4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 95: Data birth

"This is... the hall of wisdom in the legend?"

“Is there still such a thing here?”

It is a wide cave in the depths of the ground.

A group of Ershi people are gathering here, in front of them there are three pillars of more than ten meters.

At the top of each pillar is a biological statue that looks like a rock.

This was discovered by Lynn not long ago.

Because Lin has been trying to use the collected data to upgrade the dreams, now the weapons have improved a lot.

At the time of the upgrade, Lynn also discovered a special feature, that is, the 'Office of Wisdom'.

This place is mainly to promote the creatures like Ershimin.

Because many Ershi people can't learn new ways of body control, it also means they can't use ‘thinking movement’.

Although you can use the common movement of normal voids here, if you can't use the movement of thinking, it may not move in some places.

Lin found that after collecting some data, Dreamland built a ‘wisdom hall’, whose function is mainly to let the residents on the surface learn the way of life in the unpredictable land.

And this room of wisdom is built automatically, not by Lynn.

Obviously, the dream of Ershi itself has the function of constantly collecting data to understand the unpredictable land, and it will grow these devices that adapt to the current environment.

So, Lin asked a group of people who could not learn how to learn, and see if they can learn in this place.

After seeing that all of them came in, Lin began to start the system of the Hall of Wisdom.

The creatures on the three pillars in front of them are also active, and there are three teaching creatures on the pillars.

These three creatures are responsible for teaching the people to learn how to control.

They are otters, bear worms and cockroaches... that is, larvae of mosquitoes.

Why are these three kinds of creatures not clear? Of course, they are not as small as they are. Each of these three creatures has a size of about ten meters.

In short, when they are active, Ershi people can clearly feel the controlled thinking from them and learn quickly.

At this time, the three creatures that were originally statues began to move, and their rocky skins slowly fell off and fell on the ground one by one.

"How do you feel this..."

Although these people have lived in the dream world without bugs for a long time, they still have a sense of disgust with these creatures.

Especially after zooming in many times, their shape is very disgusting for Ershimin.

However, there are also a few people who are not afraid of getting close to the creatures in front of them.


Suddenly, an Ershi people made a scream.

Because the cockroach in front of it suddenly twisted his body and bit his head.

The head of the Ershimin was twisted down by the cockroaches, and the rest of the body was still struggling on the ground.

Because this Ershimin's core of thinking is not in the head, it does not die immediately.

The original Ershi people will almost certainly die when they hurt their heads, but now they are not so easy to die, which is related to their learning.

Even the poorly educated Ershi people have become more and more like...dream creatures.

"what is this!"

The Ershi people who were shocked by this scene have taken out their weapons and aimed at this.

And this cockroach twisted his body and rushed over them.

As for the other two creatures... it seems that they have not seen the situation at all, and they started to make various actions in situ.

What these two creatures do is very normal to teach the actions of the Ershimin control method.

It seems... only this is a problem.

When Lin thought about it, it once again bit the head of an Ershimin.

The Ershi people shot it in horror, and a large number of bullets hit it to create a large number of bullet holes.

But it didn't seem to hurt its vitality. The cockroach jumped on the ground and slammed into the group.

It hit a few Ershi people in a flash and began to roll on the ground quickly, knocking down all the people around, and when it knocked down an Ershi, it would immediately bite it. Head and hit the next one.

There are only sixteen people in the country, and when they find that their companions fall down one by one, and the weapons have no great effect... these Ershi people began to flee from this place in panic.

The cockroach immediately chased it up, and finally it writhed and almost bitten every Ershi.

But they did not kill them, because they only bite their bodies and did not kill them immediately.

Then he began to eat these Ershi people... It quickly swallowed the half body of ten Ershi people and began to roll in a group.

Obviously it has a big problem, and Lynn finds it is not just here.

Lynn noticed that there were similar situations in many places on the whole dream.

Because the dream of Ershi is not only the hall of wisdom after using the new data, there are other buildings.

These buildings are all underground. I saw it with a telescope just now and found that there are flaws in almost every new building.

They are not actually larvae of blood-sucking mosquitoes, but larvae of a large mosquito.

Adult worms of the mosquitoes do not **** blood, but many larvae are predatory.

It seems that the cockroaches that come out here also inherit this habit. They attack the surrounding creatures and quickly dissipate after eating enough.

Then... it quickly feathered, and it took about three thousand seconds to turn from a cockroach to a big mosquito.

After the emergence, they climbed out of the underground facility and flew to the sky.

Lin has seen more than 300 such large mosquitoes, which are smaller than the larval period and have about six meters.

The main thing is that the dream system of the dream will not attack them.

And they all flew over the telescope tower where Lin was located.

'boom--! ’

So, Lin laid one.

Because the defense system does not automatically attack these targets, Lin can still issue commands to the defense system.

When Lin controlled the trees on the surface to launch these giant mosquitoes, Lin found that they spread out in an instant.

It seems that they have abandoned the idea of ​​gathering, but... want to escape.

Each of them rushed to the void at a rapid rate, and Lin continued to control the weapons on the surface to shoot them.

One...two...ten... Many of the big mosquitoes fell back to the surface under Lin’s successive shots.

In the end, none of them escaped, all falling to the ground.

But Lynn thinks this may not be all of them.

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