4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 102: Slag land

Here is a vast land.

A thick layer of gray dust accumulates on the surface, spreading to the far end of Veronica's view.

This place...Lin thinks it should be called 'dust desert'.

Veronica is now standing in this desert, and behind Veronica is the data room cut in half.

Lin came here not long ago.

When the members of the parliament paid attention to the metal fragments that flew down in the sky, Lynn let Veronica drag the data room and fly toward the void.

Because Veronica itself is entirely at the core of thinking, thinking ability is very powerful.

Using ‘thinking movement’ can also achieve a fairly fast speed, so you can fly up the data room.

When flying to the edge of the ‘atmosphere’ of the dream of Ershi, Veronica suddenly felt as if he had experienced a very long time.

Then... I arrived at this place.

It seems that ‘jumping’ has succeeded, but Lynn doesn’t know where it is, and I don’t know if those members of the parliament will jump here.

Looking at the minis in his hand, Lynn found that it had stopped working.

This is a relationship that is too far away from the dream of Ershi. There is a way for Lin to start it again, but it is not enough now... at least the data room must be repaired.

So, Lin came to the temple where she was cut and threw the minis into the hall.

With Veronica turning around, he embarked on a new journey toward this dusty desert.

This place is gravitational, relatively weak compared to the dream of Ershi, only about half.

Lin feels that this is also a place associated with normal voids. It looks like it is dark in the sky, so it should be a huge float.

The dust on the floor is 'dream residue'.

It can be said that many dream of biological excrement.

Dream creatures also produce certain waste when they absorb other dream energy transformations. Usually, dream creatures have no special excretory organs, and these wastes will float in their epidermis to look like dust.

For the first time, Lynn saw so many places where dreams were gathered. They accumulated on the ground...may have a thickness of more than 100 meters.

Of course, these residues cannot be used as materials for the repair data room.

So you need to find something to look for everywhere.

And before the activity was too intense, Veronica itself needs to replenish energy.

But I don't know where there is something right in this desert... Looking at a towering sand dune in front, Veronica walked over there.

Going to the top of the dune, Lin looked away from the distance... Soon Lin found that ten things were moving slowly three kilometers away.

They look... a bit like the leg **** they encountered before.

It's just that they are not balls, but a pyramid-shaped body with two slender legs at the bottom.

Their pyramids are more than two meters in size, and they are more than five meters tall when counted.

These creatures wandered on the dust-covered surface at a very slow rate, and they were also gray.

So Lynn thinks they can be called... gray legs.

After watching it for a while, Veronica came to this group of gray legs.

After walking more than two kilometers along the way, they did not react, until they were close to them within a hundred meters, these gray legs seemed to notice Lin.

They turned and walked in the direction of Veronica.

These things go very slowly, and they take a step in almost three seconds, one step at a distance of one meter.

Watching them come over, Veronica picked up a cloud of dust from the ground and pressed them hard to throw them away.

'Snapped! ’

The dust ball hit the nearest gray leg.

The gray leg suddenly reacted a lot. It first made a scream. This scream is different from the leg ball... The ball of the leg is very close to the Ershi people, and the scream of this gray leg is like a kind of Siren.

Under the sound of it, the other gray legs spread quickly, and the screaming one went in the other direction.

They walked a lot faster, becoming a second step, but this speed was easily chased by Lynn.

Veronica caught up with the gray leg of the beggar. As he approached it, Veronica jumped directly from the sand and landed on its pyramid.

When Veronica jumped up, the gray leg made a sharper squeak, and it was pierced by the hair at the moment.

When Lin tested the inside of her, Lin found this gray leg... there was a lot of dream residue in the body.

However, there are some complicated things in the body, such as mechanical structures, obviously this should be its internal organs and the like.

So, Lin began to use hair dismantling these structures.

Lin removed when it is used in many structures in the body hair, the gray legs issued a variety of screams.

Finally... it fell to the ground.

This is different from the usual dream creatures, which are creatures whose internal operating system is closer to normal void creatures.

After it fell, Lynn carefully examined it.

The gray leg is really a kind of creature that feeds on these residues.

They have a hollow at the end of their legs, and each step takes some residue on the ground and then transports the residue through the hollow legs to the body.

It then transforms a portion of the residue into its own energy through a complex system in the body.

Not all debris can be converted. Although the residue on the ground looks similar, there are actually many differences.

These gray legs only transform specific residues, so they move around and look for the right residue for food.

This creature is quite fun... Of course, it is itself a food and restoration material for Lynn.

But Lynn felt that she should learn and make a residue conversion structure that would break down the energy of the base.

By repairing the data room by catching the gray legs, it is enough to catch a few hundred.

Obviously there are not so many here, but since there are such creatures, there must be other creatures here, so just look for it.

Next, Lin also grabbed the other nine escaping gray legs and dragged them back to the data room.

These gray legs will not move as long as they are disassembled, but if they do not damage the internal organs and then assemble them back... they will move again.

Because of this interesting feature, Lynn can store them without killing them.

But Lin still split half of the gray legs and made them a material...the means of transportation.

This will be more convenient to act.

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