4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 96: civilization

"We...here...you must find..."

Lin thought about this before.

When the dream is used to upgrade the data in the database, it may lead to some strange situations.

For example, the return of the 'mentor'.

These big mosquitoes are made out of it.

When Lin shot them down and tested them, they found that the mosquitoes themselves were made by the mentor...

Previously, the instructor used the 'air wall' to put a lot of data on the dream ground, and the data was stored in the database.

Of course, Lin did not use the data of the instructor when upgrading.

But now it is found that the instructor's data seems to be mixed into other data, causing an abnormal situation in the upgrade data.

Eventually led to the birth of these mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes themselves have some special effects. They are not attacked by the dream system of the dreams, because they are treated as creatures here, and the instructors can direct them to act in the distance.

Initially, when they were born, the mentor originally wanted to control them to attack Lin, because it still wanted to occupy the dream of Ershi.

However, after discovering that Linda’s wise dream system attacked it, it immediately gave up the idea of ​​occupation and tried to escape into the void.

Because the void is its real goal.

It has to find its target in the vicinity, that is, the real mentor body seems to be somewhere nearby.

The ‘mentor’ that Lin encountered before was formed by the consciousness split from the ontology. Its long-term goal was to find this ontology.

It now seems to have failed, and all the big mosquitoes have been shot down by Lin.

Only Lin believes that it does not send all of it out, and may still hide some of it in the dream.

Although it has not been discovered yet, Lynn feels that it should not consume all the troops at once.

If this is the case, then continue searching around.

This incident also caused a great panic among the people of Ershi. They did not dare to use these new facilities, and they were all prepared to be fully armed before they could continue to practice body control.

At the same time, they are increasingly skeptical about this journey.

However, the dream of Ershi is still moving forward, no matter how the above creatures think, this journey will not stop.

Although nothing special happened next, there was always an endless void, and the scenery lasted for a long time.

Lin has always controlled the dreams of Ershi to crush and collect data on the detection of floating objects that occasionally appear nearby.

Lin didn't find any creatures that the mentor made were hiding somewhere... but still, I kept paying attention.

Until...the dreamland is close to somewhere.

"We are close to a recent civilization."

I told Lin before the broken shadow.

There are also many civilizations in the unpredictable land... The civilization here is actually easier to form than the normal void.

This civilization seems quite interesting, it is called the 'permanent parliament'.

Lin can see through the telescope that there are countless floating objects in the void in front of the dreaming Ershi. These floating objects are some white objects of a dozen meters in size.

Their shapes all look square.

These squares are also the main inhabitants of this civilization.

They are called 'members of parliament'.

It is said that there may be more than one billion in this neighborhood.

Their main feature is the constant discussion of parliament, which generally opens parliament in groups of dozens.

These 'members' are always discussing something... they may discuss anything.

For example, if there are any creatures nearby, there are floating objects around them, and the appearance of dreams like Ershi will become their discussion material.

Each member of their discussion group will discuss one thing in great detail.

For example, if they discuss the dreams of Ershi, they will discuss what creatures are there. How these creatures lived, how they were born, and what constitutes dreams.

They will continue to discuss until the entire group feels that there are no new things to discuss, then they will choose several 'outside members'.

These members will go to the void to find any interesting things that can be discussed.

They will return after they are found, and then continue to discuss with members.

If the members waiting for too long have not waited for the few to go out, they will ‘distract.’

In fact, it is to spread out to join other discussion groups, and then continue to discuss.

Some individuals who are scattered sometimes form a new discussion group and then start a new topic discussion.

And the process they discuss... is also the process of their eating.

Because the unpredictable land is a void of thought, thinking will cause a lot of effects here.

When these 'parliament members' are discussing, there will be a special kind of dream energy flowing to them.

They can absorb these dream energies as a supplement to food.

In fact, Lin can also see that they are very similar to the subtle... the streams are gathered from the surroundings.

And this ‘stream’ does not touch any individual, and it will spread into smaller debris as it approaches the distance of thousands of kilometers of this large parliamentary group.

Finally, these debris will be absorbed by these members of the parliament.

It is said that they were originally a small group and then slowly became more and more.

Of course, they are not just discussions, they will slowly learn to discuss the various things of the object during the discussion.

For example, they discuss a weapon, and when they are finished, they can learn how to make it.

Although these members of the parliament seem to be like squares, this is actually a kind of condensed and transformed dream energy.

Simply put, they can turn most of their dream energy into what they once discussed in their history in a very short period of time...any weapon.

This is also their main way to prevent predators.

Of course, they are also the main way to develop civilization.

By constantly discussing other things, they will constantly improve their own...dream energy construction techniques.

Therefore their civilization has become more and more powerful.

The standard of judgment of the shadows on civilization is mainly that it will be clustered on a large scale, and ... will continue to develop and progress.

This is the case with the ‘permanent parliament’.

Civilized creatures do not evade vehicles, but these discussion members generally do not attack without being attacked.

So the shadows think that dreams can pass them safely.

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