“Everything here is born out of thinking.”

"Imagination is the foundation here, it shapes the root of this void."

"You have to recognize this and change yourself by imagination."

Here is a mountain, which is also known as the Mountain of Shadows.

It looks like a very simple rocky mountain from the outside... but there are a lot of Ershi people gathered around the mountain.

They are all here to learn how to be a real dream creature.

Lin also thinks that the broken shadow is very interesting... It is said that the real dream creatures mainly rely on thinking action.

Although many creatures in the normal void are also the same, there are still some differences. For example, when the creature of Ershimin is active, the brain sends signals to the body and the body performs activities.

The words of dream creatures are direct thinking.

For example, if you imagine yourself moving forward, your body will automatically follow the imagination and feel different from the previous control.

The current Ershi people are still constructed according to the data of normal voids, so the feeling here is the same as before.

If you go deep into the unforeseen, you must learn new ways of control, otherwise you will not be able to move in some places.

So Lynn can see that a large group of Ershi people here are constantly hitting and falling.

It can also be seen that some of Ershimin's actions are very fast, even faster than the original action.

It seems that the new control methods should be learned soon... but not all Ershi people are studying here.

There are still a lot of people living in their towns, they don't want to learn, but they don't think it's necessary to go deep.

There are many people who think that they should stay in places that are not so dangerous... and start to develop.

Wait until they are strong enough to travel or something.

So these people are discussing the current situation.

Although, at the time of their discussion, this dream Ershi has begun to go deep into the unpredictable land.

This is not controlled by Lin, but because this dream has a 'exploration system', it will not stay in this place all the time, but will continue to explore... and then return the exploration data to So, it was originally set up.

What Lin and the Ershi people here can do is to guide its direction, not to prevent it from exploring.

Therefore, if you want to guide, it is better to move to the depths of unforeseen places.

"We... maybe we should slow down."

Now Lynn's Veronica is still in the telescope tower, and the tower's telescope has been updated.

It is actually updated by the shadow, and after the update it can see a distance of almost one million kilometers.

Of course, this kind of viewing is not like the normal virtual telescope, only the appearance of the object can be seen. Here you can see almost all the details of the target.

The Broken Shadow itself brings a lot of interesting data, including its understanding of unforeseen places.

Moreover, Lynn also found that Dreams is not completely 'cured', that is, it can still be updated by entering some new data.

But this requires more complicated operations, not simply throwing data here.

Therefore, the previous ‘teacher’ attacking the dream of Ershi did not successfully influence the dream of Ershi.

Lynn also asked about the situation of ‘tutor’.

Shame also knows the mentor, who knows that the tutor is a fusion creature... but it is also essentially related to the distant shadow.

Accurately speaking, it is a fragment of a distant shadow similar to the shadow.

But the instructor is much more fragmented than the shadow, and it is not directly related to the distant shadow.

When the distant shadow left the area, the anomalous phenomenon formed by the distant shadow disappeared very quickly.

There are many special creatures in this area that are only here, so they disappeared quickly after the distant shadows left.

But some creatures have worked hard to survive.

Like comets and scale **** are living creatures that adapt to the dramatic environment by changing themselves.

What the instructor did was wonderful. It created a very powerful fusion by constantly blending the two creatures.

The essence of this fusion is actually close to the distant shadow, or it can be said to be a small part of the distant shadow.

You can use your own thinking to influence the environment and creatures around you.

Only this fusion is not very stable, the instructor actually noticed this, so it did not integrate itself into this fusion.

The main focus of the shadow on the tutor is that the instructor has gone through another void other than the normal void, which is the solidification of the void.

Broken shadows indicate that it is very interested in solidifying voids, but it knows very little.

The instructor has been to the normal void and has been to the solidification of the void, it has some techniques that the shadow does not know, but the most important thing is... there is more than one tutor.

In fact they are many different individuals.

Initially these tutors were just one, and slowly split into a number of different individuals.

The mentor that Lin sees now is also one of the split individuals.

Shattered images have not been concerned about them all the time, but it generally knows that the instructor's purpose is to find the original individual.

It was the original mentor who split up other instructors, so they always wanted to go back in various ways.

They have to go back to where the original tutor was, which is somewhere deep in the unforeseen.

At the moment they have no way to go back because... they have no loads.

"We should slow down."

When Lin was chatting with the shadows, the shadow suddenly said so.

At this time, Lin also found a huge ... river in front of the dream of Ershi.

It looks like a river, but it has a width of more than 100,000 kilometers, and there is a liquid that seems to be emitting a brilliant light.

This place before the shadow tells Lin, it is a real river.

It can also be said that it is a high-speed flow path composed of dream energy, and there are many similar environments in the unpredictable land.

A huge and stable load like a dreamer is needed to pass these special environments.

Although it looks like it can go around, the shadow suggests slowing down and going straight into the river.

So... Lin did it, directly letting Dreams rush into the 'river'.

As the dreams of Ershi slowly progressed, the surrounding 'water flow' completely wrapped the entire dream of Ershi.

These ‘waters’ did not touch the surface, but swiftly passed through the sky, which gave Lin the feeling that there was something to isolate the water that wrapped the rush.

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