream powers in some ways to create a body.

This is related to the ‘color space’ that the original image is waiting for.

It suddenly found out at some point that it could return to the previous color space again, and it can continue to control the color... things.

Although these colors are few left, it still controls them.

The main thing is that the shadow can leave this space at any time, and it can also bring out the color it controls.

When colored things go outside, they become a variety of dream energy, and it can control these energy outside.

Thus, after many studies and tests, it used this ‘color dream energy' to create an Ershi people's body.

Then it controls the body... leaving the place.

It was not very smooth at first. After a lot of death, it finally left the edge of the unforeseen land... and arrived at the space of hope.

The shadows touched the people who lived in the space. Initially it wanted to understand things about the creatures that taught them.

But no one of the people knows.

The shadows have always been wandering in the space of hope, looking for different people to communicate.

Ershi people are considered to be 'slightly more' creatures in the space of hope, they will appear in multiple spaces, and the shadows do not know why.

It’s just these people... Their knowledge is generally low.

Most of Ershimin's cognition is limited to the 'level of the tumbling', they are almost ignorant of the various things in the void, and they do not know that they are in a special space.

But there are also a few who have a wealth of knowledge. Some of the people know the difference between unforeseen and normal voids, knowing that this is a special place.

And also has the ability to travel between the spaces of hope.

Broken shadows have found such knowledgeable Ershi people, but in the communication, they still can not provide any broken information.

However, many Ershi people mentioned the creature of Ershi, and these knowledgeable Ershi people are almost all acquired from Ershi.

But there is one exception.

The shadows met a group of very special people, who claimed to have traveled many places on their own, and all the knowledge was learned by themselves.

And this particular Ershi people also has nothing to do with the creatures that teach the shadows.

Broken shadows think that maybe the creature that taught it before has something to do with Ershi, so it wants to try to find Ershi.

This is much more difficult, because the body made by the shadow can't leave the space of hope.

Since I have never found a way to leave, the shadows are living with this body and a variety of different people... for a long time.

These Ershi people can be divided into three types.

One is that even if you don't know how to come here, it is simply a space inhabitant who was born with the hope of the space.

What is special here is that I hope that even the main consciousness in the space is a creature that has no connection with Ershimin. Occasionally, there are Ershi people in their space. This is the largest number of people who don’t know. .

The second Ershi people are 'Irish educators', their knowledge is obtained from Ershi, they also know that they used to live in Ershi, for some reason they left the Ershi, then came It is here.

In fact, most of them don't know the reason for coming here, but they have specific understanding of the environment that wants space, and many of these people can travel between the space of hope.

There is also a third... is a very special kind of people.

This group of people is also the self-proclaimed knowledge of the people who are learning themselves... They mainly play a role in the space of hope that can be called ‘hope mercenary’.

When the main consciousness of a space of hope becomes more and more desperate in constant reincarnation, they will appear.

They are mainly to save those who are desperate, but still feel a little hope, there is something to save their own consciousness.

Then the group of people will appear to help the main consciousness get rid of despair.

But their help is not free, they will receive a certain amount of compensation from the main consciousness.

Remuneration is their memory data, and they have some way to extract them.

This is a very mysterious organization, and the shadows have been swaying in the space of hope for a long time to get to know them a little.

Then it began to slowly contact the organization of the 'Hope Mercenary', and later it even touched the leader of the organization.

After the exchange, the shadows learned that the leader had traveled a lot in the normal void, and he did not live in Ershi, but it knew Ershi.

Moreover, this leader said that if the shadow wants to go to the normal void, it may be possible to arrive by some means.

It refers to the creature 'whirlwind', the leader tells the shadow, the whirlwind is a creature whose ‘soul’ is in the unpredictable land, but the body is in the normal void.

If the shadow uses a similar method, maybe you can do a body in the normal void.

But this leader doesn't know what to do, it just knows that there is such a creature as a cyclone.

The shadows began to try to find information about the cyclone.

At the same time, it continues to communicate with these people and live together.

Through long-term contact, the shadow has learned that this leader had a wonderful experience in the normal void.

Its earliest memories were kept in a transparent prison by a group of alien creatures, which auctioned it as a cherished animal to their own civilized capital.

Then it goes to various places, most of the time it is bought and sold, and some are other reasons.

Even it has been to many different civilizations.

In short, it is not dead, but also has come into contact with a lot of knowledge... I don't know if it is true or not, but this is definitely a wonderful experience.

It’s just... I hope that this wonderful organization of mercenaries will die soon after that.

The leader disappeared after that, and the shadow never saw it again.

Because the shadows are not always with them, it is mainly in the hope of space wandering.

Occasionally see members of the organization, the shadow will understand their situation.

This organization has completely disappeared without knowing it.

At that time, the shadow was not too concerned about this because it found one thing in the study.

The original flamestone... is essentially the same as a whirlwind.

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