“Food?” “Threats?” “Can destroy things.” “It’s hard to recognize.” “From an abnormal situation.”

Dreamland Ersh is moving between the large group of 'parliament members'.

These members seem to have no performance on the approach of the dreams, they are still floating in the same place, only when the dreams are too close to them, they will fly away.

Therefore, the dream of Ershi can also seem to be safely shuttled in this civilization.

Although on the surface they don't seem to want to do anything... but in fact they react a lot to the arrival of dreams.

Many members of the surrounding parliament began to discuss the content of the dream of Ershi after the dream of Ershi approached.

Lin can use the telescope to directly "see" their discussion.

When the members of the parliament discuss it, they will glow in different colors around their bodies.

This is the performance of their discussion, and each time they discuss their body, they will emit some dream energy signals.

And these signals allow the shadows to be translated to know what they are saying.

These members are conducting a full-scale discussion on the dream of Ershi, such as where the dream is from, how was it born, what kind of environment on the surface, can you eat, what creatures can be destroyed, internal What constitutes it.

Their discussion process was quite interesting, and they began to come up with quite a few possibilities.

For example, the possibility that dreams of Ershi may be composed of polymerized variations of their excreta has been raised.

But soon they will remove those low possibilities and start to focus on some of the possibilities.

"They... not quite normal."

For the members of the parliament who are constantly discussing these issues, Shakespeare said: "They gave up the original discussion."

Lynn questioned: "Abandon the original discussion?"

"This is a rare phenomenon." The shadow said: "They almost never give up on this topic to discuss the other before thoroughly discussing a topic, but now... they almost gave up the original topic."

This point has indeed been observed, and Lin found that it is not just a group to discuss the dream of Ershi... Thousands of members around are discussing the dreams of Ershi.

And with the advancement of dreams, the number of members who discuss dreams is also increasing.

It seems that they immediately gave up the original discussion and began to discuss the dream of Ershi.

Broken shadows indicate that this situation is very weird... usually only happens when they are attacked.

When they are invaded, they will abandon the original discussion and start to focus on the intruder and prepare to attack.

They are...it seems to be doing this now.

Although Dreams did not attack them at all, they still regarded Dreams as an intruder.

'Snapped--! ’

At this time, Lynn saw somewhere in the sky flashing white light.

This kind of brilliance was emitted by a group of members, and most of the surrounding members also emitted a similar light.

The white light of the bloom instantly wrapped the whole dream of Ershi, and it seemed that everything around it had turned white.

This is not the kind of dazzling white, but like a pale color.

"Full speed... leave here!"

When the shadows were said, Lin noticed that there were many black shadows in the white awns of the sky.

These black shadows are like tens of meters long swords. They fly from the sky like raindrops and slam into the surface of Ershi.

The trees on the surface also reacted, and the black shadows scattered on the sky shot countless pieces of wood.

The explosion burst under the pale sky, and most of the attacks were stopped, but some black swords were tied to the surface.

At the same time, Lin can also see a small, creek-like ‘flowing water’ from the position of the 'sword', which flows directly toward the pale sky.

It seems that they are getting information on the surface through this ‘sword’ and discussing it.

But not long after, the sword was pulled from the surface by the huge vineman and screwed into pieces.

But under the pale sky, the flying shadows never stop, they are getting more and more, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

“This is the effect of ‘discussion’!” shattered and said: “As they move on to the discussion here...the more damage they have to this place!”

The shattering showed some nervous emotions. At the moment when it was finished, Lin saw a huge light and shadow in the sky falling down in an instant.

It looks like a white curved flash that hits the surface at an extremely fast speed, smashing countless vegetation and creating a crack of more than two hundred meters and ten kilometers long on the ground.

In this crack, a large amount of white particles flow into the sky like a flowing snow river.

Lin feels like this is a kind of 'cracking' effect, the surface position hit by them will become a lot of debris decomposition and stripping, and absorbed into the sky.

It seems that it really can't stay here for too long.

Thinking, Lin started the full weapon system of Dreams, and the trees and plants on the surface began to grow wildly... They smashed at the moment they grew, and sprinkled countless pieces into the sky.

The tops of the mountains on the ground also burst open, emitting huge lava shells against the sky.

Due to the full launch of the weapons on the surface, the rain of the barrage that bloomed in a moment of dreams was stronger than the attack of the sky.

A large number of wood chips and artillery fire rushed into the pale sky that covered the sky. Under countless roars, large pieces of pale quickly retreated.

When the scenery around the void was clear again, Lynn could see that the dreams of Ershi were crowded with dense members of the parliament.

They are no longer the shape of the squares in the past, each of them is not the same shape, it looks like a variety of different stones.

Moreover, they are still being discussed continuously.

Discussed about the various weapons used by the dreams of Ershi, and also discussed what the dreams are.

At the time of the discussion, they launched an attack again.

Their attack style is quite similar to that of Ershi's trees. They shake their bodies and get out of the body.

This detached part will quickly turn black and rush to the surface of the dreamy Ershi.

When a large group of members of the parliament attacked together, the barrage they radiated could also cover the sky at this moment.

And the dreamer is also pouring out the weapons on the surface.

As the numerous explosions in the sky bloom, Lynn is watching it carefully.

Lin believes that the battle, the odds of losing dreams... is very big, it is not enough to counter this civilization.

:. :

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