“There are a lot of creatures here, but they will avoid them.”

Dreamland Ershi is slowly moving in the 'river'.

It is like having a transparent hood, and the liquids of the dream energy are all separated when approaching the dream.

Then the Ershi people on the surface watched the wonders of the sky while continuing to practice their movements on the ground.

These Ershi people now have new discoveries, and they feel that they can make themselves a lot easier when they practice well.

Because they imagine speed faster than body movements.

Simply put, they can quickly think of a set of actions, and then the body will act.

This is equivalent to giving yourself a series of actions 'presets'.

Although they are not very skilled at making them collide with each other, these people have already seen the potential of this control method, so more and more practice is coming.

As they practice this, Lin is mainly paying attention to the situation outside.

There are indeed many creatures in the liquid flowing in the sky. The shapes of these creatures look like stones.

Most of these creatures look at this side, although they have no eyes or anything, but Lin can perceive them to look at the surface.

Broken shadows say that they are not close to the dreams of Ershi, but not 100%.

Because Lynn can see some creatures trying to squeeze in here in the sky.

The sky does have a layer of 'shield', or a layer of soft structure like a foam.

Lin could see that several conical, rock-like creatures were writhing on the shield, seemingly trying to get in.

And one has indeed succeeded.

The sharp part at the bottom pierced a small hole in the shield, and it began to frantically drill the hole, and in the end, it made a hole large enough for the whole body to get in.

Then, the tapered stone squeezed in and fell down towards the surface.

What's more interesting is that the hole it made after it came in instantly healed, so it won't let more creatures get in.

This conical stone is more than three hundred meters in size. It slams from a height of more than 100,000 meters to the surface at high speed, and before it reaches the surface, there are successive explosions around its body.

These explosions were defensive weapons from the ground, and some towering trees fired at the sky.

They fired a large number of wood-like barrage from the top of the tree, which flew into the sky at a very fast speed... and exploded after hitting the target.

Under the volley of hundreds of trees, the conical stone that has been rotated has not yet reached the ground and is crushed by successive explosions.

When it reached an altitude of almost 10,000 meters, it became a piece of floating smoke.

It's very interesting. These trees are the automatic defense system of Dreams. It is different from the past and does not need to wait for the target to reach the surface to attack.

Since the fire is a piece of wood, the shooting process is also a process of self-disintegration of the whole tree. When they are launched, they can see that the tree splits from the top into numerous pieces and flies out.

However, after destroying the target, they will soon re-grow the part that is turned into a piece of wood.

When the trees were growing again, Lin noticed again that there were several conical stones in the sky that were similar to the previous ones.

Why do they want to come in?

Most of the creatures fly through the sky, but they don't want to come in.

The shadow does not know why these creatures are like this.

In fact, the shadow has not carefully studied the emotions of these creatures, it just knows that they have this behavior.

Because for a long time, the shadow has seen a lot of creatures making a huge vehicle like Dreamland Ershi to go deep.

Many of the creatures encountered on the way will generally avoid huge vehicles.

Including this ‘river’ is also, it will avoid dreams of Ershi not because the dreams of Ershi really have any shields.

But the river is also a creature.

It has a name - the first stream of knowledge, it is not a creature, but a collection of a large number of creatures.

It can also be said that there is a lot of initial consciousness.

Unlike normal voids, unpredictable land is full of conscious creatures.

There are many 'initial' creatures in the normal emptiness, such as the fungus, what is unconscious, the cell biology... Generally speaking, it is necessary to grow the nerve structure brain to have their own consciousness.

Unexpected creatures are conscious even if they are very primitive and ancient.

The standard of ‘consciousness’ mentioned here is that it has a self-awareness that absorbs the information of the surrounding environment and processes it.

This kind of 'river' is a confluence of a large number of primitive consciousness, mixed with countless small consciousnesses in the dream energy that constitutes a river-like state.

They are very small and intuitively similar to cells.

But they can also recognize and think about the surrounding environment. These tiny consciousnesses produce the idea of ​​moving forward in the place where they were born.

When a large number of miniature consciousness move together in one direction, they form this huge river.

Although these miniature consciousness can think, the degree of intelligence is very low.

They generally perceive the void and think which direction the food will move in.

When they are gathered together, they can perceive a considerable distance, but it is not clear what will happen on the road.

And the large, stone-like creatures floating in the river are considered to be 'shun'.

That is, the place they want to go is in the same direction as the river, so take the river forward.

These creatures are common to shattering, but they have never studied them carefully, but have generally observed their behavior.

When these miniature consciousnesses avoid large vehicles, they also create a layer of 'substance' to wrap the target to avoid.

The same is true of the ‘guard’ that envelops the dream of Ershi.

Most creatures will circumvent huge vehicles, but there are some wonderful things... like they want to get in now.

They sneaked in and slammed into the ground, but most of them were shattered in the air.

But they still try to get in here.

A large number of invaders make the trees on the surface almost consuming, and they will always fire wood chips to attack until the last small tree stump.

When the attack power is weak, there is a creature that is close to the surface.

It slammed out a large piece of smoke, but did not hit the ground.

Because it hit a giant object drilled from the ground.

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