4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 94: Understand the journey

"The defense of this place has not been fully upgraded."

Dreamland Ersh has left the 'river' area of ​​subtle consciousness.

Passing the river is not a very easy thing.

The current surface has been thrown out of many huge marks by the falling stones.

Although the creatures that created the traces have been solved by the defense system, the damage they cause is not as fast as it can be repaired.

Because... Dreamland's defense system is not perfect.

The dream of Ershi is not always constructed, but in fact, the dream has an upgrade function.

It has the function of collecting dream energy and improving the overall ability. For example, after collecting the energy data of various dream creatures, you can grow stronger weapons.

Dreamland has its own ability to analyze dream energy data and use it to grow new features.

This is also the function that dreams have in mind, but it is not automatically used, but requires the controller to determine what data to use.

The controller is also Lin, or other Ershi people can.

However, they are not very likely to use this part of the system now, and Lin did not teach them, so it can be said that Lin is now giving this system to ... exclusive.

Lynn is now testing the dream energy of those dead creatures.

These stone-like creatures are now fragmented and scattered on the surface of Ershi, by detecting them.

Through the shadows, Lin generally knows what they are thinking.

Although Lin doesn't know much about the thinking structure of the creatures here, the broken shadows are quite understandable.

So the shadow can help Lin translate the thinking of these creatures... so that the reason they invade the dreams is mainly... they are exercising.

These conical stones are generally creatures, and they are similar to the current Ershi people, that is, they are exercising their body's control.

The way they exercise is to destroy the giant objects they see.

The more huge objects, the more attractive they are, and of course the dreams.

In general, the things they crush are not creatures, they have shattered a lot of giant objects around them.

It’s just that they have encountered this defensive object like Dreams... so they are destroyed here.

This shredding is also quite wonderful. Although it has seen creatures that like to destroy giants, no one will attack these ‘carriers’.

These creatures basically avoid the vehicle, although the vehicle is not common.

In short, Lin now puts the data of these creatures into the data repository of Dreams, and then tries to extract some of the data for analysis.

The system inside Dreams automatically parses the data and tries to use it where it is useful.

This part of the parsing upgrade does not require control.

In fact, Lin is more inclined to control its parsing function, so that he can understand the dream energy in more detail.

Lin can only control which part of it to upgrade.

Like the upgrade of the telescope tower, it also obtained some data enhancements from the shadows.

Next, the dream of Ershi continued to move towards the depths of the void.

The Ershi people are also constantly exercising their ability to control the body. Some of the people of Ershi are making rapid progress, while others are no different from just starting exercise.

It seems that this is different from country to country.

Lynn's Veronica has been observing the surrounding voids on the telescope tower.

This section of the road is boring, no special scenery appears.

Now the dream of Ershi is still in the coverage of the distant shadow, and it has to go a long way to leave this range.

As for how long... may be very fast or slow, mainly whether you can touch some special areas of 'crossing points'.

Broken shadow tells Lin that travel in unforeseen places is somewhat different from normal voids.

Here you can use the normal void way to determine the distance between objects, and the way of moving is somewhat wonderful.

As far as the shadows are concerned, there is no such thing as 'individual space' in the unpredictable land, and everything is in the same 'level'.

So you can't move across distances by space.

Of course, there is no transmission here, but sometimes there is a similar transmission effect.

Because the creatures in the unpredictable land have a wonderful ability called ‘thinking movement’.

When a creature sees an object, it judges how far it is from the target, and imagines what obstacles between itself and the target, and at the same time produces the idea of ​​going to the goal.

At this time, the creature will begin to move forward.

This seems to be the biggest difference from the normal void, a creature can simply rely on imagination to move.

This is also known as ‘thinking movement’.

Thinking movement is actually a kind of 'crawling'.

When a creature imagines his or her distance from the target and tries to go to the target, its own core of thought... will begin to absorb a special kind of dream energy.

This kind of dream energy is generally located in the void of the unpredictable land, they are very special varieties.

Because they are hardly perceived by dream creatures, they push the creatures forward.

When a creature moves its mind, it is a process of inhaling this energy and discharging it. This special energy will pass through their bodies at a very fast speed, and the creature will move forward in the process of thinking.

It seems that almost all dream creatures are born with this ability, whether they know it or not.

Because most of the creature's perceptions simply don't feel this kind of dream energy... But as long as they think about going to a place, the body will automatically start moving forward.

This feeling is similar to a fish in the water, but the fish can not recognize the water around, it finds that it only needs to swing the body to move forward.

The speed of thinking movement is also related to the biological thinking ability. It can also be said that the more complex, the more powerful thinking ability can move faster.

At present, the thinking ability of these people is moving in this way, and it is possible to reach 100 meters in two seconds at the earliest.

At present, the dream of Ershi is also advancing in this way of ‘thinking movement’.

It advances by constantly locking the target at the front of the meter, not one meter on the surface, one meter on the 'atmosphere'.

The edge of the ‘atmosphere’ of the dreamland is almost 100,000 meters above the surface.

However, this speed will not reach the speed of light any more quickly, so to make a long distance move, you need to find the jumping point.

Some special places, as long as you use your mind to move, you will feel like you have suddenly experienced a long time.

This kind of place is a jumping point and can reach very far away.

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